Chapter 1055 Blind Date
Chapter 1055 Blind Date
In the evening, Xiao Su'er put on light makeup and went to the restaurant wearing a long skirt that Xiao Shuo urged to put on, and saw the young talent her father called. He was indeed a very good-looking man. His height was 1.8 meters five by visual inspection, and he looked very handsome. He is handsome and a gentleman in every way.

"Come on, let's see what you want to eat." He handed the menu to Xiao Su'er, maintaining a perfect smile from the beginning to the end.

"It doesn't matter what you eat, the main thing is that I want to tell you today, I came here to meet you..."

"Is it because you can't get rid of your elders' good intentions for you, and you want to give them an explanation, so you are forced to come on a blind date with me?"

Before Xiao Su'er finished speaking, he had already spoken her heart out, Xiao Su'er was a little dazed, "So you know it all! Then it seems that we two have the same disease, and you are the same?"

"Yes, I am the same way. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lu Jun. I am 32 years old. You know that my parents are more worried about our life-long affairs than we are. They have been urging me for two years. We couldn't hide before we came out to meet each other.

At first I thought I would offend you, and felt very embarrassed, but I didn't expect that you and I thought the same way.Therefore, the two of us should make friends today and have a meal together. When we get home, we will study a saying together and tell the elders. "

When Lu Jun was speaking, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Su'er all the time, his eyes piercing.

His polite words made Xiao Su'er's impression of him much better in an instant, and she smiled back, "I think your idea is good, let's have dinner then."

She opened the menu as she spoke, and when she was ordering, she heard a commotion in the restaurant, and the exclamation of several girls came.

"Wow, do you think that's Young Master Bo? He's so handsome, and now I can see his handsome face again."

"That's right. There were rumors that he died before, which made me very sad."

"The girlfriend next to him is so beautiful. Which family's young lady is the cute one?"

Hearing these words, Xiao Su'er turned her head and looked towards the door, just in time to see Bao Qing'ang in a long black trench coat leading Su Wanwan in a long skirt into the restaurant.

The menu in Xiao Su'er's hand was deformed, and she felt a little uncomfortable looking at the door, but she still turned her head slowly.

"It's normal to feel uncomfortable when you see the person you loved so much in the past and now there are other women standing next to you, but if the two of you are really not together anymore, maybe you have to learn to let go, or you will hurt yourself in the end. only yourself."

Lu Jun sat opposite her, playing the role of enlightening her like a wise man.

"It feels like you understand it very well. Have you ever had such an experience before? Xiao Su'er doesn't mind mentioning it, after all, the matter between her and Bo Qing'ang is well known in China Mainland.

"I'm 32 years old now, Ms. Xiao doesn't really think that I've never been in a relationship before! Even if there is no such vigorous love as Miss Xiao and Bo Shao, at least I have experienced some."

"Yeah." Xiao Su'er nodded, and handed him the menu, "I don't want to order, so you can order a few."

Her gaze has never been on Lu Jun since Bo Qingang entered the restaurant just now. Today, Bo Qingang did not go to the private room, but took Su Wanwan directly to the lobby. Xiao Suer He could be seen gentlemanly pulling away the stool for Su Wanwan, ordering a few dishes quickly, the two seemed to be chatting about some happy topics, Su Wanwan had a bright smile on her face.

When did Bo Qing'ang become so human-eating, he would sit in the lobby of the restaurant and eat, letting others comment on him, even though the people around him tried their best to lower their voices, they could still hear clearly.

After all, Bo Shao's identity is already very eye-catching, and the incredible fact that he came back from the dead is even more surprising. Wherever he goes, he is destined to cause commotion and discussion among people.

But he didn't care at all, he only had the little daisy-like girl opposite him in his eyes.

Xiao Su'er felt a little sour in her heart, she turned her head and looked at Lu Jun who was opposite, "Talk to me whatever you want, don't just feel awkward sitting here."

"It's embarrassing or sad. I've heard some things about you and Bo Shao. If you don't mind, we can have a good chat. A strong woman like you shouldn't say what's in her heart at home. Tell your parents? It must be tiring to be strong in front of your children."

Lu Jun seemed to see her thoroughly, and the moment he opened his mouth, he poked at the soft spot in Xiao Su'er's heart.

"You seem to really understand."

"Before my parents said they would let me go on a blind date, I asked who they were, and I was surprised when they said it was you. Back then, you and Bo Shao were in love with each other and Bo Shao just came back. I thought this so-called resurrection from the dead It's a joke among wealthy families.

But I didn't expect you to look like you didn't know it. Did you think he was dead like the public these few years?And that Su Wanwan next to him, I look somewhat similar to you, those who didn't know thought I had found a substitute. "

When Lu Jun was talking, he looked towards Bo Qingang's table, but unexpectedly received Bo Qingang's eyes, which were full of hatred, as if he was going to make him Ling Chi.

She couldn't stand the look in the eyes of this natural overlord, she immediately turned around and said in a tangled voice: "Miss Xiao, I think Bo Shao seems to be interested in you, why don't you two have a good chat, or I'll sit down I can't have a good meal with you here."

"Why do you say that? If he is still interested in me, how can he find a new girlfriend? You can also see how beautiful and young his girlfriend is, which I can't match. "

"Young, I agree. After all, the age is here, but it's not necessarily beautiful. You have the maturity and intellectuality that she doesn't have. Who said that a woman must be judged by age, and just now I just looked at Bo Shao unintentionally." He glanced at me, and immediately looked at me with that kind of eyes that could kill people, as if he was demonstrating, and those who didn’t know thought that I was on a blind date with his girlfriend.”

Lu Jun seemed to be able to see Bo Qing'ang's intentions just by looking at Bo Qing'ang. Hearing what he said, Xiao Su'er turned to look at Bo Qing'ang in surprise, but he immediately withdrew his eyes and stared at Su Wan. It seems that Wan doesn't want to talk to Xiao Su'er at all.

Where is this a demonstration?It's obvious that they don't want to talk to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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