Chapter 1116 Successful Suppression
Chapter 1116 Successful Suppression
"It doesn't matter, as long as Su'er feels better, I infected her with the cold poison. I can't let her suffer such great pain. One of us must have a better life."

Bo Qingang clenched his fists, luckily!Fortunately, there is something that can relieve the pain, isn't it blood?That bit of blood is nothing, as long as it can make Xiao Su'er feel better, even if it makes him risk his life.

It was already an hour later when Xiao Su'er came out of the pharmacy, she came out with a few pills in her hand.

"This is the medicine for liver cancer, and there are some herbs. I will prepare it and give it to Su Wanwan for about half a month. His health should be much better and he won't lose his hair. People who have cancer will Hair loss, but she is a little girl, how can such a young and beautiful age bear hair loss."

"Are you tired? Don't worry about her so much. Let her live in the hospital and give her the best conditions. I also ordered the doctors and nurses to give her the best care and medical treatment. She will be fine." Bo Qing Ang stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat off her forehead.

"Not tired! In the hospital, she is given chemotherapy, and it will be very painful. Chinese medicine treatment is not so painful. I will give her acupuncture tomorrow, and she can recover faster. Then I can send her away. I also have my own selfishness, okay?"

Xiao Su'er was joking, but Bo Qing'ang couldn't laugh. This is a silly girl. Although she is already 30 years old, she still has no guard against the world. Will not shoot at others.Especially when encountering patients, he has been trying his best to treat them.

"Su'er, this is the medicine that Dad prescribed for the two of you. The medicinal materials cultivated in the yard in the past two days have grown. You take these medicines home and eat them three times a day. Don't forget.

After half a month, I will deliver the medicine to you again, and don’t forget to give Xiao Wang’s medicine, otherwise it will be bad if you catch the cold someday. Xiao Shuo handed over several pairs of herbal medicines wrapped in kraft paper to Xiao Su'er.

"Thank you Dad, then we won't stay here any longer today, let's go first." Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang left holding hands.


Maybe it was because they were too tired today, or maybe it was because the cold poison had completely mutated to the point where they couldn't find a pattern. Xiao Su'er, who had just had an episode yesterday, unexpectedly had an episode again tonight.

She was woken up from a dream, curled up into a ball, slowly moved to the side, until she reached the edge of the bed, she slid down the edge of the bed, sitting on the ground alone, not wanting to affect Bao Qingang, but she became more and more The colder it was, the blanket wrapped around him was useless.

"Hiss..." Xiao Su'er exhaled mist, feeling extremely cold, Bo Qingang lay on the bed and changed hands, and put it on the pillow next to her, but she didn't touch anyone, and she woke up immediately.

Opening her eyes, she saw Xiao Su'er sitting under the bed, with only half of her head exposed. Without even thinking about it, she immediately got out of bed and walked to Xiao Su'er's side to hug her, "Su'er, what's the matter? Is it the cold poison? Has it happened?"

"I don't know! Why do I have seizures so frequently? Why is it like this?" Xiao Su'er clutched her chest and was very puzzled. If she had to experience this kind of torment like falling into the ice cave every day in the future, then there is no way for her to live in this world. What fun?It will only make her suffer and worry those who love her around her.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to endure these tortures at all, it would be me! I'm useless at all." Bo Qingang punched the ground twice fiercely from the side.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you stay with me, I won't hurt, I'll be fine..." Xiao Su'er leaned her head on his chest, weakly spit out these words.

Bo Qingang instantly remembered what Xiao Su'er said during the day, his blood can suppress toxins.He immediately leaned over and hugged Xiao Su'er on the bed, took out the quilt and wrapped her up, "Wait a minute, my father gave me a special medicine today, saying that it can suppress the toxin and make you less painful. I haven't had time to tell you, I'll get it right away, and you'll feel better after eating it."

As he spoke, he rushed out of the room, picked up a knife in the guest room, and slashed fiercely on his wrist. The blood overflowed and dripped into the bowl under his hand, and blood gathered in the bowl.

Xiao Su'er is a doctor, and her sense of smell is much stronger than ordinary people. She must be able to smell the smell of blood. Besides, how could he be willing to drink blood directly like this?

Bo Qingang walked into the kitchen with a bowl in his hand, and poured the Chinese medicine that Xiao Su'er had boiled in the afternoon into the bowl. The color of the blood was covered up, and he could only see a bowl of dark Chinese medicine, but nothing else.

He raised the bowl to his nose, and could only smell the pungent smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but not a bit of blood, so he shouldn't be aware of it.

Carrying the bowl and running into the room, Xiao Su'er was already in a ball on the bed, the cold sweat on her forehead, and her tightly clenched fists could see the pain she was going through at the moment.

"Su'er, come here! This is the special medicine given by Dad, drink it quickly." Bo Qingang helped her up.

Xiao Su'er just glanced at the medicine bowl and laughed lightly, "Isn't this the medicine we took in the afternoon? It's useless, it's just to regulate the body, so that we both have a much stronger physique and can resist the cold. Now that the toxin has exploded like this, It's useless to drink."

She subconsciously refused to drink, but Bo Qing'ang couldn't see her in such pain, picked up the bowl and took a mouthful, then pinched her chin, and transferred all the medicine into her mouth.

The moment Xiao Su'er's tongue touched the medicinal soup, she felt something was wrong, a strange fishy smell.She wanted to spit it out, but her thin lips were still covering her lips, she couldn't spit it out, she could only swallow it.

After repeating it several times, Xiao Su'er drank the whole bowl of medicine.It was a miraculous discovery that the pain was really gone, the chills in the whole body subsided, and a special kind of warmth was also bred.Although the body temperature is still not comparable to that of normal people, it is still much better than usual.

"How do you feel more comfortable? Is this medicine very effective?" Bo Qingang looked at her expectantly.

Xiao Su'er smacked her lips lightly, "What is this medicine? We didn't drink it in the afternoon. There is a special fishy smell in this medicine. I can't taste what it is. It was really painful just now."

"This is the special medicine given by my father. He said that it can be taken normally, and it can only be taken by women. The coldness in your women's body is very heavy. It will be more painful than ordinary men to suffer from the cold poison, so in the future Let you drink." Bo Qingang let out a long sigh of relief, it seems that his blood is really a very useful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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