Chapter 1030
Chapter 1030
Five years later.

The 30-year-old Xiao Su'er has grown into a strong woman in her own right. She has opened her own clinic, and has been running the clinic prosperously in the past five years. The legend of the miracle doctor.

Everyone in the field of Chinese medicine said that there was a young female Chinese medicine doctor who could bring Hua Tuo back to life, and would recommend her clinic for difficult and miscellaneous diseases that no one could see.Xiao Su'er has no shortage of business at the clinic, even if no one is sick, she will come to her if she just wants to recuperate her body.

Xiao Su'er has expanded the scale of the clinic in five years, opened many branch offices, and is very busy every day. When Xiao Wang was seven years old, he no longer wanted anyone to pick him up. He went to and from school by himself, and even skipped a few grades. Now he is only ten years old. He is already in junior high school.

"Mom, you are so busy here, do you need my help?" Xiao Wang came to the clinic with his schoolbag on his back, and found that all the staff in the clinic were extremely busy, and there seemed to be a lot of customers today. Sometimes, there are always a lot of people suffering from influenza, and the place will be overcrowded.

Xiao Su'er is standing in the pharmacy and is picking up medicine. Many people don't want to go to the hospital when they are sick. They will come to her clinic. They think that her place is the one that treats the symptoms and the root cause. If she prescribes some cold medicine, the whole person's physique will be improved after they recover. It's much better, and she is very busy here every day.

"No! I'll grab the medicine right away. I've seen that they are basically flu, and some of them have a slightly serious fever. But just grab a few medicines and go back to take them. You can go to the office and wait." I'll get the medicine and we'll go home."

Xiao Su'er replied without turning her head, her hands kept moving, and quickly grabbed several doses of medicine.

Xiao Wang walked into Xiao Su'er's office with ease, opened his schoolbag and started to do his homework. It took less than 10 minutes to complete a paper. Those papers that look difficult to others may not be able to see the answer even if you think carefully. Difficulties, in his eyes, do not seem to be difficult, and the correct answer can be seen at random.

When Xiao Su'er walked into the office, she saw that Xiao Wang took out her computer and was communicating with his team. She could vaguely hear a few technical terms, which were understandable to someone who was not familiar with computers. It is somewhat difficult.

She walked up to her son, "What are you doing? Whose computer do you want to hack again? Don't do this kind of thing again!"

"No, I'm going to work with my team to develop a system that will instantly kill all other computer systems in the market." Xiao Wang turned off the audio and turned to look at Xiao Su'er, "Mom, are you done with your work? Let's go back now." let's go home."

"You can't go home now, have you forgotten? Today is your grandfather's birthday. We have already booked a private room in the restaurant. Now we go directly to the restaurant to celebrate his birthday."

Xiao Su'er took out the birthday present she had prepared long ago from the drawer in the office. Today is Xiao Shuo's 55th birthday. The days go by really fast. She always feels that these ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. Now she When I close my eyes, I can still think of her experience when she was 20 years old.

But time has passed, and she is now 30 years old, a real middle-aged person.

"Yes, today is grandpa's birthday, I was too busy to forget it, but I have already prepared a birthday present, I guarantee that grandpa will like it!" Xiao Wang looked enigmatic, holding his schoolbag towards Xiao Su'er wink.

"You child! What kind of birthday gift is it? Show it to your mother. Is it so powerful? I don't even know what your grandpa likes the most?"

She said she wanted to grab her son's schoolbag, but Xiao Wang quickly hid the bag behind him and ran out of the office. Although he is only ten years old now, he is already very tall, probably because of his thin genes. Even though he is a few years younger than his classmates, his height can still disdain them.

Especially those two long legs, often when Xiao Su'er was angry, he would run away, and Xiao Su'er couldn't catch up, so she could only stand there and stamp her feet helplessly.

This time was no exception, Xiao Su'er stood still and watched him run out of the clinic, she could only sigh helplessly, picked up her bag and followed his footsteps.

In the past five years, Xiao Su'er has cut her waist-length hair short and turned it into a neat short hair. She also changed her clothes to only three colors of black, white and gray. Now Xiao Su'er walked out of the clinic wearing a black one-piece suit and black high-heeled shoes.

When she locked the door of the clinic, she felt a strange feeling, as if someone was staring at her not far away. She quickly turned her head to look for the source of that gaze, but she didn't see anyone stealing around. Look, the pedestrians on the street are also walking on their own.

Xiao Su'er felt it was very strange. In the past five years, she had always had this feeling intermittently. She felt that someone was spying on her from behind, especially when there were too many patients in her clinic, and this feeling was even stronger when she worked overtime until the evening before returning home. It felt like someone was following her, following her step.

At first Xiao Su'er really thought that someone was trying to harm her, so she paid special attention to her surroundings, but no matter how strong that feeling was, he couldn't find the source, and he had always had this feeling for the past five years, but the person who followed her never She has never shown up, and she has never been harmed by anyone, and she gradually no longer cares about it.

Sometimes there is a unique feeling that when walking at night, the person following her is like an invisible bodyguard protecting her.

Xiao Su'er withdrew her scrutinizing gaze, and walked towards the underground garage, but when she left, a black figure walked out from the corner of the street, looking at her back with serious eyes.

Restaurant private room.

In the past five years, Xiao Shuo has also become a bit older, but his spirit is still very good. Only the newly grown white hair and the wrinkles around his eyes can prove the passage of time.

The whole family sat around the dining table, Mr. Ang, Xiao Yuhan and Bai Qingyue, Xiao Su'er, mother and son, and a private room was full of laughter. After the meal, it was time to unwrap the presents.

"This is a gift from me, grandpa! I guarantee that this is the one you like the most among all the gifts." Xiao Wang's eyes sparkled, and he still swore that his gift was the one he liked the most.

"Xiao Wang, what did you buy? You are so sure that it is Uncle's favorite gift? I think mine is Uncle's favorite gift." Bai Qingyue was not convinced, and insisted on comparing one with the other, holding a gift in her hand. The little pink box was shaking flamboyantly.

(End of this chapter)

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