Chapter 1104 Wuwei Wan

Chapter 1104 Wuwei Wan

"Miss Xiao, what are you feeding her?" The dean asked worriedly when he saw her movements.

Xiao Su'er shook her head inscrutablely, "Don't worry, this is the medicine I made myself, it's very useful! Some patients in our clinic who can't be cured all year round can take a few medicines. Even if they can't be cured Absolutely no side effects. So don't worry, the dean, just see if Su Wanwan responds, I just took her pulse and I already know what kind of illness she has."

"Really? Miss Xiao is so powerful, you already know what's wrong with her pulse?"

When the dean heard what Xiao Suer said, he was worried and questioned. He was worried that Xiao Suer would really see that she was not sick, but he also questioned whether this Xiao Suer was playing tricks. In fact, it was not as powerful as the rumors said. Could it be that she just wanted to Want to use this trick to blow up their truth?

But only Xiao Su'er knew what happened to the medicine she fed to Su Wanwan just now, it was a five-flavored pill specially developed by her.Some patients who have lost their sense of taste and need taste to stimulate their sense of taste will take Wuweiwan.

In the past, I usually chose to use things like bitter gall, but those were often of no use.So she specially developed such a pill, which can quickly stimulate people's sense of taste in a short period of time. Wuwei Pill is a very heavy-tasting medicine. When you eat it, it will magnify to the extreme, rushing to people's taste buds and stimulating people's brain.

Some people who have lost their sense of taste can almost feel the taste with just one pill. Of course, if this pill is taken by a normal person, it will feel very stimulating.

Xiao Su'er stood beside the hospital bed and looked at Su Wanwan in a leisurely manner, tapping the edge of the bed while counting, one, two...

Before she could count to three, she saw Su Wanwan turn over and get out of bed with a flushed face, tear off the oxygen mask on her face and rush out of the intensive care unit.

quiet!Breathing can be heard throughout the hospital.After a short five seconds, there was a sudden earth-shattering exclamation at the door of the intensive care unit, and all the reporters pressed the shutter one after another, starting a heated discussion.

"Did you see it? She turned over and got out of bed, what's going on?"

"I saw Xiao Su'er fed her a medicine just now, and she rolled over and got out of bed within a few seconds. Is that some panacea?"

"I've always heard that Xiao Su'er is a miracle doctor in our city. Many patients who cannot be cured by others are cured by her. It seems that this miracle doctor's reputation is well-deserved!"

Xiao Su'er walked out of the intensive care unit briskly. I really want to thank Su Wanwan for giving her this wave of advertisements for free. Now, after the publicity of these reporters and friends, everyone will soon know that she has the magic hand to bring the dead back to life. When the time comes, everyone Whether the patient is a minor illness or a serious illness with intractable diseases, they will come to her clinic.

Bo Qing'ang was waiting at the door, when she saw Xiao Su'er coming out, she immediately went up to hold her hand, "Are you tired?"

Xiao Su'er blinked her eyes wide, and it took two seconds for her to realize what he said, "Why are you tired? I didn't really go to see a doctor, and she was fine at all. It's just that the two of us know, shhh! Don't Let these reporters know."

As she said that, she turned her head to face the reporters and said, "Friends from the press, Su Wanwan ran out just now, you should follow her to see, I don't know why she jumped up suddenly."

Thinking of Su Wanwan's possible reaction, she couldn't help laughing. It's really interesting. If you eat a five-flavored pill directly, maybe you'll find a place to drink water now, and you might turn into a big tongue tonight.

Sure enough, the first thing Su Wanwan did when she ran out of the intensive care unit was to rush into the doctor's office and snatch a doctor's water cup. After connecting many cups of water in the water dispenser, she calmed down a little, but it can still be seen that She was in a bad state: her face was flushed, and her eyes were bloodshot.

She only felt that when Xiao Su'er stuffed the pill into her mouth just now, she felt a slight bitter taste in the first second, but she slowly realized something was wrong, the taste of sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty rushed straight to her forehead.

The sweetness is the kind of very low-quality sweetness, which has reached the tenth level, and the bitterness is the feeling of ten galls together, especially the spicy taste, which is like the taste of pouring a bottle of abnormal spicy directly into the mouth.

Such mixed flavors, and all of them are top-notch flavors, made her a little unresponsive. She wanted to endure until all the reporters left, but she couldn't bear it anymore. She could only jump up from the bed and drink all the water in the bucket now. Light still can't completely suppress the taste in your mouth.

The doctors in the office were all taken aback when they saw her. After all, today's incident was so big, so many reporters came, and Bo Qingang came here in person just for Su Wanwan. They are very familiar with her. .Many doctors couldn't figure out why she was in the intensive care unit, but since she had gone there, it must be a serious illness.

But looking at her intact appearance now, she doesn't look like someone who is not sick at all!

Reporters swarmed into the doctor's office and interviewed her with a microphone, "Miss Su, what happened to you last night, and why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

"Miss Su, I don't think you're injured. May I ask what's wrong with you? Was the injury on your wrist caused by Professor Xiao Yuhan?"

"Hello, can you please restore what happened last night? We need to give the public an open report to let them know the truth of the matter. Many people care about you very much and are complaining about you."

Su Wanwan was still holding the water glass in her hand, so she couldn't think of what to say for a while, so she could only make up random things, "It was Xiao Yuhan who made it. He came to my place yesterday aggressively and said he wanted to get back a piece for her sister. To be fair, he did something to me in the end, look at my hand, my fruit knife is there, he took it out and stabbed me without even thinking about it."

"Su Wanwan, what nonsense are you talking about? I thought there was a misunderstanding about this matter. It turns out that you are talking nonsense here."

An angry voice came from behind the crowd, and everyone turned their heads in unison, only to see Xiao Yuhan who was hurrying over, he walked through the crowd with his fists tightly clenched, and walked directly in front of Su Wanwan.

"Didn't you say that you were seriously injured and are now lying in the intensive care unit? Why are you standing here so well? I went to look for you last night, but did I touch a finger of yours? Are you injured?" Because of me?" Xiao Yuhan questioned one after another.

"I, I..." Su Wanwan hesitated, tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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