Chapter 1159 Why Should I Keep It
Chapter 1159 Why Should I Keep It
"Why should I continue to hang it on my body? I don't want it! Why should I keep things from this kind of person? She is too much." Xiao Wang grabbed the chip on the table and wanted to throw it into the trash can, but Xiao Su'er immediately pressed it hold him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Mom will help you with this matter, but we have to wait and catch the person behind her, she's just a little girl!

Her mother is in danger lying in the hospital now. She may be used by bad guys because she wants to save her mother!All of this is still inconclusive, don't sentence her to death so directly, maybe she is really a very cute girl and can really be your friend! "

Xiao Su'er didn't realize how much she neglected the child until today. In the past five years, she just focused on her own work and forgot about the child's social circle. She thought he was naturally introverted, and she had seen through some adults' schemes. , I knew some conspiracies and tricks that adults should know early on, so I like to be alone.

In the future, I have to find some real good friends for him. They are not friends brought by adults, let alone because they covet the property of the Ang family.Otherwise, my child has always been too pitiful.

"Well, I also want to see who is so interested in my daily whereabouts. Do you think it will be those people who often bring their children to visit grandpa's house?" Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Su'er and asked seriously .

"Did you child be psychologically shadowed by them? They dare not! Those people want to book a doll kiss with you, and then they can have a relationship with grandpa, so they often bring their own My little girl came to play with you, she didn’t dare to do this kind of thing, spying on you? She was full and wanted to go around! How could grandpa let them go? Don’t be afraid.”

Xiao Su'er comforted Xiao Wang, and the two of them put the chip back into the rabbit pendant together, and sewed the rabbit pendant again, as if this had never happened before, but she wanted to see who was so brave and dared to come spy on her son.

In fact, she already had a candidate in her heart, just like the person who poisoned her last time, she could never think of another person except Chi Si'ang, but after all, there must be real evidence to catch a thief, so she can't just wrong others.

When she went out of the room, Bo Qing'ang had been waiting outside and immediately stepped forward when she saw her coming out, "How is it, what's the matter with your son?"

"It's okay. There is a small problem. It may be a little troublesome. You send a few people to follow him, or follow him quietly. It is best to follow him in secret all the time so that no one can notice. If something happens to him Be able to rush to save him in the first place. Do you know what I mean?"

Xiao Su'er held Bo Qing'ang, and arranged the next thing solemnly, Bo Qing'ang didn't ask anything, but nodded and agreed, "Okay, I understand."

the next day.

Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang did not go out together, but Bo Qing'ang went to work in Bo's, and Xiao Su'er returned to the clinic to arrange affairs. Have to visit regularly.

The clinic is still full of people coming and going as usual, and most people believe that they are here. They have minor illnesses and pains, and they will come here to scrape and get medicine for colds and fevers. There is no need to worry about no business here, but every day. Too busy, she walked into the clinic, and the staff just greeted her in a hurry when they saw her.

She didn't take it seriously either, but went directly to the consultation table and sat down, preparing to receive patients with the staff.

"Boss, you're finally back. I've been so busy these past few days that I don't know what's going on. The flow of people is several times higher than before, and many people come here for no reason. They just have a slight cough and come over to let us in." We prescribed medicine for him, we said that there is no need to prescribe medicine like this, and he insisted on it.”

Seeing Xiao Su'er, the doctor at the clinic immediately began to vomit without water, and took out a stack of medical records, "Look, these are all patients who have come to the clinic for no reason these days. Some of them are in good health. I said they don't need to take medicine at all. He also asked me to prescribe some medicine for his body.

No matter how good it is to regulate the body, people with weaker bodies should take it. They are very healthy. I think they can kill a cow. Is it necessary to take medicine to regulate the body? "

"Is it such a strange thing? Even if we come to the clinic to simply give us a pulse, we have to register and charge money. There is no need for this! If you just want to recuperate your body, why don't you wait for our monthly free clinic?"

While talking, Xiao Su'er opened up the medical records and found out that there are really many inexplicable patients coming to the clinic in the past few days. Even the doctor judged that they are in good health, but it was written on the diagnosis result that the patients themselves requested to recuperate their bodies. , So prescribe medicine.

In the Chinese mainland, the concept that medicine is three-point poison has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Most people not only don’t want to take medicine when they are not sick, but even when they are sick, most of them say that they can resist it for a few days, and they don’t want to take it right away. medicine.

It's not that there are no such people who come to take the initiative to recuperate their bodies and take medicine, and some of them are also elderly people.

These people seem to be young patients, and the oldest one recorded in the medical records is only 35 years old. How could they want to recuperate their bodies now, and they are still in the condition of maintaining their own health and exercise.

Something looks wrong with this thing!Xiao Su'er closed the medical records and sat on the consultation table, "Notify me, if there are any more doctors who receive this kind of health but want to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate their bodies, they will all be sent to me."

"Well, although they are in good health, we don't have to worry about it, and we should be happy that they can make money, but I always feel a little strange. They don't need to take medicine at all, and I always feel uneasy when prescribing it to them, although our medicine is indeed It’s good for your health, this kind of heart is so contradictory.” The doctor turned and left muttering, but Xiao Su’er felt that the more she thought about it, the more wrong it became.

What does it mean?Keeping the clinic busy on purpose?Or is it that someone wanted to increase business for their clinic, so they deliberately called healthy people over and gave them money for free?This operation is too strange.

Less than 10 minutes after Xiao Su'er sat in front of the consultation table, a person who was in good health but clamoring for health care was brought over.

She looked up and down at the man in front of her. Kong Wu was powerful and full of muscles. He looked to be in his early twenties, but he actually wanted to recuperate his body now. Was his tendons all for nothing?

"Hi, is there something wrong with you?" Xiao Su'er asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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