Chapter 1108 Parents Are True Love

Chapter 1108 Parents Are True Love

Bo Qing'ang took Xiao Su'er's hand and clasped her fingers tightly, his words became more and more cold, "Your tricks may be a great temptation to other men, but they are useless to me. Do you think that pretending to be pitiful and saying some kind words here can make people dizzy and feel that you are self-sacrificing and like you very much?

I only think you are cheap. I paid a lot of money to invite you to pretend to be my girlfriend. Don't make me feel that I am losing money.Get as far away from us as possible from today on, hear me? "

Putting down these words, he put his arms around Xiao Su'er's waist and turned to leave without any hesitation.After hearing what he said, Xiao Su'er was about to applaud and cheer, why didn't she see that this Bo Qingang also had the function of identifying green tea whores before.

After getting in the car, Xiao Su'er got into his arms directly, and gently rubbed against his face.

"Young Master Bo, why are you so powerful? I want to impress you. She is so young and beautiful, and you can even refuse? His request is very tempting. He only spends an hour with you a week. And if she doesn't ask for fame, it means she is willing to be your mistress herself, don't you feel tempted at all?"

Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand, and lightly touched his chest with her fingers, which landed on the position of his heart impartially.

Bo Qing'ang stretched out his hand and grabbed her fingers, wrapped his big hand around his small hand, although it was cold, it was full of tenderness.

"My heart will only beat for you, and the beating heart will only be left to you. Don't say such stupid things."

"En." Xiao Su'er just wanted to hear him say a sweet word, but she didn't expect it to be so sweet, and she leaned on his chest happily.

Su Wanwan's matter has come to an end, and Bo Qing'ang's tough attitude is enough to show that nothing happened between the two of them before.Maybe she hasn't even touched Bo Qing'ang's hand.

For so many years, two people have been defending themselves like jade for each other. What a rare affection, it is impossible to let each other get lost.

Xiao Su'er thought so, wrapped her hands around Bao Qingang's waist and hugged him tightly, but she still couldn't stop feeling strange, every time she saw Su Wanwan, he felt terrified, especially tonight when she turned towards him When saying these words, it makes people feel a little weird.The two are so alike that they almost even have the same expression of frowning when they cry.

People are similar, but to such an extent, there is an inexplicable weirdness!Confusion appeared in Xiao Su'er's eyes, where is Su Wanwan's home?Could it be that the two actually have some relationship, but they just haven't discovered it yet?

Xiao Su'er looked up at Bao Qingang beside her, "Did you really never confuse me with Su Wanwan for a moment? We both look exactly the same."

"It's completely different in my eyes." Bo Qingang kissed her on the forehead, "Su'er, don't ask such questions anymore, I know you are a little bit emotionally clean, but don't worry, in this life, whether it is before or now, Or will you be the only woman in my life from now on."

"Okay." Xiao Su'er hugged him tightly, thinking that she must investigate this Su Wanwan.

the next day.

Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang arrived at the racecourse at the time stipulated by the school, and took Xiao Wang to choose horses together.

"I thought about teaching Xiao Wang how to ride horses before, but I thought he was relatively young, and I wanted to introduce him to this after high school, but I didn't expect that their school already had equestrian competitions in junior high school."

"The rest of their classmates have had their own exclusive horses since elementary school, and our little Wang had to come to this racecourse to choose for himself. It seems that my mother didn't think carefully, and bought you a horse that belongs to you when you go back. "

Xiao Su'er looked at her son with some guilt, but Xiao Wangke waved his hands indifferently.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm not interested in horse riding at all. If I have this little time, I might as well spend it on the computer. But today, Dad is here. Even if I'm not interested, the two of us must Take the first place, I believe that my father's ability can lead me to take the first place, right?"

"Of course! My son, Bo Qing'ang, must be number one." Bo Qingcai walked up to a group of dark horses, patted him on the head twice and settled down, "Just choose this horse .”

"Why did you choose this horse? It looks similar to other horses, and I think this horse seems to be insensitive and looks sick." Xiao Su'er shook her head after taking a look.

"Su'er, it seems that you are really not very good at choosing horses. I will teach you someday. This horse is definitely not as sick as you said. He is a good horse. Let's go! Xiao Wangzuo Go up, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the field first, and the game will start in half an hour, you can't know it at all."

Bo Qingang personally pulled the horse out of the stable, let Xiao Wang climb up, and then turned on the horse, his movements were crisp and neat, without any muddy water, but Xiao Su'er, who was still on the ground, looked confused, "What do you two mean? Are you going to leave me here?"

"Mom! This horse may not be able to carry three people, so you just stay here, ah!"

Before Xiao Wang finished speaking, Bo Qingang quickly pushed him off the horse. He stood on the ground and looked at Bo Qingang on the horse with a dazed expression, "Dad, what are you doing? Are you murdering your own son? "

"Since this horse can't sit three people, then your mother and I will sit and run to the playground, and you will come over by yourself." Bo Qing'ang stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Su'er to sit on the horse, Xiao Wang was shocked on the spot , looking at the backs of the two of them riding away on horseback, he was messed up in the wind.God, it is true that the parents are true love, is he an accident?
At this second, Xiao Wang had deep doubts about his previous persistence. Is it good or bad for his parents to reconcile?He put his hand on his forehead and raised his head helplessly, and resigned himself to his fate and walked to the racetrack.

Sitting on the horseback, Xiao Su'er stared at Bao Qingang with some reproach, "Why did you push Xiao Wang down just now, if something happens to him, I'll take care of you."

"If a man just jumps from the horseback to the ground, if there will be accidents, it means that our son's physical fitness is not good enough. You should let him exercise more." Bo Qingang said solemnly, not feeling that there was any problem with his movements.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you his real father? I hate it!" Xiao Su'er chatted with him shyly and laughed. During the conversation, the two had already entered the racecourse on horseback, and just after entering the racecourse, Xiao Su'er heard a burst of exclamation .

"Wow, do you think that's Young Master Bo?"

"That's right, it's Young Master Bo and Su'er Xiao. Is their son also studying in this school? My God, I didn't know that before."

(End of this chapter)

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