Chapter 1026 Similar Three Views

Chapter 1026 Similar Three Views

Bai Qingyue and Xiao Yuhan went to watch a movie after dinner. When the two walked out of the theater with ice cream, Bai Qingyue smiled so hard that her teeth could not see her eyes. This should be the best food she has eaten since she grew up. of ice cream.

"Don't walk backwards, come here and stand by my side." Xiao Yuhan stretched out her hand towards her, Bai Qingyue walked backwards with the ice cream in order to face Xiao Yuhan face to face, she wanted to take another look at her man friend.

"I don't want it, I just want to walk backwards like this, so that I can see you well." Bai Qingyue ate the ice cream in one bite, and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yuhan. He couldn't react in time, but she still opened her hand subconsciously , Bai Qingyue lay on him like a koala.

The relationship between the two quickly heated up within a day, and after holding hands and embracing the two big bases, Xiao Yuhan looked at Bai Qingyue who was holding him in her arms like a doll, feeling a little helpless, "Can you come down and take a good walk, you Look at the many people in the cinema, everyone is staring at us like this."

"Let them watch it. I haven't done anything inappropriate. I'm just tired from walking. Can't I want my boyfriend to hug me?"

Bai Qingyue leaned on him and refused to get off, hugging him tightly, Xiao Yuhan was helpless, he could only persuade himself to accept it, although he felt a little shy in front of the public, but he still felt very sweet in his heart, Is this what being in love feels like?

No wonder so many boys want to have a girlfriend by their side, like a little sheep, acting like a baby next to them at any time, this feeling is something that they can't experience when they are single.

He walked out of the cinema with Bai Qingyue in his arms, and the two of them walked home again. Bai Qingyue rejected the proposal of taking a car, and took Xiao Yuhan's hand and walked all the way home. The distance he walked today should be longer than the one he walked in a month. Much, but she just felt happy.

Bai Qingyue took his hand, looked down at the stone on the ground, raised her foot slightly to kick the stone away, and the stone rolled forward for a certain distance.

Bai Qingyue smiled and said, "Did you know? Today is the happiest day of my life in the past few years. I have had a crush on Bo Qingang before. Sister Su'er knows about it, but it is always Luohua who wants to be ruthless, and neither do I." I put too much emotion into it, it's just that I saw a hero-like character when I was a teenager, I had some fantasies. I have never liked other boys like I like you.

I'm not those girls now. Although there are many girls who advertise that they want to have a lot of relationships and feel that they need to have many boyfriends to be good, but I am not!I just thought that if I could meet a suitable person, I would just go with him for the rest of my life. Is it the same for you? "

"Of course! I have never thought of falling in love many times, and I have never thought of falling in love before. Now that I have met you, I must cherish our relationship. I have seen many girls around Just mention breaking up, and hope that no matter how much we quarrel in the future, you won't mention breaking up with me until it's time to go away."

"It's not easy to break up in a relationship. You see, my sister and Bo Qing'ang left for five years because of a misunderstanding. When they came back, things were different. Finally, the two of them had the opportunity to explain clearly. And because of Xiao Mengqiu's Sickness separates two people forever, we cannot repeat their mistakes, do you agree with me?"

Listening to what he said, Bai Qingyue held his hand a little harder. The two had such similar views on relationships. As long as she put her heart into this relationship, she would definitely be able to go a long way. That's what she thought , and then decided to do the same.

"Of course I agree. We must do well in the future. Go to school tomorrow and call Rong Ling'er in front of me. I will have a good chat with her and let you know which of the two of us is true."

"Actually, I know that although you are with me now, it is only because you like me, but in fact, you are still whispering in your heart, and you are still a little confused about those things, right?"

Bai Qingyue is very smart, she can see everything clearly, she knows that Xiao Yuhan's heart is very fuzzy, and she wants to clear up his confusion.

"I wanted to say it just now, but I'm afraid you'll be angry. Since you're willing, call Rong Ling'er to our office tomorrow. The three of us have a good chat. Don't worry! You are my girlfriend, and I will definitely stand up." On your side."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and both saw trust and love in each other's eyes. This is the best relationship, not so utilitarian, and they are together just because they like each other.

the next day.

Xiao Su'er bit the bread, and out of the corner of her eyes, she could see her younger brother staring at the phone, putting down the breakfast in his hand from time to time and starting to send messages, with a smile on his lips.

"Don't be so anxious, you will have time to pick up Qingyue after you have eaten your fill first." Xiao Su'er shook her head helplessly, is it true that boys who have never been in love before are always so crazy when they talk about love?
"Okay, I'm full and I'll go first. I only have classes for the last two periods today, but Qingyue has classes all day long. I have to pick her up first. If you don't go later, it will be too late. You can eat."

"Wait a minute! I'm going to your school today for something, so take me with you. It just so happens that this matter is also related to Qingyue, to be precise, it is related to both of you."

Xiao Su'er also stuffed all the bread in her hand into her mouth, and followed Xiao Yuhan out of Ang's Manor with her bag, but after receiving Bai Qingyue, she regretted it a bit, why did she go with two people Imperial Capital University, it's better to go by yourself, so you don't have to eat so much dog food.

"I got up early today to make lunch for you. Didn't Rong Ling'er often bring you biscuits and bread she made herself? From now on, you will eat your girlfriend's and me's. Anything made by others You can't eat anything. You can't drink the water they pour you."

Holding the pink bento box in her hand, Bai Qingyue looked at Xiao Yuhan who was driving with a righteous face, pouted like a child who was sulking.

"I know, I definitely won't. You have taught me for two hours last night. I have already remembered what a boyfriend's responsibilities and obligations are. Do you want me to repeat it to you now, number one man?" In the eyes of a friend, there can only be a girlfriend, and the second..."

"Okay, okay, don't say anything, Sister Su'er is still sitting in the back."

Bai Qingyue's face flushed instantly, and she interrupted him with embarrassment, Xiao Su'er shook her head helplessly, it turned out that she still had a sense of existence, and thought the two of them just ignored her.

(End of this chapter)

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