The strongest undead system

Chapter 713 Xiaoyue City

Chapter 713 Xiaoyue City

Maybe five days, maybe ten days later.

The bald heads were shining brightly under the sunlight, and scriptures came out from the mouths of these bald heads.

These Buddhist practitioners spend half of their time reciting scriptures on weekdays, and they don't know what is the use of reciting these awkward scriptures.Can people directly upgrade to the saint level?Obviously impossible.Can it bring people back to life and stay young forever?Even more impossible!
But these Buddhist practitioners just like this, and they don’t recite a scripture every day, and they feel uncomfortable all over.

An old bald man suddenly stopped chanting, and he looked up at the sunny sky.A stiff smile appeared on his face: "Buddha has finally come to the area near us."

"Old Lord Buddha, is that so?" A group of young monks also heard the words of the old bald head. They who had always kept their ears to the outside world and focused on reciting Buddhist scriptures stopped their mouths in a rare way, and asked one by one in surprise.

Lord Buddha, not Buddha.Millions of years ago, there were many Buddhas in the Chaos Realm, and the last Buddha set three Buddha Lord positions under his seat, which means that apart from the Buddha himself, the three Buddha Lords are the largest.

Of course, the last Buddha in the place of Buddhist cultivation naturally could not escape the end of sitting and passing away, but no one knows where he passed away. Only the three Buddha masters got a relic that came from the sky by themselves, so that the Buddha was confirmed. News of death.

This Buddha has done good deeds throughout his life, punished evil and promoted good.

Before he disappeared, he left behind a sentence that is the most classic and widely circulated in the land of Buddhist cultivation:

"Although my Buddha is merciful, I should be furious when I see evil!
Demons are rampant, and the Buddha also holds a butcher's knife! "

A good sentence Buddha also holds a butcher's knife!

Then, the Buddha, who uttered the famous sayings that have been passed down through the ages, killed the invading evil spirits with one move.

Although this Buddha is a person who does good deeds, there are countless dead souls in his hands.But his Buddha heart has never been affected by the killing. In the hearts of the three Buddha Lords and all Buddhist practitioners, it is a complete miracle.

Although this classic sentence of the Buddha has been widely circulated and memorized by all Buddhist practitioners, since the Buddha passed away before he taught the mantra, no one has really taken this sentence as the principle of belief.

A person who cultivates Buddhahood is a person who cultivates Buddhahood.Why practice Buddhism?
To be kind is to practice Buddhism.

Which Buddhist cultivator dares to kill?Not to mention the blood on their hands, what they regret most is the destruction of the Buddha's heart that has been cultivated for a lifetime.

On this day, the land of Buddhist cultivation boiled.

Dozens of days ago, there was such a sensation in the Buddha's life.Today's sensation is bigger than before.Because the Buddha is close to the place of Buddha cultivation!
A Buddha child is a person who is blessed by a Buddha or born with a Buddha heart.As long as the Buddha's heart is not extinguished, the Buddha's child will definitely become a Buddha!
That's why all Buddhist cultivators are so excited, because if there is no accident, a Buddha who has been looked down upon by the world but has top-notch strength is about to appear in the place of Buddhist cultivators, which will cause a sensation in the entire chaotic world!
No one knows who the Buddha's son in the mouth of the Buddha is.

Lin Yi didn't know either.

Because at this moment, he is not in the place of Buddhist cultivation, but on the border of Bingli Kingdom on the right side of the Buddhist cultivation place.

"Fuck! Why is it a bit cold here!" Lin Yi shuddered exaggeratedly, and cursed.

Miss Lin didn't understand Lin Yi's cunning, so she chuckled and held Lin Yi's hand directly.

"Hey! Sister Lin, you know me best!" Lin Yi grinned.

Yuan Taiji and Wei Changsheng felt extremely disgusted by Lin Yi.

"A sour smell of love!" The little girl also exaggeratedly fanned the air under her nose with her hands, with a look of disgust.

The little girl now speaks with a strong modern style, which is naturally the masterpiece of a certain mad dog.Under his ten-day, day and night, earnest influence, the little girl has become a modern person in half of China.

The little girl has already mastered all kinds of hot words and old stalks with a high degree of proficiency.

Lin Yi slapped the little girl's head with a slap: "What do you know about things in the adult world, little girl? Shut up now?"

After ten days passed, Lin Yi's mentality also adjusted back.No matter what will happen after more than 300 days, Lin Yi will not flinch!

Go ahead!Rampage!
As he said that, Lin Yi couldn't help but carefully looked at the city walls of the Bingli Kingdom.Then Lin Yi shook his head, the city wall was different from the city wall in the second picture he saw.So the location of the incident will not be here.

"Let's go?" Master Lin took the little girl's little hand with the other hand and laughed.

It is said that it is not difficult for a woman to establish a friendship with a woman. Ten days is enough for Master Lin and Lin Liu to establish a valuable friendship.

Holding Lord Lin's warm hand, Lin Liu glared at Lin Yi not to be outdone.

Lin Yi pretended not to see the little girl's staring eyes, and led everyone towards Bingli Kingdom.

In the Bingli Kingdom, there are a total of 27 large and small city-states.The city-state where Lin Yi and the others are located is a big city in the Bingli Kingdom.It is called Xiaoyue City.

This Xiaoyue City is a city-state between the Ice Glass Country and the coast of the East China Sea, and belongs to the jurisdiction of the Bing Glass Country.

Just by looking at the words written on the city gate, one feels very grand.

A group of five people walked to the gate of Xiaoyue City.

There was an endless stream of pedestrians, and they formed a long queue.Many of them were fishermen on the coast of the East China Sea. They brought the fish they caught and wanted to sell them in Xiaoyue City for corresponding rewards.

There are also some ranger rogue cultivators queuing up to enter the city. Most of them have a hint of arrogance on their faces, as if they want to turn the whole Xiaoyue City upside down before they are willing to enjoy themselves.

There are also some merchants traveling south and north, bringing some servants and hired experts to escort a cart of valuable goods.

There is also Mr. Pianpian and the young girl walking together, the man is full of energy and the woman is gentle and charming, everyone seems to be the protagonist.

Compared with these people, Lin Yi and the others are more like ordinary people.Expressive expression freely.

"I can't tell, Xiaoyue City is really popular." A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

"Xiaoyue City is not welcome, so you are welcome?"

A woman standing in front of Lin Yi giggled.


The man holding the woman's hand yelled, and then interrupted the woman who seemed to be about to continue talking.

"I'm sorry, Cai'er is like this. Cai'er was offended just now, and I still look forward to your brother Haihan." The man carrying a huge bookcase looked back at Lin Yi, with a smile and apology on his face.This man should be a scholar, and his speech has a kind of refined atmosphere.

When the man's gaze turned to the beautiful and moving Master Lin's face, he froze suddenly.Immediately, he quickly looked away, and muttered to himself, "See no evil!"
The man's voice was extremely low, but it was clearly heard by Lin Yi and the others.

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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