Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053

After she drank the soup in the bowl in one gulp, she numbly stood up and walked to the second floor. Looking at her walking corpse, Xiao Yuhan was a little worried that she would return to the state she was in five years ago. How could that be good?

"Sister..." Xiao Yuhan yelled, then stopped talking and couldn't continue, he really didn't know how to persuade her.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, the Ang's Manor was extremely quiet, only the sound of the night wind could be heard, the window of Xiao Su'er's room was closed, but someone still quietly opened the window from the window and entered her room, and it was the man in black from before... , wearing a mask and hat, tiptoed to her bedside, and looked down at Xiao Su'er on the bed.

His face was flushed, and he looked like he was sick. He reached out his hand to try her body temperature, but he stopped when he was only a few feet away from her.

"Qing Ang..." Xiao Su'er uttered two words softly, and the man in black standing by the bed was stunned when he heard these two words, his eyebrows frowned.

"Su'er." He also said two words softly, his eyes full of entanglement and distress.

He stood by the bed and looked at Xiao Su'er for a long time, then turned his head and went to the bathroom, and when he came out again, he had an extra towel in his hand, and he carefully covered Xiao Su'er's forehead with the towel, without touching Xiao Su'er at all.

Xiao Su'er was talking in her sleep, felt the coldness on her forehead, and turned around uncomfortably, seeing that the towel on her head was about to fall, the man in black immediately held it down with his hand.

He just stood by the bed and guarded Xiao Su'er, changing towels many times throughout the night, until the flush on her face slowly faded, and it seemed that she had slept much more peacefully, he was relieved.

"I hope that standing here like this can also have some effect on lowering your body temperature. Su'er, I will go first." In the early morning, he opened the window and left the room softly, and the towel returned to the bathroom, just like he never It's never been the same.

But Xiao Su'er who was lying on the bed didn't react without any reaction. In the middle of the night, half asleep, she turned over and felt a figure beside the bed. She gently narrowed her eyes, and suddenly saw a black figure, but for some reason, Not only did he not feel any fear, but he also felt inexplicably relieved.

She could also feel the wet towel on her head, but she still felt very comfortable. She didn't want to open her eyes, and she couldn't even tell whether it was a dream or reality. Too much, the soup that Xiao Yuhan made him drink before going to bed didn't do anything, she didn't want to wake up anyway.

The morning sun broke through the clouds, shining on the whole earth, and the sun shone into Xiao Su'er's room. She sat up from the bed, stared blankly at the sunlight coming in through the window, stretched her waist and walked to the bathroom.

The towel was still in its original position. She reached out and folded it several times and placed it on her head. She could feel that this towel was placed on her head in this shape yesterday.

Xiao Su'er rubbed her forehead and looked at the towel again, she didn't understand what happened last night, could it be that the black shadow she saw while half dreaming and half awake was real?
She fell into deep thought. She thought it was a dream last night, but she didn't expect it to be reality. What kind of person can turn into his room and stand by the bed all night? What does he want to do?
Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er turned around and went out of the bathroom to search in the room. When she opened the window, she could indeed see footprints on the window sill, but she lived on the second floor, so someone so powerful could climb up from the first floor.

Xiao Su'er couldn't figure it out, but remembered that there was surveillance in the Ang family manor, and immediately went to get the surveillance video out, but found that the face could not be seen clearly at all, but she could recognize it as the one who saved her and Xiao Wang in succession before. Man in black.

Who is this man?Xiao Su'er was a little puzzled, this person had been following her before, so he was able to save her and Xiao Wang at the critical moment, but it was too much to climb over the wall to his room in the middle of the night, even though he didn't do anything.

But judging from his figure, he is also known to be a man!It's always not good to run into a woman's room in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er hastily called a few craftsmen to reinforce her windows, and specially told the bodyguards of my manor not only to patrol the front door, but also remember to patrol the surrounding walls, and call People came to heighten the wall and installed sharp things to prevent them from climbing over.

After doing all this, she finally felt relieved, but she still had endless curiosity, who is this man in black?Did he climb over the wall and come in all night just to take care of himself?
Xiao Su'er is a doctor herself, so he knew that there was something wrong with her body last night, she should have a slight low-grade fever, but she will definitely recover after a night of sleep.

Does he stand by the bed all night?Xiao Su'er stood outside the house suspiciously and looked towards the second floor. Xiao Shuo didn't understand, and walked to her side, "Su'er, why do you want someone to do this today?"

"It's okay, I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that someone broke in, so I wanted to take some protective measures." Xiao Su'er smiled at him, and secretly looked at the distance from the windows on the first floor to the second floor. Such a distance has no focus , how can climb it?

This is not something that ordinary people can do unless they have received professional training!

"Dreaming? What did you dream about?" Xiao Shuo took Xiao Su'er's hand and walked into the room. He pondered for a long time before opening his mouth, "Su'er, Dad told you something, don't be angry."

"what's up?"

"I think there are some things, it's better to see clearly earlier, look forward! There must be better people and things waiting for you." Xiao Shuo said it extremely cryptically, but she still understood.

"Dad, I don't go on blind dates, and I don't go to meet those young talents you mentioned. Don't persuade me anymore. Now that Bo Qingang is back, why do you still have such thoughts?"

"He's back, but..." It's better not to come back, Xiao Shuo silently added in his heart, Bo Qingang will not come back, although Xiao Su'er feels that the things that happened back then were wronged by Bo Qingang and it is very painful, but this can be relieved by time Pain is a regret in life.Every time she thinks back to the past, she can know that Bo Qingang likes her, but now, the injury is getting worse!
"Dad, did you also see the gossip news, do you know that Su Wan is late?" Xiao Su'er smiled wryly, that girl like a little daisy was the past she couldn't go back to.

"Yes, I think Bo Qingang can do this, can't you do the same? Isn't it good to find someone who is willing to love you and love you? You just need to tell him the truth of what happened back then and you already know it."

(End of this chapter)

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