Chapter 781
Lin Yi nodded, no wonder his experience value has far exceeded the number of upgrades, but he can't upgrade.It turns out the problem is here.

But although Lin Yi has all the strength now, he didn't rely on his own cultivation experience.Even if he had the heart, he couldn't make any progress.

After all, the journey of cultivation is a long journey of accumulation.Cultivating slowly from the weakest will increase the skills of cultivation and discover shortcuts.But Lin Yi has always relied on killing people to level up, how could he know those cultivation experiences?
Lin Yi couldn't help sighing in his heart, it seems that this shortcut is really not easy to take.

Just when Lin Yi was about to ask a question, the place suddenly shook.

Or the entire Chaos Realm, the earth is trembling!
The dark sky suddenly turned blood red.It seems that the sky is full of blood!

A phantom in the shape of a baby appeared in the void, and behind him, there were many other beast trolls!

Lin Yi called out these two words with great difficulty.

Lin Yi had seen this baby before. When he went to the underworld, King Yan Luo showed him the video.Inside is the baby.

Born from the resentment in the hearts of many dead souls, it survives against the heavens and the earth.Its name is Wraith.

Wraith Phantom opened its mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs, looking at Lin Yi and the others with scarlet eyes.Although it was a phantom, it also brought a lot of pressure to everyone!
This resentful spirit is the peak strength of the sage Mahayana!
Although it seems that there is only half a gap between the saint Mahayana and the peak saint, the specific strength gap is far more than that.It can be said that Lin Yi used all the secret methods, but he could not be promoted from the saint Mahayana to the peak of the saint Mahayana.

The saint Mahayana is already the highest point that Lin Yi can reach!
The phantom of the resentful spirit quickly solidified at this moment, and finally formed an entity.

The corner of Wraith Ling's mouth twitched: "Tianyao, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

Lin Yi's face was the same as Tianyao's, so the resentful spirits naturally took Lin Yi as Lin Yi.

Afterwards, Wraith Ling's eyes fell on Lin Li, and he was taken aback for a moment: "What's going on? Why are there two Tianyao?"

Lin Yi took a step forward and blocked everyone behind him.He is used to it, sheltering his brothers from wind and rain.

But this time, the brothers did not let Lin Yi face it alone.They all took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Yi.

Lin Yi glanced at the crowd, with a gentle look on his face, then Lin Yi looked at Wraith again: "I'm not Tianyao, but I'm Tianyao's reincarnation."

Wraith sneered: "Whether you are Tianyao or not, as long as you have a little relationship with Tianyao, even if you look a little similar, I will not let you go!"

"You sealed me for nine thousand and eighty four years, but you probably didn't expect that even if I was sealed by you, my strength would continue to improve. Because there are many people who died with hatred in this world, and after they died Your resentment is my best tonic."

Lin Yi nodded slightly: "I can see it."

"So, today you must die!" Wraith Ling waved his arm, "Go to me, kill Tianyao and his people!"

The trolls and strange beasts behind them all rushed up and attacked Lin Yi and the others.

The dragon-killing knife appeared in Lin Yi's hand. Lin Yi, who is a saint with Mahayana strength, has a special understanding of many things besides his cultivation experience.

It seems that no matter what Lin Yi is holding, even a piece of soft hair can become his murderous weapon.

So Lin Yi held a dragon-killing knife the size of a person and blatantly used it.


Lin Yi shouted suddenly.

The golden light on the Dragon Slaughter Saber rose sharply, and a stream of saber energy appeared.

The saber energy landed on a strange beast rushing forward, beheading its head directly.Blood splashed into the sky, rendering the already blood-colored sky even more blood-red.

Tonight is destined to be a restless night, it is true for Lin Yi, and it is also true for the entire Chaos Realm!
"Haha! With the Dragon Slaying Saber in hand, no one can be my enemy!" Lin Yi's aura rose to the highest point.

Wraith frowned, with killing intent in his eyes: "Tianyao, don't be too happy."

"Then just wait and see!" Lin Yi tightened his Dragon Slaughter Saber, "Li Dong, let's use evil skills to increase your strength!"

Li Dong was taken aback for a moment, then he nodded.At this time, he can only increase his strength by absorbing the power of the undead through evil skills.

Although Li Dong now has some resistance to evil skills, he also knows that if he doesn't do this, they will have no chance.

Therefore, Li Dong's body became a lot more illusory at this moment, like a bottomless pit, sucking all the undead here into his body.

At the same time, Li Dong's strength is also skyrocketing.

Feeling overwhelmed, Wraith hastily shouted: "Stop this kid for me!"

"Brothers, cover Li Dong!"

Lin Yi was not far behind, he shouted.

The Devil Emperor and others acted immediately, and Xing Chen and the others appeared next to Li Dong to protect Li Dong.Everyone can only rely on Li Dong, because Li Dong's strength has improved very quickly.Maybe through evil skills, Li Dong can reach the peak strength of the saint Mahayana?

But the next moment, everyone's illusions were ruthlessly broken.

Because Li Dong's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist!
"Li Dong!" Lin Yi felt a pain in his heart. He had already regarded Li Dong as a brother who could take his life. Now that Li Dong died, how could he not be sad or heartbroken?

As the instigator of all this, Wraith sneered coldly: "Trash is trash, how could there be a possibility of turning over? Want to turn back through evil? Dream!"

After the words fell, Wraith Ling saw a white figure rushing towards him.

"go to hell!"

A Wufeng sword appeared in Lin Yi's other hand, and he shouted: "Breaking Heaven Style!"

The energy light cluster burst out suddenly, and the wraith only took a slight step back.Then he stood up again, raised his arms, and a breath of despair appeared from the bottom of his heart.

Countless grievances and remnants appeared, and even directly devoured Lin Yi's "Heaven Breaking Style"!
"Small skills!" Wraith said disdainfully, "Tianyao, although your strength has improved a lot in the past 1 years, you are not my opponent."

"When you sealed me ten thousand years ago, I said that when I was born again, no one in the three thousand planes would be able to stop me. I will destroy all planes and let all creatures die!"

"This time, you have no chance!"

After the voice fell, the body of Wraith Spirit disappeared.

Lin Yi was startled, he thought that the Wraith would appear behind him.But when Lin Yi looked back, he didn't see the wraith appearing, and the wraith appeared behind Su Yu'er!

"Yu'er, back quickly!"

Lin Yi roared heart-piercingly, and at the same time jumped out like a cannonball!

(End of this chapter)

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