Chapter 1142 Debunking
Chapter 1142 Debunking
When Su Wanwan was hesitating at the door, while Xiao Wang was doing his homework, he raised his head to relax, but happened to see her standing at the door, seeing her familiar attire, he yelled and ran to her without any doubts. Beside, "Mom!"

"Well, what are you doing? Are you doing your homework? How are you doing?" Su Wanwan felt even more guilty, she didn't even dare to look at Xiao Wang, but directly looked past him at the books on the coffee table.

"Yes, I'm doing my math homework, and it's almost done. Mom, when did you come back, where's Dad? Do you two only need a day? Have you found the cold grass?" Xiao Wang asked with concern, but asked Stayed in Su Wanwan.

What is ice-cold grass? The two of them went out this time to find it?But I don't know what it is, medicinal materials or ornamental plants?If this is bad, how good it is!
"I went and couldn't find it, so I came back. Your father is back to the company now. I miss you, so I came to see you first. Let's go out with my mother. I will take you to the place you want to play. Where do you want to go?" Su Wanwan answered cautiously, she just wanted to take Xiao Wang out of the house as soon as possible, so that her task would be completed, and the rest would be handed over to Chi Siang.

"Okay! Then take me to the city library. I just wanted to check the information. I thought you were going to go for many days. My grandfather locked me at home these days, and I was still thinking about how to get out. .” Xiao Wang had no doubts at all, and started to pack up his books.

Su Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief at the side, it seems that the child is not so vigilant, so it will be fine, as long as he is taken out.

But at this moment, Bai Qingyue walked out of the kitchen with orange juice in her hand, "Hey... Sister Su'er, when did you come back? Didn't you say that it would take about a week to come back? It would take three days at the earliest." , why did you come back only a day ago?"

"Well, I just didn't find it, so I came back first." Su Wanwan put her back behind her back, her palms were wet, and cold sweat broke out slightly on her forehead.She has never met Bai Qingyue, but she can see Bai Qingyue's figure in some magazines, and she knows that this is also a rich lady she can't afford.

"I didn't find it, that's a pity, it's okay, let's go out and look for it next time! Where's Young Master Bo?" Bai Qingyue said while handing the orange juice in her hand to Xiao Wang.

"He...he went to the company. I'm here to pick up Xiao Wang and hang out with him. He said just now that he wanted to go to the library to look up information. Let's go! Xiao Wang, let's go out."

Su Wanwan just wanted to leave quickly, and didn't want to chat with them here, so she reached out to Xiao Wang, wanting to pull him out quickly.

But when Xiao Wang raised his head and saw her outstretched hand, he frowned unconsciously. What's going on?Mom has already said that you can't touch him with the cold poison on your body, and keep a certain distance from him even if you are eating together. The purpose of going out to find cold grass this time is to detoxify, but didn't she just say Didn't find it?Why are you reaching out to yourself now?

"Mom, you..." Xiao Wang looked at her hesitantly.

Su Wanwan saw her eyes as if they were touching red-hot iron, and immediately took her hands back. People are most sensitive when they are most nervous. She could see that Xiao Wang's eyes were different from before. It was strange. looking at his hands.

how?Is there a big difference between her hands and Xiao Su'er's?Why did the child look at her with such strange eyes when he saw her stretching out her hand?

"Didn't you just say you wanted to go to the library? Let's go!" Su Wanwan urged again with her hands behind her back.

Seeing her withdrawing her hand, Xiao Wang comforted himself in his heart, it should be subconsciously reaching out just now, but in fact he didn't want to pull him, so it's not surprising.

He packed his books, stood up without any orange juice, and was about to leave, but Bai Qingyue followed behind with orange juice, "Don't go, let's have a glass of juice first. Sister Su'er, let me pour you a glass too. "

"No! No!" Su Wanwan waved her hand and refused, with more and more cold sweat on her forehead, she didn't know what would happen if she continued to delay, now it seemed that there were only Xiao Wang and Bai Qingyue in this family.But if there is any further delay, when Xiao Su'er's father and younger brother come back, won't she be dead?

Xiao Wang hugged the orange juice and drank it, followed Su Wanwan and left. The two walked to the gate, Su Wanwan's heart was completely relieved, just a few more steps, just a few steps out of the Ang's manor, she would be gone He didn't expect that when the door opened, he bumped into Xiao Shuo and Xiao Yuhan outside the door.

"Sister, when did you come back? Why didn't you let me pick you up? Didn't we call you yesterday to say that we are still not sure when you will come back?" Xiao Yuhan immediately asked her when he saw her.

Su Wanwan's hands were behind her back, her nails were completely sunk into the flesh, she even felt some viscous liquid, and her hands were already bleeding.It's really too guilty to pretend to be someone else, even if she has the same face, how can she guarantee that she will not be exposed in the face of these relatives who get along with Xiao Su'er day and night.

"We looked for it yesterday, but we came back after we couldn't find it. I'll take Xiao Wang to the library now, let's talk about it tonight." Su Wanwan was a little anxious, not wanting to deal with them here, so she grabbed Xiao Wang's hand They were about to rush out the door, but it was this action that made them discover the biggest loophole. Xiao Wang had already felt the temperature of his body when she touched him.

But how could a mother who was poisoned by the cold have such a temperature?And my mother has never been so rude, and she didn't bark when she saw grandpa.

Xiao Wang realized something was wrong, and immediately shouted, "You are not mother!"

She shook off Su Wanwan's hand vigorously, and ran behind Xiao Yuhan, "Uncle, this person is not mother, her hands are so hot, mother's hands will never have such a temperature."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Yuhan immediately looked at Su Wanwan and narrowed her eyes, "How dare you pretend to be my sister? Are you so brave? Who are you?"

"I, I..." Su Wanwan couldn't explain, she was worried and frightened, she turned around and wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape Xiao Yuhan, she was grabbed by Xiao Yuhan within two steps, and she was dragged back into the house .

Bai Qingyue felt a little strange seeing them go back and forth, "What's the matter? Yuhan, did you quarrel with your sister? Even if it was a quarrel, you can't do this, it's too much, let her go!"

"She's not my sister. The ghost knows who is pretending to be on our heads." Xiao Yuhan stared at Su Wanwan viciously.

"I, I..." Su Wanwan huddled in the corner in fear, not knowing how to answer, she couldn't confess Chi Siang, but if she didn't tell him, wouldn't she be out of luck?

"You are Su Wanwan, right? Only you and your mother look so similar." Xiao Wang exposed her.

(End of this chapter)

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