Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 110 Who is Young Master Bo Looking For?

Chapter 110 Who is Young Master Bo Looking For?
Chapter 110 Who is Young Master Bo Looking For?
Everyone was stunned, turned their heads, and saw a tall figure appearing at the entrance of the auditorium at some point.

A dark gray shirt and long trousers wrapped his slender legs. The man came slowly, and the sound of pattering footsteps seemed to be walking on people's hearts.

For a moment, the entire auditorium fell silent, and everyone held their breath involuntarily.

What a strong sense of oppression!
Before everyone could feel their heart palpitations, they saw the man finally walk under the light.

The dazzling lights of the auditorium fell on the handsome face of the man, and in an instant, everyone in the auditorium gasped!
"Bo, Bo Shao!?"

If Bo Shao was a mysterious figure living in the clouds, then since Lin Suer and Luo Tiantian's interview, Bo Shao's mysterious veil has finally been slowly lifted.

That handsome face that almost surpassed the limits of human beings has long been deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone in Yingzhen, so at this moment, they recognized it almost at a glance.

It's Bo Shao!
It's really thin!
In an instant, the entire auditorium exploded!
"My God! It's Bo Shao! The real Bo Shao! My god! I actually saw the real Bo Shao! I'll die without regrets in my life!"

"Heaven and earth! Young Master Bo is even more handsome than in the previous photo! Is this still human! It's over, it's over, I feel like I can't breathe!"

"Ahhh, why did Bo Shao show up in our school's auction! I wasn't prepared at all! If I had known Bo Shao was coming, I would have definitely put on my most beautiful dress!"

The girls screamed and the boys exclaimed, one after another, the roof of the entire auditorium was almost torn off!
Not to mention the students, the parents of those students are also going crazy at this time.

Bo Shao!

Bo Shao, whom they worked so hard to meet a lot, now unexpectedly appeared at a high school auction!

In an instant, those parents who had a high self-esteem just now didn't care about pretending to be aggressive, and just rushed towards Bo Qingang one by one.

"Young Master Bo! I'm Luo Jianguo, the person in charge of Xinyue Media! I've been to your company to interview high-level executives before, do you know?"

"Young Master Bo! I am the person in charge of Haishan Fangdishan Company. That... I have cooperated with your company before. Do you have any impression?"

"Young Master Bo! I'm the person in charge of Hutian Internet. Recently, your company has a case. I'm trying to bid. Could you please chat with me?"

At this time, these parents didn't have the same lofty heights just now, they just showed extremely obsequious smiles, trying desperately to get close to the man in front of them.

It's a pity that Bo Qing'ang didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

He just raised his black eyes slightly and set his eyes on the stands.

With just one glance, he had locked onto that petite figure.

Where Bo Qingang looked, the screams of girls resounded again——

"Ahh! Young Master Bo is looking at me! Hurry up! Give me the oxygen bottle! I'm dying!"

"You don't have big dreams of spring and autumn! It's not you that Young Master Bo is looking at! It's me at all!"

"Young Master Bo's eyes are so deep! So handsome! Ahhh, I think I'm in love!"

Amidst the exclamation, Luo Tiantian looked at the man in the distance, and couldn't help breathing fast.

Unlike the people present, this was the second time she had seen Bo Shao.

But even if it was the second time I met him, the man was still so amazing.

And it's not her illusion, she just felt very clearly that Bo Shao's eyes fell on her.

Thinking of this, Luo Tiantian's heart couldn't help beating wildly!
Could it be... Is Bo Shao looking at her?
Just when Luo Tiantian's mind was in chaos, Bo Qing'ang finally stepped forward with her long legs and walked over slowly.

Seeing Bo Qingang's movements, the people in the arena screamed again——

"Ahh! Young Master Bo moved! Young Master Bo walked towards Class Nine!"

"Wait! I read it right, Bo Shao walked over, it seems to be Luo Tiantian's direction?"

"Ah! I remembered, didn't Luo Tiantian interview Bo Shao before? So the two have known each other for a long time? Could it be...Could it be that Bo Shao came here today to find Luo Tiantian?"

"It's possible! Otherwise, how could Bo Shao come to our school's auction!"

"Ahh! I don't believe it! Stop talking!"

"Hey! I just fell in love, and I fell out of love!"

Not only the students, but the parents also noticed the direction Bo Qingang was walking at this time, and they were all shocked.

But after all, they are old fritters who have been struggling in the mall for so many years. They are all human spirits, and they immediately came to their senses and quickly surrounded Father Luo.

"Brother Luo! You are so lucky! You have such an outstanding daughter, yet you fall into Young Master Bo's eyes!"

"That's right, Mr. Luo, when the time comes when you've developed, don't forget us old friends!"

"By the way, brother Luo, you told us before that you want to cooperate with our company..."

Amidst countless flattery, Father Luo felt indescribably light.

And Luo Tiantian in the stands felt even more like she was dreaming.

He... is he going to become Bo Shao's father-in-law?

At the same time, Luo Tiantian was completely dumbfounded.

The surrounding words were like waves hitting Luo Tiantian's eardrums, she just felt that the happiness came so suddenly, she almost fainted.

Bo, Bo Shao... really came to find her?

So it was because of the previous interview that Bo Shao had a strong interest in her?
Or... Or did Bo Shao actually notice her earlier, that's why he agreed to their interview?

All kinds of conjectures came out of her mind, each one made her heart beat faster!
Just when Luo Tiantian felt that her heart was beating and she was about to die suddenly, another handsome face suddenly appeared in her mind——

Chi Siang.

Luo Tiantian was like pouring cold water on her face, and finally calmed down a little.

What should I do...

If Bo Shao also likes her, is she going to give up Chi Siang?
Although Bo Shao is more handsome and outstanding than Chi Siang, but... But she also really liked Chi Siang.

This... How does this make her choose?
At the same time, Bo Shao was still walking in step by step by Luo Tiantian.

The surrounding people have completely boiled——

"Ahh! Young Master Bo came to Luo Tiantian's side! Young Master Bo really came to find Luo Tiantian!"

"Envy makes me ugly! Jealousy makes me crazy!"

"I'm so envious of Luo Tiantian, why is she so lucky, oh..."

Amidst the countless screams of envy and hatred from the girls, Luo Tiantian's little face couldn't help but become more and more crimson.

She lowered her head, twisted the corner of her clothes shyly, looked at the man who kept approaching her in front of her, stood up embarrassedly, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Bo, please personally..."

She hadn't finished her shy words, but she didn't expect——

The handsome and noble man in front of him didn't even look at her, he just walked past her so straightly.

(End of this chapter)

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