Chapter 1085 Suspected Contagion
Chapter 1085 Suspected Contagion
In the past, Bo Qing'ang closed himself up and was only willing to open his heart to her, but his strong willpower made him calm and decisive beyond ordinary people. Xiao Su'er couldn't hear his inner voice at all, unless he was relaxing and slack.

Now she can hear Bo Qing'ang's inner voice, which means that he is in a very happy mood now, Xiao Su'er lowered her head and laughed foolishly, looking out the window, it seemed that the sky was a little bluer.

The two arrived at the restaurant that Xiao Su'er had booked in advance. It was the restaurant that she and Bo Qing'ang used to come to frequently. It was still the familiar private room, and it was still those familiar dishes.

Xiao Su'er sat where she used to sit, and looked at the familiar person in front of her with familiar eyes. Bo Qingang sat opposite her, but kept avoiding her eyes, and finally said coldly, "What do you want to talk to me about?" Let's talk about it directly."

"Are you still doing this until now? Didn't you just make sure that you would not infect me? Why are you still so cold? There is no need to hide those things. I know it all. I know you are doing it for my own good." You don't want to get in touch with me, I know that Su Wanwan was invited by you to deceive me, the two of you are totally fine.

Aang!Stop doing these stupid things, how many more five years do you want to miss, we don't have another five years to waste at the age of 30. "

Xiao Su'er propped her chin with both hands, and said these words that she had kept in her heart for a long time like a little girl. She still doesn't believe it after experiencing it. This fool thought that he could protect the one he loves in this way, but he didn't realize that it was just letting two people miss it.

His girlfriend has already given birth to a son for him, and she is also a genius doctor. He doesn't believe that he can solve it. He goes to Ouyang Luo all day and doesn't want to let himself have a look. Ang too stupid?
Xiao Su'er couldn't help laughing bitterly when she thought about it, she even laughed out loud and shed tears, Bo Qingang looked at her and frowned slightly, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing, do you agree with what I said? Stop rejecting people thousands of miles away like this. I have a way to cure your poison. Wouldn't it be nice for the two of us to go through the hardest days together?"

When Xiao Su'er was talking, she wanted to pull Bao Qing'ang's hand again, but before she touched his hand, she suddenly sneezed loudly.

"Sneeze!" Xiao Su'er suddenly withdrew her hand to cover her mouth, but Bo Qingang on the opposite side looked horrified, why did she sneeze, she used to be in good health, she would not catch a cold easily at all, and today the sun is shining brightly , It is impossible to catch a cold at noon, it must be because he is too close to him, maybe it is a sign of being infected by himself, no, he must stay away from her.

As he thought about it, his face slowly changed from panic to indifference, and finally stood up directly, "I said before, Su Wanwan and I are serious, don't think that I am willing to come out to chat with you today, just want to Make up with you, figure out your own identity! We have nothing to talk about, and again, we are in the past tense now."

Xiao Su'er was a little confused by his sudden change, wasn't he fine just now?The two of them came to this restaurant with their memories intertwined, but somehow there was a sudden 180-degree change, leaving no room for her at all.

She stood up anxiously and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why such a big reaction all of a sudden, can't we have a good chat?"

Xiao Su'er thought that today she could break through Bo Qingang's line of defense in one fell swoop, the two of them got back together, and put aside all the bad things, but she didn't expect that she just sneezed and returned to the place before liberation. Those foreshadowings are useless.

"Why do I have to have a good chat with you? Today is your faceless face. I have already said, let you stay away from me. I have asked you to feel my pulse just now. What is your pulse coming from? Can you explain it?" Is this poison? If you can solve it, I want to hear it. Since you can't do it, don't pester me anymore, and don't be sentimental, thinking that I am looking for Su Wanwan because I am worried about infecting you. Actually I'm not interested in you at all."

Bo Qing'ang put down these words, turned around and left resolutely, Xiao Su'er anxiously followed behind him, trying to catch up with him, and almost fell down, but stopped after sneezing a few times, feeling a burst of pain in her body. Chill, she also realized that something was wrong, could it be that she was really infected?
Xiao Su'er was in a complicated mood, she didn't want to admit that she was infected, because she didn't want Bo Qingang's poison to be contagious with just a simple touch, but she also thought that if she was infected with the cold like Bo Qingang Will he no longer resist the poison?At that time, the two of them can join hands to fight against this poison, at least they don't need to be alone now.

With such a tangled mind, she had forgotten to chase Bo Qingang, but quickly returned to Ang's manor with her bag, wanting to determine whether she was really infected with the cold poison, and if so, this matter would be It's tricky.

Sitting in the car, Bo Qingang could see the back of her leaving in a hurry, with mixed feelings in her heart, so you are also afraid of the cold poison?This poison is really distasteful, after all, everyone doesn't want to turn into a monster and walk around everyone like a refrigerator man.

This is also good, you stay away from me, just a little contact, even if it is contagious, you can definitely control it yourself, don't come close to me again, don't let me bring you deeper and heavier pain.

Bo Qing leaned on the back seat tiredly and said slowly, "Let's drive."

He tightly held the hand that Xiao Su'er held just now, feeling the residual warmth she left in his palm, it was so warm, but he could never feel it again in this life.

"Alas..." Bo Qingang sighed, deeply tired and exhausted.

The driver who was driving heard his sigh and was shocked. He had never seen such a weak Bao Qingang.In the eyes of the mainlanders of China, Bo Shao is a god's mansion high above him, and he can't be blasphemed without a doubt, but now he looks so weak.

the other side.

Xiao Su'er, who ran back to Ang's Manor, felt something was wrong as she walked, she felt that her whole body was icy cold from the inside out, this weird feeling was really exactly the same as the cold poison.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? Why are you shaking all over? What happened?" Xiao Yuhan saw the shivering Xiao Su'er and immediately wanted to hold her hand, but Xiao Su'er shook her head to stop him. It is the cold poison, but it can no longer infect other people.

(End of this chapter)

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