The strongest undead system

Chapter 77 Li Qing's Death

Chapter 77 Li Qing's Death
Yu Ling frowned, looking at the guard at the sixth level of psychic realm, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I admit it!"

Lin Yi said suddenly.

The Dragon Killing Saber in his hand was thrust into the ground forcefully by him, and he didn't know when he stood up from the ground.

"Boy, that's right!"

"Now come here alone, tell your three subordinates to stand where they are!"

A guard laughed happily and said to Lin Yi.

A cold light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, he glanced at Li Qing who was caught, and finally walked over.

"Boss, don't go there!"


Lin Yi ignored Yu Ling's voice and walked straight to Li Qing.

A guard raised his hand and slapped Lin Yi's chest with his palm, and the blood volume on Lin Yi's head instantly cleared to zero!
"Boss!" Seeing this, the three Yu Ling were ready to rush over.

"The host has been killed, can I spend a hundred spirit crystals to resurrect with full blood?"


The next moment, the blood tank on top of Lin Yi's head returned to full.

"Don't come here! If anyone doesn't listen to me, I, Lin Yi, will treat him as if I don't have his brother!" Lin Yi shouted.He stopped the movements of the three Yu Ling who were about to move.

"Boy, you have a tough bone!" The guard who wiped out Lin Yi's blood laughed.

"I'm already here, let him go." Lin Yi looked at the guard and said coldly.No matter how much anger is in his heart, Lin Yi can't let it out now.

"Don't worry, I still have 28 brothers here, one of them will give you a slap in the face, vent your anger first and then talk about releasing you."

Lin Yi frowned.

The guard's tone turned cold: "What? Do you want your little girlfriend to die?"

These words instantly extinguished Lin Yi's anger. Li Qing was in the hands of the guards, so Lin Yi could not make any changes.

"Lord Lin Yi, leave now! Even if I die, it's not a big deal, leave me alone..." Li Qing yelled, but was brutally covered by a guard.Unable to speak to persuade Lin Yi to leave, tears flowed from the corners of Li Qing's eyes.Shaking his head frantically, motioned Lin Yi to leave.

Seeing Li Qing's tears, Lin Yi felt a pain in his heart.This girl is sincere to him, even if she wants to die, she still has to give Lin Yi a chance to live.

"Li Qing, I'm sorry..." Lin Yi closed his eyes, and said slowly, "I got you in trouble."

"Don't like me either, I have someone else in my heart." Lin Yi said this in his heart.He didn't dare to say it, because he was afraid that Li Qing would be singled out by himself, and his heart would be ashamed.

Li Qing was still shaking his head frantically, making whining noises incessantly.

"Noisy bitch!" The guard who reached out to cover Li Qing's mouth frowned, and slashed at the back of Li Qing's neck with a hand knife.Li Qing closed his eyes, tilted his head, and did not make a sound.

Lin Yi could clearly sense that Li Qing's breath disappeared in an instant!
Li Qing was killed!
"Fuck your mother!" Lin Yi rioted in an instant, Li Qing was killed, and he was in great pain!

Then Qinghong Sword appeared from Lin Yi's system space in an instant, Lin Yi held Qinghong Sword tightly and cut off the head of the nearest guard!

"Congratulations to the host for beheading the No. 30 five-level guard, gaining one point of berserk point, guarding blood, mithril sword, and 84 experience points (the increase of the Huan Shen Wushuang jade pendant has been calculated)."

"The bloodline of the guard has been swallowed by the Dragon Slaying Knife."

"Boy, do you think you can do anything now that you are surrounded by us?" The guard who killed Li Qing sneered, and at the same time, he regretted it in his heart. It's not big, it can't kill monks at all.But he did not expect that Li Qing turned out to be an ordinary person without cultivation!

The guards around Lin Yi immediately besieged and attacked Lin Yi at the same time.The three of Yu Ling also reacted, and the three of them rushed up in an instant, trying to save Lin Yi from going out.But after all, it was still a moment late.All kinds of powerful attacks and weapons fell on Lin Yi's body, and many wounds appeared on Lin Yi's body instantly, and blood overflowed!

"The host has been killed, may I ask if the host spent two hundred spiritual crystals to resurrect with full blood?"

"full HP resurrection!"

Lin Yi shouted in his heart.

"Level [-] Wushuang, open it for me!"

"Golden Dragon Armguard, open it for me!"

"Rage system, open it for me!"

At the same time, Lin Yi frantically activated the three boosting powers in his heart, and the aura around him instantly became fierce.The attack power increases by 120 eight times, and the speed and defense increase by 64 times.At the same time, with the substantial improvement of various attributes, the damage caused by Lin Yi has also increased by [-] to [-] times under the effect of the berserk system!
Now he can kill a guard with psychic strength in one blow!
The beeps of the system sounded frantically in Lin Yi's mind, and Lin Yi's head was about to be blown by these beeps.

"Li Qing, look, I will use the blood of these people to sacrifice your soul in heaven!" Lin Yi picked up Li Qing's body and said softly.

At this time, the three Yu Ling also fell beside Lin Yi, protecting Lin Yi tightly behind them.Although the sixth-level Wushuang was turned on and the defense was strengthened, Lin Yi still couldn't block too many attacks.If these attacks fell on Lin Yi, Lin Yi's blood volume would still be reduced a lot.

"The three of you protect Li Qing well, and leave the massacre to me!" Lin Yi handed Li Qing's body to Yu Ling, his eyes glanced coldly at the group of guards, and he shouted, "I want to kill all this group of damned!" beast!"

Before the three of them could speak, Lin Yi rushed out.Yu Ling hurriedly said: "Two brothers of the Dragon Clan, go up and protect the boss. Li Qing's body will be protected by me!"

The physical body of the Dragon Clan is very strong, and its defense is very strong.Therefore, if Yuan Long and Ao Wei blocked the damage for Lin Yi, Yu Ling could be sure that nothing would happen to them.

Yuan Long and Ao Wei nodded at the same time, and then they both turned into giant dragons covered in phosphor armor and flew into the air.Hovering above Lin Yi's head, from time to time, he used his huge body to block Lin Yi's attacks!
Lin Yi's eyes were red, and the Qinghong Sword kept piercing through the body of the guard, beheading him.

At this moment, Lin Yi was covered in blood, shocking like a blood man.His body was covered with minced meat, and he looked like a Shura from hell.He didn't perform a martial art once, he was completely chopped with a sword.Because now only by brutally beheading these guards with one sword, can Lin Yi vent the monstrous anger in his heart!

The guards around were defeated by Lin Yi alone, and they all begged for mercy, but Lin Yi didn't spare their lives.Because Li Qing died, Lin Yi wanted to exchange the lives of these people for Li Qing's death!

His heart hurts!

This kind of pain must be made up for by killing!

"Death to me!" Lin Yi suddenly drew a sword, and the sword energy surged out instantly, and rushed towards the remaining ten guards frantically.

The sword is majestic, full of killing intent in Lin Yi's heart.

This move, under the boost of Wushuang, Golden Dragon Armguard and Berserk System, has devastating destructive power!

(End of this chapter)

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