Chapter 1002 Extremely arrogant
Chapter 1002 Extremely arrogant
She didn't sleep all night, so of course it was impossible to drive. When she was sitting in the taxi, her face was expressionless, holding a porcelain bottle in her hand. It was the poison she had already refined, but she had never I haven't used it before, but it is now in use. Although it is only a small bottle, it has a huge effect.

She has never used it herself, and she doesn't know what kind of effect this poison can achieve, so she can give it a try today.

In the clinic.

Because Xiao Su'er didn't come these few days, Liu Yan was proud of herself, so she targeted Su Ling all day when she had nothing to do, anyway, Xiao Su'er was not around, and there was no one to back her up, and other people didn't bother to mess with her, so they wouldn't argue with her , No one helped Su Ling at all.

Now Su Ling was at the front desk looking at the deposits and treatment fees paid by the people who came to see the doctor in the past few days, preparing to do the accounting, and Liu Yan floated to her side lightly.

"Yo, you're really hardworking! Do you think my finances are not good? I want to do everything for others. I'm afraid that others will not know that you are working hard and working hard. You don't have to do it so obviously, and you don't I will give you a salary increase. Besides, now that Xiao Su'er is not here, it is useful to pretend to be obedient in front of her, but it is useless in front of us."

Her eccentric remarks made Su Ling feel very bad. These days she is suppressing herself everywhere. Su Ling really doesn't know what the two of them have. They are both colleagues. Although they can't talk like friends, But there is no need to scold everything here.

"Finance Liu, checking the accounts is what I should do. I only made the journal yesterday because I was busy with other things. The general ledger is not there. Is there any problem if I come to check the accounts now? Besides, Dr. Xiao is a doctor, and she is not the chief financial officer. I don't need to pretend to be hardworking in front of her, please don't talk like this, okay, everyone is a colleague and they all do financial work."

Su Ling couldn't stand it anymore, she could only speak back, otherwise she would only be oppressed by his arrogant arrogance, Liu Yan was simply too arrogant, it was as if others were easy to bully if they didn't fight back.

"Of course it's okay. Don't you understand why you pretend to be hardworking in front of her? Isn't it because she is rich and has so many sponsors behind her back? You want to learn from her! Now you are also divorced, and you are still a bit pretty." , Do you want to go her way? She is younger than you, even if you give birth to a rich man, someone will still pursue you, which is different from her.

"It's better to recognize the reality, work hard, and don't think about it all day long." Liu Yan started her own brain supplement, making Su Ling into a person who is greedy for vanity and wants to cling to the powerful, and even more so. He took it for granted that she and Xiao Su'er had such a good relationship because they had some ulterior plans behind their backs.

But Su Ling couldn't accept her framing, and yelled at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? These two days, I said that you are always around me with eccentricities. It turns out that your heart is so dirty, and I don't! Dr. Xiao Not the kind of person you think."

"My heart is dirty? Isn't your Dr. Xiao's heart dirty? If she wasn't dirty, how could she have given birth to all the children before she got married, and all the children went to kindergarten at a young age."

Liu Yan is getting more and more excessive, so arrogant that she wants to fight Su Ling, Lu Lin frowned when she saw his clenched fists, I don't want to quarrel with you, now it's working hours, I'd better continue to take care of my accounts, regardless of you up.

After she said this, she took the account book and turned around to go back to the office, but Liu Yan stopped in front of her regardless, "What? If I can't win, I want to run away! Wasn't she very powerful just now, and now It’s okay for the little girl like this, you see how old you are, and you still dare to be stubborn with me!”

"Let me tell you, I'm an old man in this clinic. My qualifications are here. You should call me senior. What about you? It's rude!"

"Then what exactly do you want?" Su Ling was a little helpless. If it wasn't for her lack of work experience, she might have left here long ago. This is a job opportunity that came so hard, and she didn't want to lose it so easily. , can only endure Liu Yan all the time.

"What else can I do? I just want to teach you a little bit of politeness. When you see me in the clinic, you have to learn to call your seniors hello and then bow. This is the attitude of a newcomer, you know?"

Liu Yan raised her chin and made a full gesture. She insisted on making herself look great. Su Ling couldn't stand it and asked, "Aren't you going too far?"

"I'm too much? I'm not too much. Is it wrong to teach you to respect others? Your parents didn't teach you well. I'll teach you now, and bow to me immediately." Liu Yan raised her chin and looked at her through her nostrils.

"I don't bow. The two of us are colleagues. Even if you have higher qualifications than me, I know it's good to respect you, but no one stipulates that I have to bow to you every day in the clinic, right?"

Su Ling felt deeply insulted, but Liu Yan didn't care, took her hand and pressed her to the ground, as if not only wanting her to bow, but also wanting her to kneel.

"Let go, you are too much Liu Cai!" Su Ling yelled and wanted to break free from her hand, but Liu Yan tried her best to push her to the ground, but when Su Ling resisted, she even kicked her. On her knee, Su Ling suffered from pain and knelt on the ground, Liu Yan immediately burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, I asked you to bow just now. If you don't go, you can kneel for me. Remember that you will kneel when you see me in the future. It's good if you don't kowtow."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and was about to hit Su Ling in the face, but before she could hit her, someone grabbed her wrist tightly from behind.

Xiao Su'er looked at her coldly, "You are so idle and panic, do you want to trouble others? Let's go then! Let's go to the office and have a good chat."

After speaking, Xiao Su'er squeezed her hand and dragged her upstairs, Liu Yan's soles slipped, and her high heels almost fell off her feet.

She yelled at Xiao Su'er angrily, "What are you doing? Let go! Are you crazy? I'm teaching my subordinates. I came to this company earlier than her. We are both in finance. I just want to be superior to her. , it's none of your business, if you don't come for a few days, you will be so arrogant when you come here, you treat the clinic as your home?"

As if she couldn't hear her words, Xiao Su'er tightened her hand even more, and didn't let her go until she was dragged into the office.

"Who is the arrogant one? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance."

(End of this chapter)

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