Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184

"Ah!" Xiao Su'er screamed subconsciously, struggling to get up, but she was hugged tightly by Bao Qing'ang, preventing her from getting up.

Bo Qingang pressed close to her ear, and her voice slipped into her cochlea, "Su'er, I can hold you in my arms."

The distance between the two people was extremely close when they were talking, the man's hot breath penetrated into Xiao Su'er's cochlea, the water mist blurred the eyes of the two, and brewed the surrounding atmosphere.

"Bo Qing'ang, are you crazy? You're all injured, why are you still like this!" Xiao Su'er blushed like a monkey's butt in an instant, angry and funny, Bo Qing'ang just wanted to hug her, why pretend to be dizzy? ?She was so scared that something big happened, why was she acting like a child?
Xiao Su'er was still a little worried, and said while struggling, "Okay, let me go, get up quickly, and let me see where you are hurt."

As soon as her words fell, Bao Qingang clasped her hand, wrapped her whole body around her waist, and she was instantly trapped in his arms, unable to move.

Xiao Su'er looked helplessly at Bo Qingang's watery eyes, "What on earth do you want to do? Stop making trouble! You can't wipe yourself clean, shall we have a good talk?"

"No, I think it's more interesting here."

Xiao Su'er grabbed his hand, "What are you doing? Tell you not to make trouble if you are injured. I will check your body for you first and make sure you are fine before talking about anything else."

"No!" "I'm not injured, I just want to be here with Su'er."

Xiao Su'er was still worried about Bo Qing'ang, and reached out her hand to touch his chest, but she felt that there was no wound. When she looked carefully, there was really no wound. She asked angrily, "What are you doing? Did you just pretend on purpose? What on earth are you doing?" Are you injured?"

"I don't, I just want to see how Su'er is worried about me. Although the snake is a magical beast with spiritual power, I also tried to hit his death spot after I went in. I hit the snake and hit it seven inches, but I found that this snake is also the same. His weakness, he managed to subdue it without injury! Am I very powerful?"

Bo Qing'ang was complacent, and was still asking for credit from Xiao Su'er, but Xiao Su'er lost her temper for a moment, opened her mouth and bit his shoulder directly.

"Hmm..." Bo Qing'ang felt a pain in his shoulder, but he still held it back completely, and looked dotingly at Xiao Su'er, who was a little playful with some moisture on his face.

"Yes, you are the best! Don't make trouble now, the water is already freezing when you get up, although it doesn't matter much to us, but don't stay in it, get up soon." Xiao Su'er grabbed him, Wanting to pull him up from the barrel, Bo Qing'ang stood up directly, picked her up horizontally, stepped over the bathing barrel, and walked towards the bed in the inn.

In the middle of the night, the full moon hangs high.

In a room in the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Xia Lanying fell into Su Tangqing's arms, hugging him coquettishly and complaining, "Master, you are the one who is being married by a matchmaker. You must not forget the slave family. See if only the slave family treats you best?" .”

When she spoke, her voice was soft enough to drip water, Su Changqing looked down at his wife in his arms, with a graceful face, although she had already given birth to a child, she still had a charming charm, just like a daughter who had just passed her age, Hearing her words instantly softened his heart, making him feel that he seemed to have done something very wrong.

"Of course Madam is the best to me, why did Madam say this suddenly?"

"You know it's the slave family who treats you the best. Why do you ignore me during the day and only see Su Xin'er in your eyes? What's so good about her? You see, Yao'er is so angry at him, and now she's lying on the bed dying Not sure."

Xia Lanying elaborated on Su Yaoer's situation, and Su Changqing patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, "Ma'am, those who know the current affairs are Junjie, didn't you see it today? Xiner's ability is so high, I naturally want to treat her better , when she is successful, don't you follow suit!"

"What the master is thinking about is that I have long hair and short knowledge." Xia Lanying stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and said duplicity, thinking in her heart that Su Xin'er, that bastard, still needs her favor?If you are angry with your precious daughter like this, you must find a way to vent your anger!

Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves, but Feng Shui turns, and one day she will turn back into a waste, and she will not be proud for a long time.

"It's best if you can think like this. There is no need to worry about Yao'er's injury. The pharmacist in the palace will definitely cure her."

"What the master said is true, but now I am a little worried for Xiner."

"What are you worried about?" Su Changqing looked down, and now he wanted to coax Su Xiner well, and he couldn't afford to be negligent.

"Of course it's the groom's marriage. Master, think about it. Before the prince's resignation, the bride was disgraced. Now that her ability test is so high, she has to find a suitable marriage while the iron is hot, so that she can shed her shame and let everyone know. Our family, Xiner, is not wanted by anyone."

Su Changqing thought to himself when he heard her words, and he was right!The prince's resignation made a lot of noise before, which indeed affected Su Xiner's reputation.

Now that her ability test is so good, which practitioner would not want to marry her?However, due to the influence of her previous reputation, even if she married, she would probably find ways to get a concubine. If the daughter of his majestic prime minister's mansion married, he would be pointed out that he couldn't keep his husband, and he couldn't afford to lose face.

Su Changqing rolled his eyes and said, "But today you also saw Xin'er and the sixth prince..."

He almost believed in his heart that the relationship between Su Xin'er and the Sixth Prince was extraordinary. He wanted to try his best to climb up to the family of the imperial court. Marrying the Sixth Prince was much better than others even if he was a concubine. Who dares to take care of them?
"My lord, you are so confused. Think about it, could it be true?" Xia Lanying continued blowing on the pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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