Chapter 1067
Chapter 1067
Su Wanwan had a strong desire to win, and wanted to compete with Xiao Su'er. She was in her early twenties, with a good figure and appearance. Xiao Su'er had a better family background and career than her.

But she believed that Bo Qingang wouldn't care about these things. Of course, a woman's age and appearance are the biggest assets, and she was determined to compare with Xiao Su'er.

She originally thought that Bo Qing'ang was pestered by Xiao Su'er and didn't want to have a formal quarrel with the Ang family, so she came to drive Xiao Su'er away, but after getting along for a while, she found that things were not as she thought. Qing Ang obviously still likes Xiao Su'er.

It can be seen from his eyes and movements, but if he likes him, he doesn't say it directly, but instead finds someone to piss off the person he likes.

She couldn't figure out what these rich people were doing, but she believed that no boy would let a girl as beautiful and temperamental as her not fall in love with her.

Young Master Bo, she has been secretly in love for a long time. Five years ago, when Bo Qingang was in the limelight and was often interviewed in magazines, she felt that if she could marry him one day, she would definitely live like a princess.

Now is the time when she is closest to Bo Qingang, she will not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

When the wedding banquet officially started, Xiao Su'er stood beside Xia Xiaonan, sent her to Ouyang Luo's side and then returned to the banquet.

Xia Xiaonan deliberately arranged her position to be far away from Bo Qingcheng, but with her good eyesight, she was still able to see Bo Qingang. The two of them were separated by three tables, and Su Wanwan beside him came into Xiao Su'er's eyes.

Today, she is very beautifully dressed, looking elegant and noble in a long purple dress, her hair is simply coiled up, and she wears a headband with broken diamonds.

But she wears a gentle and thin couple watch on her wrist, so obvious!Everyone knows that the two are a couple.

By the way, there is no need to look at it now, as long as everyone hears the name Su Wanwan, they will naturally associate with Bo Qingang.

Su Wanwan felt that someone was looking at them all the time, turned her head and met Xiao Su'er's gaze.

She raised the most perfect smile towards Xiao Su'er, mouthed hello, and then deliberately leaned towards Bao Qingang, her hair hanging on his shoulders.

Xiao Su'er withdrew her gaze and turned her head. She didn't know where to put her gaze. The love experience of Ouyang Luo and Xia Xiaonan was playing on the screen, and she could still be seen in a photo that popped up from time to time.

She turned her head and saw someone who made her a little embarrassed. Lu Jun was also at the wedding. It seemed that he and Ouyang's family also knew each other.

When Lu Jun saw Xiao Su'er holding a wine glass and sitting next to her, she felt helpless for a moment. Why was there an empty seat next to her?

"Miss Xiao, how are you doing without seeing you for a few days? I haven't bothered you these few days. Have you thought about our relationship? In fact, I don't think I'm so annoying. "

Lu Jun didn't seem to be angry at what happened last time, instead he teased, "Miss Xiao, do you know that last time I stood on the side of the road for 10 minutes, that posture made many people think I was crazy, not only No one came to steal from me, but they all walked around me. This is also a special experience, and I also want to thank you."

"You're welcome." Xiao Su'er looked at Ouyang Luo and Xia Xiaonan who were already kissing each other on the stage. The wedding was about to end, not bad.

"Miss Xiao, I saw Bo Shao brought his new girlfriend over. The relationship between the two seems to be very good. I saw them talking and laughing just now. Maybe it's time for you to start your new life, I I'm not forcing you to be with me, I just want you to give me a chance to pursue you. You can get to know me and see if we are suitable."

"Well, for a month, the two of us will be together for a month. If you think I am not suitable for you, then I will disappear from your world and never bother you again. If you think the two of us are suitable, try How about dating me, you can also date other men in this month, you can find a boyfriend anytime and tell me anytime."

He made a request that confuses Xiao Su'er, giving him a month to get along, the two of them are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and he can still accept the pursuit of other men, this Lu Jun is too generous!
However, this generosity made Xiao Su'er extremely uncomfortable, and she could only shake her head and refuse, "Mr. Lu Jun, if you don't want me to be unhappy when I attend my good friend's wedding today, please stop talking, okay?" ?”

Xiao Su'er decided that the patience she had cultivated over the years should not be placed on this man, otherwise he would only think that there is still a chance to pester him endlessly.

"Okay." Lu Jun closed his mouth obediently and did not speak any more. Xiao Su'er sat on the seat and watched Xia Xiaonan walk to the side of the stage, turned her back and shouted, "Girls can grab the bouquet, whoever grabs the bouquet, You will be the next one to get married, I hope I can bring you good luck."

"Come on, come on!"

The girls at the wedding stand up cooperatively and prepare to grab the bouquet, but Xiao Su'er sat obediently on the spot.Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Su Wanwan also stood up, looking eager to try.

Is she ready to have a wedding with Bo Qingang?If Su Wanwan wears a wedding dress and Bo Qingang wears a suit, the two of them standing together will definitely be an eye-catching couple.

Xiao Su'er lowered her head thinking this way, she had held the bouquet in her hand for a while, and she imagined that if the person wearing the white gauze was herself today, holding the bouquet.

But probably there is no such opportunity, she picked up a fork to eat to divert her attention, the girl in front yelled, but the bouquet skipped them and flew straight to Xiao Su'er, Lu Jun stood up quickly Standing up, he grabbed the bouquet.

"Mr. Lu, you have grabbed the bouquet, do you want to strike while the iron is hot and find a girlfriend?" The person who knew him next to him teased, and Xiao Su'er felt an inexplicable premonition.

Sure enough, Lu Jun actually knelt down in front of Xiao Su'er holding the bouquet, "Miss Xiao, I think today is my lucky day. I received the bride's bouquet. The bride is your best friend. Will bring it to the two of us, are you willing to accept my pursuit and be my girlfriend? I promise to treat you well."

(End of this chapter)

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