Chapter 1152
Chapter 1152
"Yes! You are the most obedient, but my mother is the most useless, and I still want you to comfort me." Xiao Su'er held her son's hand with some dumbfounding.

The fans nearby all gossiped about what happened to Xiao Suer when they saw this scene.

"Doctor Xiao, you don't know that there was a little girl just now who gave all the tokens of love to Xiao Wang!"

"Yes, although Xiao Wang is young, he already looks like a handsome young man."

"That's right! The little girl wants to take away his phone number."

Xiao Su'er listened to what the fans said, and looked down at Xiao Wang, "Is what they said true? What little girl, what's going on?"

"No, just now a little girl got lost with her mother. She just borrowed my phone to call his mother. This is a gift from her. You said that things from others should not be thrown away, so I will let it go." It's on the phone."

Xiao Wang raised the phone, and the rabbit doll on it hung there very cutely, Xiao Su'er didn't think much, just took a look and laughed, "So that's how it is!"

"Don't listen to the nonsense of fans like my aunt, they just encouraged my uncle to propose to my aunt." Xiao Wang's small eyes stared at these fans, helpless and funny.

"They are your aunt's fans, and they like her very much. Can't you be so rude to know? Let's go, let's go home." Xiao Su'er took his hand and walked out of the airport, followed by a group of fans.

Ang Family Manor.

Grandpa Ang looked at the tiny wounds on Xiao Su'er's hands, feeling very distressed, he took Xiao Su'er's hand and began to emphasize repeatedly, "Next time you are not allowed to go out again, I have already asked people from abroad to help you find ice-cold grass, They also asked a group of professional mountaineering team members to give them pictures of the ice-cold grass, so that they could go to those dangerous places and come back safely.

You say that this ice-cold grass is a time when it is already very cold, so will it grow on snow-capped mountains?I have sent those mountaineering team members to search for them on the snow-capped mountains, and there will be news soon, so you should stop taking risks. "

"Snow mountain?" Xiao Su'er's eyes lit up when she heard this, why didn't she think of going to the snow mountain to look for it?The ice-cold grass was also planted in places with lower temperatures when she was in Ghost Doctor Valley, but this time on the way to find the ice-cold grass, she only thought of going to the deep mountains with abundant spiritual power and many herbs, but forgot about the snow-capped mountains. Come on, this doctor is not as good as my grandfather.

"Thank you, grandpa. Then I have to wait for good news from grandpa. I won't go out to look for it anymore. You can see that I haven't found the injuries all over my body. I have wasted so much effort and time." Xiao Su'er looked at old man Ang obediently.

"Don't go out again in the future. This time you went out and almost had an accident. That Su Wanwan pretended to be you, trying to lure Xiao Wang out, and asked her what she wanted to do. She didn't say anything. A patient with terminal cancer we also I couldn't do anything to her, so I sent her back to the hospital, but I think she must have malicious intentions." Bai Qingyue immediately started to complain.

"Su Wanwan is pretending to be me? She looks the same as me. She just wanted to see Xiao Wang. Why do you say she is pretending?"

"It's not that she just looks the same as you. She dressed according to your style that day, even her makeup is the same as yours. The most important thing is the limited-edition bag I gave you the year before last. Now You know how difficult it is to buy, but she actually bought the same one, and even changed the phone case into one that is exactly the same as yours, so why don’t you think she’s just pretending?”

No matter what Bai Qingyue thought, she felt that something was wrong that day.

"If it's like what you said, then something is really wrong."

Xiao Su'er knows that although Su Wanwan looks the same as her, they have completely different styles. At first glance, Su Wanwan is a sweet little sister who dresses fashionably and cutely. She has never worn professional attire. She deliberately imitates herself why?It seems that this matter is not so simple.

"Mom, that aunt is really not right. When I went to the hospital that day and asked about her condition, the doctor was hesitant. And when I asked the doctor about her recent chemotherapy, the doctor couldn't answer, and finally just threw it to me. The attending doctor was not in the hospital that day. The aunt looked rosy, and she didn't look like a sick person."

Xiao Wang also expressed his doubts. If one person thinks there is a problem, it may only be that person's idea, but if two people feel that there is a problem and still express so many doubts, there is really a problem.Xiao Su'er bit her lip and decided immediately, "I'll go to the hospital to see her."

"I'll go with you too." Bo Qingang took her hand.

"Okay, you go to the ward first. I want to see how she is when she is alone with you. She told me before that she has no idea about you. I don't know if she is lying to me, Mr. Bo! You The charm value is very high."

Xiao Su'er originally thought that the dying person's words were kind. Although Su Wanwan was too much to her before and wanted to seduce Bo Qing'ang, but she has given up her previous suspicions and helped her to heal her illness. No matter what, arrange such a good room. She should also know how to repay her kindness.

Su Wanwan did say that she had given up on Bo Qingang, but from the point of view of her imitating herself, it was not quite right. What on earth did she want to stay for?Is there something wrong with her condition?

With so many doubts in their hearts, Xiao Suer and Bo Qingang rushed to the hospital, but just stepped into the ward when they heard the sound of vomiting from the bathroom in the ward.

"Ugh..." Su Wanwan vomited faintly as she crawled on the toilet, her lips turned white and her eyes were blue.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Su'er stepped forward to help her up.

"I'm fine! It's normal to lose your appetite after chemotherapy. I just vomited after two mouthfuls of food. I really don't have any appetite." Su Wanwan leaned against Xiao Su'er weakly, relying on her to help her back to the hospital bed .

Xiao Su'er looked at the food on her bedside, it was just a bowl of porridge and some side dishes, it didn't seem like she was pretending to be sick even if she vomited up such bland food.

"Where have you been? You haven't been to the hospital for the past few days." Su Wanwan held Xiao Su'er's hand without any notice.

"I went out of town for business these two days. Have you stayed in the hospital these two days? Did you go anywhere? You called me before and said you wanted to go out for a walk. I didn't come because of business. Did you go out by yourself?" Xiao Su'er asked knowingly.

"I did go out and went to your house to look for you, but I had some misunderstandings with them." Su Wanwan's eyes dodged.

(End of this chapter)

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