Chapter 1076 Finding the Truth
Chapter 1076 Finding the Truth
After two days of observation, Xiao Wang did not find anything amiss. When he turned on the computer, he usually worked in front of the computer, and he was basically the only person who appeared on his personal computer, and Su Wanwan never saw it. Pass.

Just when he was about to give up the monitoring and went back overseas with Xiao Suer, he suddenly found something was wrong. When Bo Qingang turned on the computer again, his face was pale, and after typing two lines on the keyboard, he began to tremble. The hair became whiter and whiter, and finally curled up on the chair.

On the computer on this side, Xiao Wang saw that everything within his reach slowly froze and climbed into the frost, and Bo Qingang's facial features began to distort.

Even though Xiao Wang had never been exposed to the cold poison, he knew that his current state was not right. He was so anxious across the computer that he wished he could crawl to Bo Qingang's side along the network cable to take care of him.

Bo Qingang called Ouyang Luo again. When Ouyang Luo arrived, he was almost frozen on the chair. Xiao Wang could hear the conversation between the two, and finally solved all the mysteries.

"Aang! What's the matter with you? You haven't been sick for the past few days. Why did the cold poison suddenly worsen today? If I came a little later, you would freeze to death here."

"Su'er seems to be preparing to go back overseas." Bo Qingang was in a depressed mood when he spoke, and he had been secretly concerned about Xiao Su'er, knowing that she was already preparing for the handover of the clinic in the past two days, and even bought the day after tomorrow. Air tickets are ready to fly overseas.

When he knew all this, he was restless and couldn't calm down at all. Even if he sat in front of the computer, he couldn't rest assured to work.

Over the past few years, Ouyang Luo has already figured out the magic nature of his cold poison, which will fluctuate with Bo Qingang's mood. When he is in the lowest mood, the poison of cold poison will also be exerted maximum.

Now it seems that Bo Qingang's mood these past few days has been hanging on Xiao Suer's body. After knowing that she is going overseas, she is depressed. It's no wonder that the cold poison will become so serious.

"Aren't you asking for fun? Why do you torture yourself like this? How good it is to have Xiao Su'er by your side. Maybe it can make your cold poison better. Although she can't restrain it now, she can Affect your mood!"

"Forget it, don't take the risk, what if you infect her by then?"

Bo Qingang calmed down after taking the medicine, looked at Ouyang Luo and shook his head slowly, "It's fine if she wants to go back overseas, that's the headquarters of the Ang family, no one will dare to bully her, she and Xiao Wang go After we get there, there won’t be so many people talking about it, and we can live a little more comfortably.”

"Can you bear the pain of the two of them not being by your side?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't bear it, it's better than keeping the two of them by your side and always worrying about whether they will be infected by me."

Bo Qingang nestled on the sofa, holding the medicine Ouyang Loti gave him in his hand, which was given to him by Xiao Su'er, the only medicine she could grow in the Chinese mainland, every time Bo Qingang drank it, he felt the poison of ice cold It dissipated quickly. Although it cannot be cured, it is still much faster than other medicines.

Ouyang Luo has been puzzled, since they can grow such powerful herbs, why can't the ice system be eradicated? What is the reason?Is it really not enough medical skills?

"Aang! I still think I should tell Xiao Su'er about your current situation. I will study together with her and I will be able to restrain your poison. You don't want to suffer all this silently. You think it is for her good, but she may not think so , I think with Xiao Su'er's temperament, she will definitely choose to stand by your side and share weal and woe with you."

"Don't! As I said before, if you dare to tell her, then I will break up with you." Bo Qingang and Ouyang Luo had a life-threatening friendship when they were young, but only in this matter, he took out How could Ouyang Luo dare to say something casually if he put the friendship between the two of them for more than 30 years as a bet.

What the two of them didn't know was that Xiao Wang listened to their words thoroughly. Now he can be considered to have figured out everything. It turned out that his father didn't want him and his mother, nor was he with that Su Wanwan. Everything he did It's all for the good of herself and Xiao Su'er.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Wang decided to tell Xiao Su'er about this immediately, so that she could no longer be kept in the dark.

When he rushed into Xiao Su'er's room, he found that she was flipping through old photos. In the past five years, Xiao Su'er has always said that photos can leave people's memories, and took him to take a lot of photos. Bought all the magazines and cut out his photos from them. These are also the courage to support her in the past five years.

She organized and pasted all the photos on a photo album, and she was flipping through the photo album at the moment, with a reluctant expression on her face.When she was about to get up with the photo album, she saw Xiao Wang who was staring at her in a daze at the door, "What's the matter? Xiao Wang, did you come to see me for something?"

"Mom. Where are you going with this photo album?"

"I'm going to burn it, it won't be used anymore anyway."

She could see the reluctance in her heart as she held the photo album, obviously she was still reluctant to burn it, but she felt that it was useless, and now Bo Qingang was alive and well, unlike before, she could only rely on these photos to remember.

But when only relying on photos to remember, Bo Qing'ang belonged to her, but now Bo Qing'ang who is alive and well has nothing to do with her.

Seeing that his mother was so distressed, Xiao Wang walked up to her, "Mom! We don't want to go overseas, we want to stay with Dad, he needs us very much now, you don't know how much pain he has endured by himself."

"What pain did he endure?" Xiao Su'er was confused by what her son said.

"Mom, didn't you say that Dad had been poisoned by the cold? Now he has suffered the poison again, and lives in dire straits every day. We shouldn't leave him, and he must have been looking for Su Wanwan." To anger you, the two of them have nothing to do with each other, he is just worried that he will infect you with the cold poison."

Xiao Wang said everything he knew in one go, and it was no surprise to see Xiao Su'er's surprised eyes, but she regained her composure in an instant, followed by doubts, "Impossible! The cold poison is not Contagious, you are talking nonsense in order not to go overseas, my mother is going to be angry, I told you not to lie."

"I didn't lie. I hacked into Dad's computer and monitored everything. You don't believe that you can question him face to face tomorrow. I can swear that everything I said is true."

(End of this chapter)

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