Chapter 1101 Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 1101 Intensive Care Unit

The surroundings were filled with noisy questioning voices, Xiao Suer's brows became more and more frowned, and finally only the cold voice remained, "Did you see me hurt her with your own eyes? Did you see her in the intensive care unit? Did you?" What evidence proves that I hit the person?"

Several reporters didn't expect her to be so tough. After all, they were sent by their superiors to interview. The superiors made it clear that they had obtained solid evidence, proving that it was Xiao Su'er who sent someone to hurt Su Wanwan.

"Miss Xiao, do you think there is no way to prove that you did it if you don't admit it? Take a look at these photos and surveillance videos. They are all screenshots of the surveillance video of the community where Miss Su Wanwan lives."

"The person above is your younger brother, right? Yesterday evening, he ran to Miss Su's house to hurt her and stabbed someone with a fruit knife. If it wasn't for you, then Xiao Yuhan is a university professor, and Su Wan There is no direct holiday in the evening, why do you want to hurt her?"

While talking, the reporters took out some photos and handed them to Xiao Su'er. He saw that the person in those photos was indeed Xiao Yuhan. Why didn't Xiao Yuhan go to Su Wanwan without telling her?And she didn't believe that her gentle brother would take the initiative to hurt someone.

Although Xiao Yuhan has been exercising all these years and has trained his muscles, he has never hit a girl, let alone stabbed someone with a fruit knife.

"I will ask my brother to confirm this matter, but I believe that my brother never hurt her. As for what you said, I was jealous because she used to be with Bo Qing'ang, and finding someone to hurt her is pure nonsense. This is something that doesn't exist.

My friends from the press, do you know which hospital she is in now?I want to visit her, although I said I didn't hurt her, but since everyone of you said that this matter has something to do with me, I think I should take the initiative to solve it. "

Xiao Su'er put the photos in the bag, this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, but it doesn't seem like someone fabricated it either.

"She is at the No.1 Civilian Hospital. Do you want to see Miss Xiao now? We can let you go all the way in our car. I just want to interview the relevant doctors and nurses. About Miss Su's injury, or There needs to be a report. Let people know the truth of this matter, and if the young lady really thinks that we have wronged you, she can bring us to restore the truth of the matter together."

The reporters were eager to lure Xiao Su'er to the hospital so that the two of them could confront each other face to face.

"Of course I will restore the truth of the matter, so that no one will wrong me and my brother casually. He is a professor at Imperial University, and his reputation cannot be damaged."

Xiao Su'er calmly followed the reporter into the car and went to the No.1 civilian hospital. When she got in the car, all the reporters sitting beside her couldn't help but squeeze to the side, it was too cold.In the end, Xiao Su'er was sitting there alone, and all the reporters crowded to the other side of the nanny van.

No.1 civilian hospital.

Su Wanwan was lying in the intensive care unit with bandages on her hands and an oxygen mask on her face.The nurse put on a disinfectant suit and entered the intensive care unit to wipe her body. She opened her eyes and stuffed money into the nurse's hand, "How is it? Are these reporters here? When can I go out? I really It's unbearable!"

"Don't make a noise. If my aunt didn't know the dean, how could I let you into the intensive care unit? You just suffered a little trauma. You should lie here for a few days. No one will be admitted to the intensive care unit for a day. Those who come out. Those who come out are not cured, basically the soul has returned to the west."

The nurse put the money she gave into the bag, took a towel dipped in physiological saline and quickly wiped her body, and then left the intensive care unit, taking a long breath outside the door.

When Xiao Su'er arrived at the door of the intensive care unit, she happened to see the nurse leaving.Through the glass, she looked at Su Wanwan who was lying on the bed, her face was ruddy. Although her hands were wrapped in bandages, as long as she was a medical student, she could tell at a glance that the injuries on her hands were not so serious.

The reporters also followed her outside the door of the intensive care unit, taking pictures through the glass.

"Miss Xiao, have you seen it now? Miss Su Wanwan is still lying in the intensive care unit and wearing an oxygen mask. I just asked the doctor and said that she may have to stay for a long time, and you will bear her Medical bills?"

"Miss Xiao, you are a famous genius doctor yourself, will you help Miss Su see a doctor?"

"Excuse me, now that you've seen someone lying here, don't you still want to admit that you hurt her?"

Questions from the reporters flooded in like waves again, but Xiao Su'er just asked back with a flat expression, "Since she is lying here now, it must have been an emergency when she was sent to the hospital? She said she was injured by my brother." Is that so? I see that only her hand was injured here. Did the doctor say that she was admitted to the intensive care unit because of some illness? It can’t just be the trauma on the wrist!

I want to have a good talk with a doctor. My younger brother is also a medical student, and our whole family is a medical student.If the doctor can't give me a good answer, I can take Ms. Su to our clinic for treatment. After she recovers, I will confront her about this matter. After all, I can't take the blame. "

Putting down these words, Xiao Su'er turned around and walked towards the doctor's office, and at the same time took out her mobile phone to call Xiao Yuhan who was in class.

at the same time.

Xiao Yuhan's side at Imperial University was not clean either. When he came to the school early in the morning, he was surrounded by a bunch of reporters, and even the leaders of the university were mobilized to manage to stabilize the situation.

A group of reporters sat in the principal's office aggrieved.

"Principal, what do you think of the intentional hurtful behavior of the professors in your school? Imperial University can be said to be a first-class university in mainland China. The quality of such teachers is a bit worrying."

"Professor Xiao, you are already a professor, don't you know that killing people is illegal? Even if there is an emotional dispute, you can't use this violent method."

Xiao Yuhan had already figured out the truth of the matter in a few words from the reporter, and now hearing what they said, he couldn't get angry at all.

"I did go to Su Wanwan yesterday, but I just wanted to find out about the rumors she was walking outside. I haven't even touched a single finger of her. As for what you said about deliberately hurting people, it's even worse. does not exist."

"But the surveillance video has captured you entering Su's house. Except for you, no one went there yesterday. No one else will hurt Miss Su."

(End of this chapter)

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