Chapter 770

From the distribution map of the Soul Locking Hall, Lin Yi learned that there are three sub halls of the Soul Locking Hall in the central region.

Although the distance between them is a bit long, it is not troublesome for Lin Yi and the others today.After all, one can easily tear apart a space channel and shuttle through it.

Lin Liu opened up a space passage, and Lin Yi and the others dived in.

Several hours later, five people appeared on the other side of Zhongyu.

"It should be here." Lin Yi looked around and said something uncertain.

After all, although there is a map, and the markings on the map are accurate, Lin Yi and the others have never been to Zhongyu.Even if I got there, I'm not sure if it's the place on the map.

Lin Liu went out a few strides to ask people along the way, and then came back and said to Lin Yi, "That's it."

"That's fine." Lin Yi nodded, "Let's follow the route on the map."

Lin Yi guessed that Li Chen was imprisoned in the main hall of the Suohun Temple. After all, Li Chen was the master of the first branch of the hall at the beginning, so he must have received great attention.There are only four sub-temples of the Soul Locking Hall in the Central Territory, which was destroyed by Lin Yi and the others. Li Chen should not be locked in it.

However, Lin Yi didn't have the impulse to go to the main hall to find out. After all, his strength is not high now.Before the earth seal of the Chaos Realm is broken, the team of two saints and two false saints can naturally sweep any force in the Chaos Realm at will.

But now that the strong man from the Chaos Realm thousands of years ago has come out again, how can it be easy to get along with him?Lin Yi doesn't believe that there are no seniors with high sense of strength in Suohun Temple.

So it is best to hurry up and kill those members of the Soul Locker Hall.

Of course, Lin Yi wouldn't mind if he could get that soul treasure again.

Naturally, it is impossible for the branch of the Soul Locking Hall to be located in the central area, after all, it is too conspicuous to do so.

So this second branch of the Soul Locking Hall was also found by Lin Yi and the others in the wilderness. This branch is not as hidden as the previous one.It exists next to a cave.

The same as the previous branch hall, the trees and vegetation here are dead gray without any vitality.

"Shuohun Palace belongs, come out and die!"

Lin Yiyun took a deep breath and began to shout.

The sound shook the forest, and the dilapidated palace trembled slightly.

In the next moment, many black figures flashed out of it, all wearing black robes.

The Dragon Slaying Saber appeared in Lin Yi's hand immediately, holding the Dragon Slaying Saber gave him an unstoppable aura.Immediately, Lin Yi slashed vigorously, and a burst of saber energy burst out from the Dragon Killing Knife, which fell directly on the two black-robed guardians of the Soul Locking Hall.

The two black-robed guardians disappeared in an instant.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-robed guardian of the Soul Locking Palace. The main body gains [-] experience points, the demon body gains [-] experience points, and one berserk point."

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-robed guardian of the Soul Locking Palace. The main body gains [-] experience points, the demon body gains [-] experience points, and one berserk point."

Yuan Taiji and the others also acted without saying a word, and the five crushed the members of the Soul Locking Hall.

As for the other leaders of the branch hall of Suohun Temple, they were even more frightened and angry.But they didn't dare to attack Lin Yi easily. Among them, although Lin Yi was the weakest, no one dared to underestimate Lin Yi.

Of course, there are leaders who can't help it.

Their eyes naturally set on Lin Yi.

Three leaders with the strength of celestial beings separated Lin Yi from Yuan Taiji and surrounded Lin Yi in three directions.

"Tenth level unparalleled, open!"

"Golden Dragon Armguard, open!"

"System, take down the black wooden coffin!"

Lin Yi's aura suddenly soared to the strength of a fairy, and at the same time he took out a short dagger from the system space and pinned it to his waist.It was the God Slaying Edge with five times the damage.

The three leaders of the Soul Locking Hall were horrified, but since they chose to surround Lin Yi, there was no reason to retreat.

Although they were shocked by how much strength Lin Yi had improved in an instant, none of the leaders showed timidity.

"It seems that there are three more dead souls under my Dragon Slaying Saber." Lin Yi smacked his lips and laughed.

The faces of the three leaders turned ugly for a moment, and one of them shouted: "Rampant! You should be our dead soul later!"

"Then see the real chapter under your hand." Lin Yi sneered, and didn't say any more.

The body flashed directly, leaving a series of phantoms on the spot and on the path of the flash.

Immediately in front of a leader, Lin Yi unleashed the Dragon Slaying Saber with lightning speed.

When the Dragon Killing Saber was about to hit the leader's neck, the leader also reacted quickly.

He retreated quickly, narrowly dodging Lin Yi's knife.

The other two leaders also reacted. They both slapped Lin Yi hard at the same time.

Immediately, Lin Yi spit out a mouthful of blood.

He barely stabilized his figure, but still staggered two steps.Then Lin Yi attacked again.

"Law of Lightning!"

Lin Yi didn't intend to go into battle this time either. Lightning arcs danced on his fingertips, and when the arcs touched, they made a "ZiZi" sound.

Then Lin Yi shot out a lightning force from his hand, and it was blasting towards the three leaders.

The law of thunder and lightning is worthy of being the power of the law that hurts the most. This lightning force directly blasted the three leaders into a mess, and the three of them flew upside down.

And at this moment, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and the yellow-brown soil was constantly emitting white smoke.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-robed guardian of the Soul Locking Palace. The main body gains [-] experience points, the demon body gains [-] experience points, and one berserk point."

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-robed guardian of the Soul Locking Palace. The main body gains [-] experience points, the demon body gains [-] experience points, and one berserk point."

"Congratulations to the host for killing the black-robed guardian of the Soul Locking Palace, and the main body has gained two thousand experience points..."

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the lightning power must have splashed on those members of the Soul Locking Hall. With the strength of the members of the Soul Locking Hall, how could it be possible to block the Law of Thunder and Lightning?

"It is detected that the host's fury value is full, may I ask if the host releases the berserk attribute?"


"Choose the Lingshi option."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully releasing the berserk attribute and obtaining [-] spirit stones."

As long as the berserk points are accumulated to one hundred points, Lin Yi will release the berserk system.After all, he would not despise the superfluity of such a good thing as Lingshi.

When the dust stirred up by the law of thunder and lightning fell to the ground, the three leaders finally appeared.The three of them were all disheveled, and their expressions were exactly the same, one of horror and disbelief.

Naturally, they didn't know that Lin Yi controlled the law of thunder and lightning.

However, it is rare for them to be able to induce lightning power to launch an attack.

The three leaders finally knew why Lin Yi, a person with the strength of a mysterious fairy, was qualified to be with the false holy powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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