Chapter 1127
Chapter 1127
Su Wanwan was frightened by his shocking roar and froze in place, and she didn't know what stimulated Chi Siang today.But what is certain is that it must have been stimulated by Xiao Su'er.

Although she is now tied to a rope with Chi Siang, spending his money to deal with Bo Qing'ang together with him, but she doesn't know the kindness and resentment between Chi Siang and Xiao Su'er in the past.

Seeing Chi Siang's hysterical appearance now, she was in a daze, but she didn't dare to ask, worried that it would make Chi Siang even more excited, and she didn't know what would happen, so she could only comfort her patiently .

"Mr. Chi, you misunderstood. I didn't have a deep love for Bo Qing'ang. I just thought he was too much, so I joined you to deal with him. You are much better than him, younger, more handsome than him, and richer than him. Demeanor, he is cold all day long."

After hearing what he said, the expression on Chi Siang's face froze, and he gradually withdrew his sharpness just now, and slowly put his hands down, leaning against the back of the sofa, looking at the sky through the French windows not far away. moon in.

Yes, he still has something better than Bo Qingang, he is younger than Bo Qingang, more elegant than him, and most importantly, warmer than him, but none of these seem to catch Xiao Su'er's eyes, no matter how much Bo Qingang Cold, even in her eyes, Biao Qingang is also perfect.

Seeing him suddenly quiet down, Su Wanwan was a little frightened. She took two steps back on purpose, stood up and wanted to run, "Mr. Chi, do you have anything else to do with me? If not, I'd better leave first." , it would be better to go back to the hospital as soon as possible, if the people in the hospital find out that I am gone, it would be bad to report to Bo Qingang."

"Come here!" Chi Siang turned his head and pointed to the place next to him again.

This time Su Wanwan was not so obedient, but stood on the spot and asked, "It's not important, so I don't want to sit next to you, I'll go first, don't delay your rest this late at night."

"Are you afraid of me? Didn't you just say that I am younger and more handsome than Bo Qingang? Then you are so afraid of me! What? Young and handsome still can't attract you, can you?"

For no reason, Chi Siang was irritated by her terrified appearance, stood up and took two steps to Su Wanwan's side and grabbed her hand again. This time his hands were full of anger, and he squeezed Su Wan tightly. Wan Wan's hand hurt her bones.

"Mr. Chi, don't do this! Of course I will be afraid of you. It has nothing to do with Bo Qing'ang, it's just because you make me feel scared."

Su Wanwan tried her best to control her tone, she wanted to reason with him, how could Chi Siang listen to these reasons now, seeing her face that looked exactly like Xiao Su'er, he had an urge to do what he used to Things I haven't done before, I want to do things with her that Xiao Su'er only wants to do.

Thinking of this, he directly pushed Su Wanwan onto the sofa. Su Wanwan didn't expect him to do such a disrespectful move, and supported him vigorously, "Mr. Chi, what are you doing? Don't go too far." Yes, the two of us are just a cooperative relationship, I haven't sold myself to you yet."

"Are you as resistant to me as Xiao Su'er? Are you all so blind?!" Chi Si'ang roared, buried his head in Su Wanwan's neck, and pressed Su Wanwan's hand tightly with both hands.

"Don't! Don't! Are you crazy? Do you know why you can't compare to Bo Qingang? He never forces a woman to do this kind of thing with him!"

Su Wanwan yelled in grief and anger, feeling that she had been insulted. Although she had thought about seducing Bo Qingang before, it was after all of her own volition, and now she is being forced.

But even if she yelled like this, it didn't seem to have much influence on Chi Siang. He buried himself in Su Wanwan's neck and began to bite, but he still couldn't go on. He wasn't like Su Wanwan. He thought that this kind of person could force a woman to do such a thing, but he just had no place to vent his anger for a while.

As soon as he vented his anger, he lost interest, let go of Su Wanwan's hand and sat aside, "You go."

Su Wanwan's clothes had already been torn off by him, and tears hung on her face in fright. Hearing his words, she tightened her clothes and ran away, but when she reached the door, she heard Chi Si'ang's voice, "I'm sorry. , I will give you money as a mental damage fee, and the cooperation between the two of us will continue, and you will act as if it never happened tonight, and you can just set a price for how much you want."

"Do you think..." She wanted to question loudly, do you think everything can be bought with money?But she didn't dare, there are only two people here now, if he is provoked again, she really doesn't know what will happen, so she can only grit her teeth, "I will send you a text message."

the other side.

Xiao Su'er leaned against Bo Qing'ang's arms, and the two of them were looking at the magazine in Bo Qing'ang's hand.

"Why did you drag me to look at this today? These are all wedding dresses. What's the use for the two of us? Is Bo's going to enter the wedding industry next?" Xiao Su'er looked at those gorgeous wedding dresses, feeling a little bit in her heart. Sprout.

"It's not that Mrs. Bo wants to enter the wedding industry, but I want to make up a wedding for you." Bo Qingang pointed to a wedding dress in a magazine, "How about this one? It was designed by a French designer this year. Just see if you like the style of this design, then we will find these designers to tailor a wedding dress just for you."

"Make up for the wedding?" Xiao Su'er propped herself up from the bed and looked at him, light appeared in her eyes.

"Yes! You have given birth to a son for me, but the two of us haven't even had a wedding. You should have what other people have. When I saw you attending Xia Xiaonan's wedding, I was envious in your eyes. I want to make up a wedding for you. If you don’t like Western-style weddings, we can hold Chinese-style weddings, wedding dresses or phoenix coronets, it’s up to you to decide.”

Bo Qingang gently kissed her forehead.

"But now that my son is ten years old, do we still have a wedding? Not too good!"

"Who said that a ten-year-old son cannot hold a wedding ceremony? Even if he is 20 years old today, I want you to be a bride, and you can too." Bo Qingang turned the page of the magazine, and what appeared was a Chinese-style phoenix crown and summer cloak, The delicate embroidery on the red fabric is beautiful.

Xiao Su'er nestled in his arms, although she was not that happy on the surface, but in fact she was already ecstatic in her heart.

"Let's have a Chinese-style wedding. I like Fengguan Xiapi." Xiao Su'er stretched out her arms to hug Bo Qingang.

"Okay, as long as you like!"

(End of this chapter)

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