Chapter 1118 The Same Burn

Chapter 1118 The Same Burn

Xiao Su'er asked her to lie down again, but this time Su Wanwan didn't know what excuse to use, she could only lie flat on the bed in fear, but still tightly clutched the collar.The blue and white striped hospital gown was twisted into a ball by her and wrinkled, just like her mood at the moment.

"Don't worry, I will only give you acupuncture points on the Liver Meridian, it won't be very painful. And my acupuncture can also strengthen the body of people who are usually healthy, so you don't have to be so afraid."

Xiao Su'er didn't understand why she was so nervous, was it just because of fear?Compared with life, fear is nothing to mention!If even this little fear cannot be conquered, what about the pain of becoming ugly after chemotherapy?
"I'm just afraid of pain, and you see, this golden needle is so sharp, it's similar to the needles we use for sewing clothes. Usually, I can't stand being pricked by anything. Are you sure it doesn't hurt? Or just give up! I Thank you very much for coming to see me today, but if you just sit here and chat with me, I am already very grateful, there is no need for this."

"I said, it doesn't hurt! Xiao Su'er didn't want to talk to him any more and quickly inserted a golden needle into her acupuncture point.

Su Wanwan immediately froze on the bed, only her eyes could move. Seeing Xiao Su'er lift up her clothes and a few gold needles fell on her body, she thought she would be sore, but found that it was really as Xiao Su'er said. Generally almost no feeling.

That being the case, Su Wanwan felt much more at ease, so let's take it as a condition of her body. Anyway, Xiao Su'er herself said that even healthy people can go to her for acupuncture and moxibustion to improve their health. She will not suffer now.

Xiao Su'er saw that the worry between her brows gradually dissipated, and she seemed to feel relieved to accept her acupuncture treatment. She was afraid that she would be repulsed if she didn't cooperate, and there would be no good effect after a while. Treating the patient's emotions is also very important.

She took Wanwan's hand, pulled off her sleeve, and was about to prick the acupuncture point on her hand, but found a mark that made her feel very strange and shocked.

There was an obvious scar on Su Wanwan's wrist, like a burn mark. It's not a strange thing to be burned, and it's even more uncommon to have a burn on the wrist.

But her wound is a bit strange, it is estimated that it was burnt on a container with words engraved on it, leaving scars with traces of words on it, the word Xiao Su'er impressed me deeply: Ghost.

The medicine stoves in Ghost Doctor Valley are basically engraved with this word to show that they are their property. This is what shocked Xiao Su'er the most. Before she crossed back to the Chinese mainland, she accidentally got burned when refining medicine in Ghost Doctor Valley Yes, it happened to be on the medicine stove, that ghost character was printed on the same spot where Su Wanwan's wrist was burned now.

The same location, the same burn, and the same words.One is a coincidence, but the combination of three is not a coincidence, how could this be?
At this moment, Xiao Su'er's back felt a chill, and she always felt as if she had bumped into something incredible. This girl who looked exactly like her actually had the same burn marks as in her previous life.

When she was born, she was transmigrated to Ghost Valley, and she came back 19 years later. The current body can be said to be her original body, or not.

Now she can't see the original burn marks on her body, but she can't be mistaken, the marks on Su Wanwan's body are the same as when she was burned back then, there is no difference.

Su Wanwan noticed her eyes, wanted to reach out her hand but couldn't move, so she could only ask in a stiff tone, "What's wrong with you, why didn't you move while holding my hand? Is there something wrong with my hand?"

"No, it's not." Xiao Su'er put down her hand, quickly pierced all the acupuncture points that needed acupuncture, and then sat aside and looked at her.

"In a while, I can help you remove the golden needle. Does it hurt? You don't have to be afraid. I will come to help you with acupuncture every few days in the future. I will bring you the boiled medicine tomorrow. Today I will give you these pills that I have practiced, and eating them will be very helpful to your condition."

She took out the box, and there were several black pills in it, which were eye-catching, just like the pills in a costume drama on TV.

Looking at those pills, Su Wanwan sneered in her heart, saying that the current Chinese medicine practitioners can at most make you some bitter medicine soup, how could there be people making medicine?What happened to this Xiao Su'er?

But these small thoughts only dare to complain in her heart, on the surface she still looks gentle, "Thank you, I still need you to worry about my illness. By the way, if you take this medicine, it won't work, no Will it have any side effects on me?"

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no side effects. Even if a normal person who is not sick takes this medicine, there will be no side effects. Why are you so worried about side effects? The most important thing is not to cure your disease first. ?

If you want to talk about side effects, the side effects of chemotherapy are the biggest. Even if the cancer is not cured, it will make people lose their energy. The most important thing is that they will lose all their hair. Would you like to be bald?It's time for a little girl of your age to love beauty. "

Xiao Su'er originally wanted to tell her the difference between Chinese and Western medicine treatments, and told her the dangers of chemotherapy.Unexpectedly, Su Wanwan's complexion changed drastically when she heard it. Although she couldn't move, she could still see her tangled expression, and subconsciously asked, "Can I not have chemotherapy?"

"Of course you don't need chemotherapy. You listen to me and let me treat you with traditional Chinese medicine. You don't need chemotherapy at all, but the medicine is more bitter."

"Then, let's use the method of Chinese medicine." Su Wanwan forced a smile.

After half an hour.

When Xiao Su'er left the hospital, Su Wanwan vomited in the bathroom of the ward. She insisted on watching her take the medicine before she left. She could only induce vomiting afterwards.

"Ouch..." She vomited out all the contents of her stomach, covered her mouth and went back to the bed, "If you are not sick, you have to take medicine and acupuncture, maybe you will make me sick later. I really want to have a good time with Chi Siang Tell me, give me some extra money, it's going to kill me."

While talking, she looked down and saw the snacks in the trash can, she was a little bit reluctant, "I just ate a few mouthfuls, this Xiao Su'er is also strange, we two are rivals in love, rivals in love! Two days ago we were incompatible, but today we are so kind Come to help me treat, is it a split personality? Do you really think that you are a doctor and you are really an angel in white? Crazy, this woman!"

Su Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief after nagging and complaining for a long time, picked up her mobile phone and ordered takeaway again, "The food in the hospital is not delicious at all, and they said it was a nutritious meal. Just eat something to make up for it.”

(End of this chapter)

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