Chapter 1129 Invitation
Chapter 1129 Invitation
Xiao Su'er nestled on the sofa and discussed the style of the invitation with Bo Qing'ang. Bo Qing'ang insisted on writing it by hand, Xiao Su'er looked at him strangely, "It's not possible! Now all invitations are made electronically, and everyone can post them in the circle of friends." I see, and your Bo Shao's wedding, you don't need to write it by hand, right?"

"Of course. Normally, a contract must be signed by hand, not to mention our wedding, which is a ceremony and must be handwritten."

"But look at the names on this list. After you finish writing it, your hand will be destroyed!" Xiao Su'er picked up an invitation list, on which hundreds of people's names were written down.

According to this list, it is estimated that their wedding scheduled for a week later will be postponed until next month.

"I don't have to write everything. There are not many people who are eligible to receive invitations written by me." Bo Qingang stretched out his long hand, picked up the pen next to him, and signed a few names on the list. , Xiao Su'er looked down and saw that they were all the elders of the first-class family with great prestige.

"Well, I think the style of the invitation is white, dignified and elegant, what do you think?" Xiao Su'er picked up one of the invitations sent by the wedding company and placed it in front of her eyes.

"It's fine if you like it, then I'll start writing invitations immediately, and I'll send them to everyone's homes tomorrow. Our wedding will be held as usual next week, with a Chinese style first, and then a Western style wedding."

Bo Qingang sat up, and immediately began to write the invitation card with pen and paper, each stroke condensed his deep affection for Xiao Su'er, and the names of the two were vigorously printed on the invitation card.

The names of the two were printed side by side on the white sunny day, as if they had changed their meaning in an instant, not just a name, but a promise, Xiao Suer stretched out her hand to touch the written invitation card, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more deep.

"Sister! I brought you your wedding clothes." Xiao Yuhan came from outside the gate, and his voice spread all the way into the room. Xiao Su'er raised her head and saw a few people behind him, holding large and small wedding dresses in their hands. brocade box.

A few people entered the room, put a few brocade boxes on the sofa and coffee table, opened the brocade box, and inside was Feng Guan Xia Phi, and there were three full boxes filled with jewelry alone.

"Sister, go in and have a try! This was rushed out overnight, but the quality can still be guaranteed. It is absolutely exquisite! The embroidery on Xia Xia's cloak was embroidered by many workers who worked day and night without sleep." Xiao Yu Han picked up the big red wedding gown.

Xiao Su'er looked at the bright and eye-catching wedding gown, couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart, took two steps forward and took the gown, "Okay, I'll change it right away."

Standing in front of the mirror, she was a little dazed, looking at herself in the mirror with deep doubts, it turned out that she could also be a dazzling bride!Wearing this bright red cheongsam seems to be more impulsive than wearing a white wedding dress.

Bo Qingang hugged her from behind, "Su'er, you are so beautiful, I should have married you into the family ten years ago if I knew it, there are so many misunderstandings."

"I told you not to mention what happened back then, so you can change it too, and let me take a look." Xiao Su'er looked at him with a bright smile.

Bo Qing'ang turned around and picked up his wedding gown, put it on and stood beside Xiao Su'er, Xiao Yuhan was stunned by the appearance of the two of them, they looked like people who came out of a picture scroll, a couple of immortals!
Xiao Su'er looked at the mirror and nodded in satisfaction, and when she was about to say words of praise, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, and it came again!The poison of ice that torments her always strikes fiercely when she is the happiest or sad, and her emotions affect the onset of the poison.

"Ah!" Xiao Su'er covered her chest and squatted down. The bright red wedding robe on her body fell to the ground. Although it was spotless, she still felt a little distressed and tightened the robe.

"Don't worry about your clothes, I'll get you the antidote." Bo Qing'ang picked her up from the ground and put her on the sofa, turned around in a hurry to let her bloodlet for medicine, but Xiao Su'er grabbed him.

"Let my brother go, you stay with me here, I want to watch you." Xiao Su'er clenched his hand tightly, as if he could absorb courage from his body to fight against this poison.

Xiao Yuhan didn't know that the antidote that Bo Qingang was going to get next was his blood, so he urged Xiao Su'er together, "Yes, brother-in-law, tell me where do you get the medicine? In the kitchen? Is it in the refrigerator or in the In the pharmacy, you tell me, and I'll get it."

"I..." Bo Qing'ang was a little embarrassed, and squeezed Xiao Su'er's hand tightly to comfort her, "I'd better go in person! The dose of the medicine is very particular, and any more may have side effects on you. Injure your body, you let your brother stay with you here, I will come right away, can I take a minute?"

"I don't want it. I just want you to stay with me. My brother is a doctor and a professor of traditional Chinese medicine. How could he not be able to control the dosage? Ah!"

Xiao Su'er felt more pain as she spoke, and it seemed that ice had started to freeze all over her body, and the ice was slowly shattering.

She covered her chest, curled up in a ball, and slowly let go of the hand holding Bo Qingang. Bo Qingang couldn't hold it anymore, although she was reluctant, she still took her hand and rushed into the kitchen .

There is medicine boiled for Xiao Su'er in the medicine jar every day. He picked up the medicine jar and poured the medicine into the bowl with great skill. He opened his sleeve and slashed his arm again, where there were already many wounds. Now, every time he was stabbed when the wound was just healed, there was a scar that wouldn't heal at all.

Xiao Yuhan couldn't figure out why he didn't want to say it, was he still afraid of revealing the secret recipe to himself?He hurriedly followed into the kitchen, only to see him dripping blood into the medicine bowl.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Why did you put your blood in the bowl? You..." Halfway through his question, he had already realized that the antidote he was talking about was his own blood?No wonder I didn't want to say it just now.

Bo Qingang didn't answer him, but after dripping blood into the medicine, he watched the bright red blood melt into the pitch-black liquid medicine before running out of the kitchen with the bowl in his hand.

"Su'er, drink the medicine quickly, you'll be fine after drinking it." Bo Qingang rushed to Xiao Su'er's side to help her up, and hurriedly fed the medicine into her mouth.

Xiao Su'er swallowed the medicine in big gulps, and she was somewhat dependent on the effect of the medicine. Every time she drank it in her stomach, the pain and coldness all over her body would disappear instantly.

The black liquid medicine flowed out from the corner of his mouth, all the way to his neck, contaminating her clothes.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Bo Qingang breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her tightly, muttering to himself, "It's okay, it's okay."

Xiao Yuhan looked at the mixed flavors, Bo Qingang also has the poison of ice, when Xiao Suer's poison occurs, his blood can be used to relieve it, what about him?

(End of this chapter)

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