Chapter 1065
Chapter 1065
"How can you not be worried? Even if you are embarrassing yourself, it shouldn't make my wedding imperfect, so I must always pay attention to it. If you are uncomfortable, please remember to tell me, you know?"

Xia Xiaonan took her hand and stuffed the bouquet next to her into her hand, "I hope that all my luck in the future can be given to you! Su'er, if you and Bo Shao can continue their relationship, of course it is The best, I am also very happy to see it come true, but if the fate between the two of you is really over, don't wrong yourself."

Xiao Su'er felt that the bridal bouquet weighed a thousand catties. She and Bo Qing'ang might really have run out of fate, but she didn't want any luck either.

"Quick, quick! The groom is here to pick him up!" A sister from the bridesmaids happily ran into the room, and Xia Xiaonan was supported by them to sit in the middle of the bed, with handcuffs on her feet.

Ouyang Luo brought a group of handsome best men to the door and knocked on the door, "The auspicious time is coming, bring the bride out quickly, we are getting into the car."

"Master Ouyang, it's not easy to take away our big beauty Xiaonan so easily! You have to bring some red envelopes!" The bridesmaids in the room were in full swing, and Xia Xiaonan smiled and sat on the bed. say what.

Ouyang Luo was also generous and directly stuffed a lot of red envelopes into the crack of the door. Each of the bridesmaids took one, and Xiao Su'er also got one of them. The inside is very thick, if it is really a hundred yuan bill, at least It must be several thousand yuan, and these few are tens of thousands. Ouyang Luo seems to be really sincere.

"Beauties can open the door now, don't delay the auspicious time!" The best man shouted loudly from outside.

The bridesmaids in the room looked at each other and continued to smile, "Master Ouyang, you are the young master of the Ouyang family, why are you so stingy? This red envelope is not enough, we can't just give Xiaonan to you so easily."

The bridesmaids covered their mouths and laughed together, Xiao Su'er stood obediently from the beginning to the end, holding the red envelope in her hand seemed a bit hot, so that's how the bridesmaids blocked the door?Her children are already ten years old, but they have never experienced such a scene.

"Okay, how much do you want?" Ouyang Luo's voice came from outside the door, sounding helpless, but not angry at all.

"We don't want money. Xiaonan is not short of money. We want Master Ouyang to promise here that after marriage, he will do three obediences and four virtues, and be kind to our Xiaonan. We will let you pick her up, otherwise we won't let Xiaonan marry today. , our bridesmaids are raising Xiaonan."

"What are the three obediences and four virtues?" Ouyang Luo felt outside the door that these bridesmaids had no choice but to agree.

"Young Ouyang took out his mobile phone to Baidu, and then read it out. We wrote a letter of guarantee at home and handed it out. You stamped your handprint and signed it before you come in. If you dare to bully Xiao Nan in the future, we will hold a letter of guarantee to reason. The letter of guarantee is our bridesmaid. To be kept."

A few bridesmaids stuffed the written letter of guarantee out of the door, and Xiao Su'er heard the exclamation of the best man outside the door, as well as a joking voice, "Master Ouyang, you will be locked up for the rest of your life! Three obediences and four virtues are interesting."

Ouyang Luo's words came through the crack of the door with affection, "Didn't I do these three obediences and four virtues a long time ago? Xiaonan, come out quickly, isn't it just a signature? Come! Sign right away."

The signed letter of guarantee was handed in from outside the door, and several bridesmaids happily opened the door, and said with a smile, "Master Ouyang, the next step is the last checkpoint. After you pass, you can marry our beauty Xiaonan." go home."

They held a piece of ice in their hands, and in the center of the ice was the key on Xia Xiaonan's ankles. Seeing this scene, Xiao Su'er couldn't help laughing out loud. She had seen the scene on TV. It turns out that getting married is really so interesting .

Ouyang Luo held his head in a broken state, "What are you doing? Shall I melt this ice cube with my body temperature?"

Xia Xiaonan lifted her feet to reveal the shackles on her feet, "You can try it, break the shackles with your hands, and I can follow you."

"Hahaha!" A group of bridesmaids laughed together and stuffed ice cubes into his hands, "Master Ouyang, think of a way, it's not that we won't let you pick up the bride, the decision rests with you, Xiao If Nan doesn’t untie these anklets, she won’t be able to wear her wedding shoes, and even if you pick them up, it’s against the rules.”

Ouyang Luo asked the sky speechlessly, hugged the ice cube and began to warm it with body temperature, until finally his tongue was on the stage, and he started to lick the ice cube, and finally got the key out with all his strength, and successfully opened it. The handcuffs on Xia Xiaonan's feet.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Su'er stood calmly and held the bouquet. She didn't play tricks on the groom and the best man with the other bridesmaids, but she still felt very happy in her heart. It was really loving to see this scene.

The bridesmaid and bride got into the car and drove to the wedding reception. Xiao Su'er was the chief bridesmaid, and she followed Xia Xiaonan in the main wedding car, holding a bouquet in her hands.

When Ouyang Luo saw her, he remembered what happened the night before: he took the treatment plan and special medicine given by Xiao Su'er, went home to study for a few hours, and then went straight to Bo Qing'ang's residence.

Bo Qingang was already losing confidence. He felt that all the medicines had no effect, and he didn't want to try again, but when Ouyang Luo said it was given by Xiao Su'er, he immediately agreed happily, although on the surface it was still calm, But as far as his level of acceptance is concerned, Ouyang Luo knows that he is already happy in his heart.

However, after these three days of treatment, no special effects were found. Ouyang Luo wondered if there was something wrong with his method of use. After all, he believed in Xiao Su'er's medical skills.

Ouyang Luo hurriedly asked now, "Su'er, I have used the medicine you gave me on that patient, but it hasn't improved much. What's going on?"

"It's only been a few days since you took the medicine back. The effect won't be so fast. Let's wait and see. If half a month has passed and he hasn't improved at all, it means that there is something wrong with my treatment plan. Take the medicine quickly. Stop it, although it won't cause any side effects on the patient's body, but after all, don't let him take the medicine that doesn't work."

"Will it take half a month? That's fine." Ouyang Luo was a little depressed. He didn't know what would happen in the next half month. He had already heard from Bo Qingang that Xiao Su'er would not go to him these days.

If during this half month, another man appeared around Xiao Su'er and chased her fiercely, and she agreed to that man just because she felt lonely, would Bo Qing'ang be angry?When the time comes, the world will be in chaos, and no one can watch Bo Shao.

(End of this chapter)

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