Chapter 1092 We are the same now
Chapter 1092 We are the same now
"Are you reluctant to betray Bo Qing'ang? I'm not going around in circles with you. I'm really sorry for him in cooperating with you. There are some unfavorable things, but it is of great benefit to you! You can think about it carefully. Think, I will give you some time to think, I believe you will not let me down."

"For a man who is ruthless and ungrateful and abandons you all the time, you don't need to have compassion for him. After all, you are nothing in his heart."

Chi Siang took back the check, turned back to the car and winked at Su Wanwan, "I'm waiting for your good news, I can't wait for too long, maybe a week! I'll come back to ask you about cooperation after a week Intent, if you are sure to cooperate with me, then you will lose this opportunity, and if you want to come to me again in the future, I will ignore you, that's all."

After he finished speaking, he drove away, leaving Su Wanwan standing alone at the door of the restaurant. She watched the car drift away with complicated emotions.

If money is compared with Bo Qing'ang, she must choose Bo Qing'ang. With him, everything will be available, but if he doesn't want to take care of her at all, won't it be a waste of money and money?

But if he cooperates with Chi Siang to frame Bo Qing'ang now, if Bo Qing'ang finds out, she will have no room for change at all, and she still has to fight one last time, but Chi Siang can also be her A second option for a rainy day.

Su Wanwan thought so, and walked slowly towards the Bo family's villa, or she could make one last effort, with her face and her means, how could she make Bo Qing Ang more Just look at him!He and Xiao Su'er have known each other for so long and they should be tired of seeing each other.

the other side.

Bo Qing'ang hadn't eaten all day. In the evening, Ouyang Luo said that he was finally willing to go out of the room to eat something with him. Seeing Bo Qing'ang's sluggish appearance, Ouyang Luo was filled with emotion, "Aang, I know you It’s the first time I’ve seen you like this for so many years, this ice poison is really tormenting people, don’t worry! You live well, I will definitely cure you, pain, what’s wrong with the hunger strike? manage?"

"Isn't that a problem now?" Bo Qingang took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand.

"Don't be like this, and don't stay at your house. It was smashed like that by you. I will take you to a place. I bought a house specially and changed it into a greenhouse. It is very comfortable inside. I also smoked it with herbs. Going through the house will help your poison recover." Ouyang Luo said as he took Bo Qingang to the house he said, and when he opened the door, he could smell the smell of medicinal herbs.

Bo Qingang leaned on the sofa, smoking heavily, like a person who has lost all vitality.

"Come on! Let's eat something first." Ouyang Luo walked in front of him with the food, feeling uneasy. Xiao Su'er made the food on the plate himself, could he taste it.

Bo Qingang looked at him sullenly, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, he didn't want to eat!
Ouyang Luo turned a blind eye to his gaze, but directly picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the food into his mouth, biting it mechanically, like a robot that has been programmed to follow the program, He didn't say anything until he ate all the food on the plate.

It seems that he didn't taste that this thing was made by his beloved person himself, so he thought it would be!They haven't gotten along well for ten years, and he probably forgot about the taste of food, which is just right!It won't make him suspicious.

After eating, Bo Qingang stood up with a cold face, "I don't want to live with you, and I don't want to remind me that I'm sick all the time, so I'm leaving first."

"Where are you going? Are you...can you walk?" Ouyang Luo lowered his tone a lot, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bo Qingang start to shake, and looked at Ouyang Luo in disbelief, "You did what?"

"Don't blame me, I just don't want to make you sad for the rest of your life." Ouyang Luo stepped forward to support him and dragged him to lie on the sofa.

Looking at Bo Qingang's peaceful sleeping face, he turned around and shouted in the direction of the room, "Come out quickly! He is already asleep."

"Da da da..." The sound of Xiao Su'er's high-heeled shoes came from the room, she walked to the sofa and looked at Bao Qingang who was sleeping peacefully, and reached out to touch his cheek, "Now you finally don't chase me away, I'm going to be like you soon, do you think you're a monster? Then we're also the same monster."

As she spoke, she took out a small knife from behind and was about to cut it on Bo Qingang's arm. Ouyang Luo grabbed him in time, "Have you really thought it through? This is a road that is impossible to turn back , both of us are helpless against the poison of ice, there should be no one in this world who can detoxify it, you have to think about it.”

"It's clear enough, I can choose, he can't! I want to do my best for him." Xiao Su'er dropped the knife on Bo Qingang's wrist, cold blood flowed from his wrist, and Xiao Su'er's tears followed slide.

The bright red blood was in the bowl, Ouyang Luo watched her drink all the blood in the bowl, the blood stained her lips and teeth, the moment Xiao Su'er swallowed the blood, she felt the urgency coming from all the limbs. Chill, is this the feeling Bo Qingang experiences every day?What a pain!She folded her arms and squatted on the ground, her expression distorted and painful.

"Are you okay?" Ouyang Luo ran to her side anxiously, seeing her suffering but didn't know how to deal with it.

"I'm fine, don't touch me! I finally understand why he thinks he is a monster. People who can bear this kind of pain are indeed no different from monsters." Xiao Su'er clenched her teeth, this is pain that ordinary people can't bear.

"Ah!" Xiao Su'er couldn't take it anymore, lying on the ground rolling with her head in her arms.It seemed that this could relieve the pain, but it didn't help at all. She just felt as if her whole body was frozen, and even his heart didn't seem to be beating.

"Hey, what should I do? Come on, take this medicine. This is the medicine you gave me. Before Aang took it, he said that it can relieve a lot. You should try it too." Ouyang Luo stuffed a medicine into her mouth.

Xiao Su'er gritted her teeth and swallowed the medicine, indeed she felt much warmer in an instant, and she survived the first test.

"Huh..." Xiao Su'er panted and walked to Bo Qing'ang's side and held his hand. The two cold hands seemed to spark when they touched each other, and they became much warmer in an instant.

"Now I am the same as you." Xiao Su'er clenched his hand tightly, and there will be no reason or obstacle to separate the two of them in the future!
"You guys are really..." Ouyang Luo watched from the side, not knowing what to say, asking what love is in the world, and directly teaching life and death to promise each other!
(End of this chapter)

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