Chapter 1131 Treatment Direction
Chapter 1131 Treatment Direction
The circles of her eyes turned red immediately, and her eyes were filled with tears. Looking at Bo Qingang, she said slowly, "You put your blood in the medicine for me to drink?"

"As long as you are well, everything else is not important, so don't worry about it?" Bo Qingang took her hand again.

"How can I not care? How long have I drank your blood, a week! I just said how often your lips look pale this week. I thought it was the cold poison that had worsened, but I didn't expect it to be because of me. Are you stupid, why do you want me to drink your blood?"

"Dad said that blood can suppress toxins. Didn't you feel much better after drinking it for a week?"

Bo Qingang doesn't care about these at all, as long as she can recover, everything else is fine, isn't it just a few drops of blood?He is a majestic seven-foot man, with blood all over his body, what can he do if he gives some to his beloved?
"What did Dad say? Is the blood of a person who has also been poisoned by the cold poison able to help me suppress the toxin, or is it just a man's blood?" Xiao Su'er looked at the pitch-black medicinal liquid in the medicine jar, and felt that it would be better to use blood to treat it. Something like suppressing toxins feels pretty incredible.Why didn't Dad tell himself that blood could be used?
"Dad said that using men's blood can help women suppress poison, but your blood can't help me, so don't think about it, I won't drink your blood, and it's useless."

Bo Qing'ang lied solemnly, and said these words without thinking. He knew what Xiao Su'er's purpose was for asking this question. If someone who is also poisoned by the cold can restrain her, she would definitely want to bleed without even thinking about it. Drink it for himself, he doesn't want to see her hurt himself, it's better to lie.

"Are you sure it's male blood? I don't believe it!" Xiao Su'er turned around and left the kitchen, picked up her mobile phone and called Xiao Shuo. The moment the call was connected, there was a burst of questioning, asking why he didn't tell herself, if he had said earlier Maybe we can work out a detoxification method together. Since the blood can suppress toxins, it would be good to extract things from the blood.

Xiao Shuo didn't interrupt her when she heard her questioning again and again. After she calmed down, she said lightly, "Daughter, do you think I haven't thought about it? I have studied for so long before I realized that I was poisoned by the cold." The blood of blood is poison to normal people, but it is a great antidote to people who are also poisoned.

But that blood doesn't have any medicinal value. I can't figure out why it can detoxify. I've already studied what you want to study. "

"So it's not the man's blood that Bo Qingang said can suppress the poison in the woman, but the person who is going to be poisoned, right?"

After listening to Xiao Shuo's words, Xiao Su'er already had an idea in her heart. The direction they had been researching before was how to suppress the coldness when the ice system broke out, so that the poisoned person's body temperature would rise quickly, and use warmth to resist the cold.

Now it seems that this direction may be completely wrong. The poison of ice cold is more positive and strong. Even just one drop can make people feel the cold like falling into an ice cave, not to mention the blood of the poisoned person. It is also extremely cold, but drinking it in the medicine does not make people feel that ice is added to the ice, but the cold is immediately suppressed.

Is this fighting poison with poison?Find someone who is also poisoned, and use the same coldness to suppress the coldness in the body, so that the cold poison in the body can be completely broken?
"Yes! It must be the blood of the poisoned person, and I found that Bo Qing'ang's blood is very good for your body." Xiao Shuo's voice came from the receiver, and Xiao Su'er's mind was running rapidly and made a decision in an instant .

"Okay, I see. Dad, you and your brother will wait for me at home tomorrow and don't go anywhere. I'll come to you for research. I already have an idea in my heart. If my idea is confirmed, then we will know what to do. How to untie this poison."

"Okay." Xiao Shuo nodded.

Xiao Su'er hung up the phone and returned to Bo Qingang's side, "Are you stupid, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

From the past, he has been silently giving behind like this, unwilling to say more, but he doesn't know that sometimes words need to be spoken.It would be foolish to just do it without saying it.

"If I told you, would you still be willing to drink the medicine?" Bo Qingang grabbed her hand, put it beside her and kissed it lightly.

"Fool!" Xiao Su'er hugged him forcefully.

the other side.

Su Wanwan in the hospital sat on the bed, looking at everything in the ward, the best VIP room, all the furniture and electrical appliances in the ward, and even healthy snacks specially prepared for her.

"What! I can't stand staying in the hospital every day." Su Wanwan took a look at the nuts next to her and threw them back on the table.

Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang hadn't been to the hospital this week, she took the initiative to call Xiao Su'er, but what she heard was that the two of them were preparing for their wedding, so they didn't have time to come.

Although she will send a nanny to visit her every two or three days and bring some things, but this is not what she wants, and she can't get in touch with two people. What's the meaning of her staying, and it can't be what Chi Siang asked her to do thing.

Su Wanwan looked around, and finally fixed her gaze on the fruit-peeling knife on the table. Since they didn't take the initiative to come, she must create a chance.

Thinking of this, she plucked up the courage to pick up the fruit knife and stroke it on her wrist, but she felt that she couldn't do it anymore, so she put the fruit knife back on the table, leaned on the bed and turned her eyes around, what is going on? okay?Xiao Su'er didn't come over either, and Chi Siang was busy with his own affairs again.

Su Wanwan fell into confusion for a moment, she was leisurely enough, this week she ate and slept, she was in a panic, and even gained a few pounds, but she didn't know what to do next.

"Forget it, I'll take the initiative! Doesn't Mr. Chi seem to be very interested in their son? Then I'll help him." Su Wanwan picked up her mobile phone and dialed Xiao Suer's number, talking to herself.

"Sister Su'er, I'm in the hospital now. I feel very uncomfortable after staying in the hospital for a long time. The hospital treats me these days, and I feel much better. Can you take me out for a walk? I promise not to disturb you and Bo There are few people in the world, I just want to go out for a walk, okay?"

When she spoke, her tone was particularly flattering. During these days in the hospital, she had already shown weakness to Xiao Su'er several times, trying to cover up all the things she had done before.She didn't know whether it was Xiao Suer's generosity or what, but it seemed that she had forgiven her on the surface.

This time Xiao Su'er heard her words but immediately refused, "I have something to do today, tomorrow I'll have someone pick you up for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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