Chapter 1017 No Hope

Chapter 1017 No Hope

Why would Xiao Yuhan use such words to describe it?Is it possible...

Bai Qingyue immediately understood that it must be Rong Ling'er who spread rumors in front of him again, so she knew that this person had no good intentions, and thought she had calmed down, but it turned out that she wanted to hold her back.

Bai Qingyue took a deep breath, tried to calm down and looked at Xiao Yuhan who was already burning with anger, "Did you listen to what Rong Linger said again? Why are you so soft? You said it, when she talks to you she looks the same way, when she talks to us she looks the same way, you..."

"Can't I even talk? I'm just asking him, you're going to beat me..."

Her words were interrupted by the recording, Xiao Yuhan held the phone, he had already copied the audio from the recorder, and played it to Bai Qingyue face to face.

Bai Qingyue froze in place after hearing what was inside. There was indeed nothing wrong with the conversations between them, but it seemed that the order had been disrupted, and it felt like the truth of the whole thing was turned upside down.

Not to mention Xiao Yuhan, even she, the protagonist, was a little apprehensive, and even wondered if they had really beaten Rong Ling'er, but that was not the case at all.

"Is the voice here yours? Didn't he find someone to synthesize it?" Xiao Yuhan asked while holding the phone.

"The voice is mine, but..."

Bai Qingyue didn't know how to explain it, but Xiao Yuhan seemed to have been greatly shocked when he heard her words. He felt that Bai Qingyue admitted that the voice was hers, and that this recording was real. In other words, what Rong Linger said was the truth.

He didn't want to say more, she turned around with her mobile phone and was about to leave, but Bai Qingyue felt baffled, stopped in front of him and asked loudly, "What are you doing, can't you listen to my explanation?"

"Explain what? You beat Rong Linger like that, don't you think you are too much? Her face is full of bloodstains, she is also a young girl, you are not afraid of beating her up, you Don't you feel any guilt in your heart?"

Xiao Yuhan has already determined from the bottom of his heart that what Rong Linger said is true, so the eyes he looks at Bai Qingyue are full of hostility and hatred, and he even feels a little stupid these days, actually thinking that Bai Qingyue has really changed. Alright, I became a real lady of every family, but I didn't expect that I would always put on a show in front of myself.

The more he thinks about it, the angrier he gets. After all, he and Bai Qingyue get along so well these past few days, and this is the first time he has gotten so close to a girl. Before, Rong Linger was at most chatting in the office. Make an appointment to eat together every day.

He didn't expect Bai Qingyue to be such a girl, he was really disappointed.

But after Bai Qingyue was scolded so hard by him, she was a little inexplicable. She felt really tired. She always had misunderstandings about Rong Linger's matter, and she came back within two days after explaining clearly.

"I didn't beat her, how could she be beaten and disfigured? Are you sure she was beaten by us, not herself? That's how she is, you..."

"You still want to slander her until now, why don't you know how to get along with her well? You two are classmates or classmates. You are amazing, but you don't need to humiliate him like this. A child from a poor family is here Don’t you even count people in your eyes?”

Xiao Yuhan raised this issue to a certain level, thinking that Bai Qingyue is a bullying and arrogant eldest lady, and overturned all the advantages of Bai Qingyue when the two of them got along with each other before.

His words also made Bai Qingyue understand that he didn't believe in herself at all. She didn't know how Rong Ling'er managed to make Xiao Yuhan completely disbelieve in herself and stood by her side, but now After being wronged, she still felt very wronged and felt that she was not trusted. This feeling made her feel a little blocked.

"Are you willing to believe her? You don't want to believe me, you don't want to hear my explanation at all, do you?"

When Bai Qingyue asked this sentence, her voice was full of tears, and she felt that she was really wronged. Now she is at their Bai's house, and it is at her grandma's birthday banquet. She saw Xiao Yuhan He was so happy when he came here, but Xiao Yuhan came to question her, and he didn't want to believe her at all.

"How else do you want to explain? I don't want to believe her, I don't want to admit that you are such a person, but the recordings are all here, and you also said that this recording is your voice and you admit it! What else can you say Explain, explain what?"

"Can you explain why you beat her? No matter what she said, it's always wrong for you to beat someone, not to mention you brought your girlfriends to beat her like that!"

After Xiao Yuhan yelled these words, he turned around and left without paying any attention to Bai Qing. Yuebai Qingyue stepped on her high heels and chased forward for two steps, and finally stopped her pace dejectedly, tears slipped from her eyes, blurred The sight of Xiao Yuhan's back was blurred in her eyes, and she only felt sad and wronged.

What kind of recording was that? It clearly reversed the order of their speech, so it must have been edited.

This Xiao Yuhan was also confused by anger, he didn't even think about how advanced the technology is now, it is not a simple matter to edit an audio.

Rong Ling'er really took great pains to frame her, using all kinds of methods!

"What's wrong with you? What's going on? Where's my brother?" Xiao Su'er sat in the main hall of the banquet for a long time and didn't see the two of them coming back. She wanted to come out and take a look, but she didn't expect to see Bai Qingyue crying here alone. It looked like a bullied little rabbit, with big red eyes still sobbing slightly.

Bai Qingyue raised her head and looked at her, with tears dripping down her eyes, she threw herself into Xiao Su'er's arms, "Sister Su'er, Xiao Yuhan didn't listen to my explanation, he just believed in that content Linger."

"What's the matter? Did she hit you? Why are you crying like this? This brother really should be cleaned up, and he doesn't know how to be a gentleman to girls."

Seeing Bai Qingyue like this, Xiao Su'er couldn't help feeling a little distressed, but she also felt that Xiao Yuhan would not do anything casually, and she still knew what kind of person her brother was.

"He didn't hit me, but said some hurtful things, and he didn't believe me at all, he kept talking about Rong Ling'er, I think he just likes her, there must be no hope between the two of us, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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