Chapter 1134 Chinese Wedding
Chapter 1134 Chinese Wedding
"What I want most is that you are safe and healthy." Bo Qingang held Xiao Su'er in his hand and looked at her. From the day he met Xiao Su'er, he has been silently paying for her behind the scenes, which has formed Once he has broken his habit, a habit engraved in his bones cannot be changed.

"But if I live to be a hundred years old, what will I do if you are not by my side? I have told you, don't let there be any misunderstanding between the two of us. The last time you did this, I I thought you had something to hide from me and didn't want to tell me."

Xiao Su'er naturally nestled into Bo Qingang's arms and hugged him, "Our wedding will be in two days, are you mentally prepared? My groom!"

"As early as ten years ago, I was already mentally prepared. At that time, I should marry you back and keep you in captivity." Bo Qing'ang reached out to scratch her nose, her eyes loving and gentle.

"What does it mean to be kept in captivity at home? I'm a human, okay? I'm not a pet." Although Xiao Su'er was happy, she still wanted to quarrel with him.

"It's because you are not my accessory, so when you were still in college, I didn't dare to marry you back. I was worried that it would arouse your resentment, which made us miss so many years, so I wish the wedding would be earlier, tomorrow will be! This way I can feel more at ease." Bo Qingang took her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it gently.

"You can feel at ease from now on. After the wedding is over, I will take my younger brother into the mountains to find ice-cold grass. I must cure your ice-cold poison."

Xiao Su'er stood up and took out the map from the corner, "Look at this place and this place, there are jungles that have not been developed by humans. Generally, there are many strange herbs in such places, and you may be able to find cold grass. "

"I'll go with you! This kind of place is usually infested with wild beasts. Humans haven't set foot in the developed place. Think about it, there are many unknown dangers. I can't let you go alone." Bo Qing Ang held her hand and said firmly.

"How can you accompany me? We don't know how long we will be trapped in the mountains. Don't you care about Mrs. Bo? I will let my brother accompany me."

"The person your brother should protect is Bai Qingyue, and I will protect you. Compared with work, you are the most important thing, and this ice-cold grass is a rare thing to hear from you. Since it is in the Valley of Strange Time is so rare, so I don’t know if I can find it here, even if I can find it, maybe it’s on a cliff, deep valley and abyss, I don’t trust you alone.”

"Well, we have said it before, we will never be separated again, then this time we will find the antidote by ourselves!" Xiao Su'er looked at him and smiled gratifiedly.

As long as two people's hands are held together, there is endless power. The lives of two people can be saved by themselves, and the antidote can be found by themselves. Even if they die, they will die together, without complaint or regret!
three days later.

Xiao Su'er put on a big red wedding gown, a phoenix crown on her head, earrings on her ears, flower tinsel on her eyebrows, dragon and phoenix bracelets on her hands, and embroidered boots on her feet. She was dressed like an ancient bride.

Today is the wedding day of her and Bo Qing'ang. The two of them walked together for ten years, and they can finally enter the palace of marriage.

The Chinese-style wedding dress is luxurious and eye-catching, the embroidery on it is full of blessings, and the phoenix crown on the head is decorated with golden tassels.

"Su'er, you are so beautiful today! I regret that I didn't have a Chinese wedding. But it doesn't matter, being able to be by your side is also a Chinese wedding experience."

Xia Xiaonan stuffed an apple into Xiao Su'er's hand, "Young Master Bo is really proud. I want to give you a real Chinese wedding. Even the sedan chair is ready at the door to carry you from here to the hotel."

Xiao Su'er or the big red apple in her hand was in a trance for a moment. It seemed that she had really traveled back to the ancient times and became an ancient bride to be married. her bridesmaids.

"The wedding between you and Ouyang Luo was beautiful and warm enough. If you are still not satisfied, you can ask him to do it for you again on your first wedding anniversary." Xiao Su'er chuckled lightly.

"On the one-year wedding anniversary, the children had accidents, so there is no time to go to the wedding!" Xia Xiaonan touched her swollen belly, looked at Xiao Su'er's soft but red eyes, "I finally saw this day Yeah, I thought you..."

I thought you were going to be alone forever, my best friend, you were the one who helped me get out of my gloomy life, bid farewell to the scumbag and found my true love, but when I was about to get married, you were still alone, and the children were gone. Without a father, I thought that I would not see you get happiness in this life, and I felt very uncomfortable, and now is the best result.

Xia Xiaonan finished speaking silently in her heart.Although they didn't say much to Xiao Su'er, everything was in the air, and the eyes of the two could read the blessings in each other's hearts.

Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to touch her face, but quickly withdrew her hand before touching her face. Xia Xiaonan is a pregnant woman now, if she accidentally infects her with the cold poison, the unborn child will also be infected with it. , then she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Okay, let's stop! Come and let me cover you with a red hijab. Our Su'er is married, and today you are the most beautiful bride." Xia Xiaonan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, took the red hijab and put it on Xiao Su'er's head, Send her out of the gate of Ang's Manor.

Bai Qingyue and Xia Xiaonan followed on both sides of the sedan chair, and the luxurious welcoming team walked on the streets of the city, two rows of luxury cars cleared the way, the sedan chair was in the middle, and Bo Qingang was riding a tall horse, carrying a big red hydrangea in front .

Xiao Su'er was sitting in the sedan chair with a red hijab, looking out at the blue sky with white clouds through the curtain of the sedan chair, and said softly to herself, "Mom, I'm married too, did you see that? I didn't follow in your footsteps, What my daughter met was a peerless good man, not the heartless man I thought at the beginning. You can feel at ease in heaven, and I hope you can bless me to find the cold grass."

The team marched to the reserved hotel, and Bo Qingang dismounted handsomely and walked to the sedan chair, leaning over to take Xiao Su'er out of the sedan chair.

The media who had been waiting at the entrance of the hotel to broadcast the wedding of the century saw this scene, the camera started to move, and the flashes kept flashing.

"Oh! Handsome!"

"Young Master Bo should be the most handsome groom on the surface, right?"

"The bride is not bad either! You can see that although she is wearing a red hijab, she can still be seen as beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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