Chapter 1124 Face to face
Chapter 1124 Face to face
"Mr. Bo, what do you think of the remaining people?" Zhang Song walked to Bo Qing'ang's side.

"Seal the school for me. As for the principal who takes money and does nothing, and has no sense of responsibility..."

"Let them go, it's none of their business." Before he finished speaking, Xiao Su'er had already stepped into the office to stop him from what he wanted to do next.

"Su'er!" Bo Qing'ang grabbed her hand with a tangled look on her face, do you really want to let it go?These people made Xiao Wang become such an accomplice now, is it really okay to do nothing?
"It's none of their business. The principal and other people don't know that the bold lady in the canteen dared to collect money to harm others. This school has a long history, and it is indeed an excellent school. The principal has always done his duty. His hard work for so many years was ruined. It is enough for you to deal with that aunt just now, and the rest of us, husband and wife, will do it ourselves, and it is our duty to protect the children. "

Xiao Su'er took Bo Qingang's hand and walked out of the office. Before leaving, she winked at Zhang Song. He nodded calmly, and answered with his mouth, "Understood."

"I've called Chi Siang just now, and he doesn't even admit that he hurt Xiao Wang, but there will be no one else but him."

Xiao Su'er took Bo Qing'ang's hand all the way out of the hospital building, stood in the hospital garden and looked at Bo Qing'ang and said indifferently, "Maybe you should go to Chi Si'ang to have a good talk, the grievance between the two of you is also a time It should be resolved completely.”

What happened in the previous generation, the entanglement between Katharina and the brothers of the Bo family left two children, but now these two children are hurting each other, there is no brotherhood at all, and they even spread the disaster to the next generation .There should be an end to this incident that has affected three generations.

"I understand! It's only now that I know that there is such a younger brother in the world. If that's the case, I should go see him and have a good chat." Bo Qingang's eyes showed sharpness.

"Yeah." Xiao Su'er nodded, took his hand, "I'll be with you."

three days later.

Chi Siang, who was in a suit and leather shoes, stood in front of the mirror and put on his tie. He was in high spirits and seemed to be in a good mood.News has spread from the Bo family that Xiao Wang is critically ill, and they are trying their best to find the person who poisoned Xiao Wang. If evidence is found, the Bo family will definitely tear the murderer into pieces.

"You all already know that it was me who poisoned you, so what? You are helpless. You are doomed to be in an embarrassing situation where you can't get used to me and can't get rid of me! Bo Qingang, you think you are Is it really possible to stand alone in the world and stand out from the crowd?"

Chi Siang took the tie clip from Lin Fan, put it on the tie, turned around, walked out of the house and got into the car.

The car was driving on the busy street, and he tapped his fingers on the window sill in a good mood. Even a slight traffic jam made him feel happy. It is best to pass this time faster, and let Xiao Wang die directly in the in the hospital.

The car turned across the street and entered another road, which was extremely wide. The car was driving smoothly, but was blocked by a car that rushed out suddenly. The driver couldn't brake in time, and directly hit the car that was crossing later.

"Boom!" There was a huge impact, and Chi Siang, who was sitting in the back seat, was shocked and looked forward dissatisfied, "What's going on? You can't even drive a car?"

"Master, a car suddenly came over and stopped us. He doesn't look like someone who can't drive, maybe it was on purpose." The driver turned his head to look at him and reported.

"On purpose? Who! Go down and have a look." Chi Siang looked up through the window and saw the black car across from him crawling on the ground.

A figure stepped out of the car and walked towards him, tapping on his window, "Mr. Chi, Mr. Bo is welcome. I hope you will do me a favor and have a good chat with him."

What Zhang Song said was extremely polite, but the words were full of alienation and coldness, without any respect.

"Bo Qingang? I forgot, why is he still in the mood to go racing? His son is lying in the hospital and dying, isn't he worried?"

The moment Chi Siang saw Zhang Song, the good mood just now disappeared. Today he had an appointment with the leader of the city's construction industry to come out to talk about something, but he didn't expect to be blocked by Bo Qingang here. He wanted to come to him Betrayed.

"We, Boss, don't worry. We don't need Mr. Chi to worry about you. Please get off the car by yourself, and don't force me to do it." Zhang Song clenched his fists.

The driver in the front row immediately jumped out of the car, "Who do you think you are, Bo Qingang? How dare you speak to our young master like that."

"It's interesting, don't you just want to chat with me? I, Chi Siang, am not a coward, and I am not afraid of his thinness. Since I want to chat, I will have a good chat with him, and tell him the feng shui of each cemetery by the way. Well, he can bury his precious son there, hahaha!"

Chi Siang got out of the car with a gloomy smile, and sat in the back RV under the leadership of Zhang Song. Bo Qingang and the salesman were already sitting in the car waiting for him, and there was another person he didn't expect: Xiao Wang had a ruddy complexion, a smile on his face, and a laptop in front of him. When he saw him getting into the car, he called him crisply, "Hello, Uncle Chi!"

"How could you?" He had an unexpected look on his face, he never expected to see Xiao Wang here, and he was still intact.

"Didn't expect my son to be detoxified and back to health, right? Are you eager to see him die? Why are you so cruel? Chi Siang!" Xiao Su'er gritted her teeth.

"I'm ruthless? I'm just treating him the way I do. Compared with the poison you gave me back then, the poison in your son can be regarded as a drop in the bucket." Chi Siang didn't care , carelessly found a place to sit down, but it was the farthest distance from them in the whole car, "Say it! What do you want to talk to me about? I want to hear it."

"I've said it before! It's never the child's fault. If something comes to me, we'll settle it properly today." Xiao Su'er walked to the seat opposite him and sat down, staring at him with both eyes.

"Liquidation? Then I should settle it with you! My mother was killed, and my property and status were taken away. How do you want to settle it? If you want to calculate it, are you and Bo Qingang both of you?" Damn?"

Chi Siang took out a cigarette from his bag and lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a smoke ring in the air, which slowly dissipated with the air.

"If you want to do the math, I want to do the math with you. Katharina killed so many people back then. My mother was approached by her when she was pregnant with me and my brother, and she tortured her during childbirth. To death, how will this account be settled?" Xiao Su'er slapped the table with a slap.

(End of this chapter)

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