Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 159 Why Didn't You Get Dropped Alive!

Chapter 159 Why Didn't You Get Dropped Alive!
Chapter 159 Why Didn't You Get Dropped Alive!
at the same time.

Inside the dressing room.

Qiu Luoxue triumphantly held the coffee and returned to the makeup table. After sitting down, she opened it in a hurry and took several photos with her mobile phone and posted them on Moments and Weibo, with some flirty words—

[In winter nights, with your coffee, you won’t be cold]

After doing all this, Qiu Luoxue's bad mood because of Lin Su'er's matter disappeared at this moment.

Yes, what else is there to be happy about?

As long as Young Master Bo has her in his heart, she will marry into Bo's family one day and become the most honorable woman in China. By then, Lin Su'er, hmph, she can be crushed to death with just a few fingers!
Thinking of this, Qiu Luoxue's mood suddenly brightened, and she picked up the coffee and drank it happily.

But not wanting to take a sip, she suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Sister Zheng asked with concern.

"I think this coffee tastes a bit strange, it seems to be different from the ones I drank before." This coffee shop is also frequented by Qiu Luoxue, and their coffee is usually full of milk and sweet, but this time At this time, the coffee had a strange bitter taste.

"Maybe it's a special custom made by Bo Shao." Sister Zheng didn't think much about it, "After all, if Bo Shao goes to a coffee shop as Bo Shao, the other party must bring out the best coffee beans, right?"

Qiu Luoxue thought about it for the same reason, and immediately felt that the coffee was more authentic, and quickly took several photos from various angles, before she drank all the coffee in one go.

As soon as she finished her coffee, the director of the program came over to urge the show.

"Xiaoqiu, are you ready? The official performance will start soon, you should quickly touch up your makeup and get ready to go on stage."

The last performance was performed in the same form as a party, and this time, Qiu Luoxue was not only going to be a judge, but also a host, hosting the show with Zhang Feng.

Qiu Luoxue stood up leisurely, pretending to be unintentional, and said to Sister Zheng behind her: "Okay, Sister Zheng, I'll go host. If Mr. Bo will send you something, you can keep it for me first."

After saying this, she looked at the director next to her, and added with a pretentious sigh, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bo is just too worried about me. I'm afraid I'll get someone to bring me coffee because I'm late at work. He also brought supper or something, so he ordered it specially."

The director didn't expect Bo Shao to care so much about Qiu Luoxue, he was taken aback for a moment, but then hurriedly apologized: "Bo Shao really loves you, Xiao Qiu."

Satisfied with the flattery she wanted to hear, Qiu Luoxue still pretended to be modest and smiled deliberately, "It's okay, I also told him that I want to keep a low profile, but Qing Ang didn't listen to him because he just wanted to pamper her like this." I."

After drinking a cup of coffee, Qiu Luoxue called Bo Qingang by his name directly.

The director continued to flatter and apologize, and Qiu Luoxue followed him to the stage in satisfaction.

On the way, Qiu Luoxue suddenly thought of something, pretending to be unintentional and asked casually: "By the way, director, have you investigated what happened to my wire?"

Speaking of this matter, the director couldn't help but sigh, "How to investigate, there are so many people coming and going during the rehearsal tonight, and Wia is a temporary addition to the program, we can't find out who did it at all. "

Hearing that no one found out who did it, Qiu Luoxue breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to be unintentional, and said, "Bo Zihan was seriously injured, so will their group's performance continue?"

"Of course it will continue, but there is only one person missing. By the way, after their group's performance, you and Zhang Feng will ask a few members of their group about Gu Zihan's physical condition, and let them explain whether Bo Zihan is healthy or not." The reason for coming to power."

Regarding the matter of Bo Zihan's injury in Diao Wia, because there were so many idlers waiting during the rehearsal, it was impossible to hide the matter of Bo Zihan's injury. Even the video of the scene has been posted on the Internet.

Not long after Bo Zihan was taken to the hospital, the news spread on the Internet. Now netizens are asking why the show crew failed to protect the safety of the contestants, and some even threatened to sue.

The program team was very troubled by this. They were not only afraid of netizens' doubts, but also worried that if the Bo family pursued it, they would really die without a place to bury them.

So what they can do right now is to explain this matter as clearly as possible during the live broadcast.

Qiu Luoxue nodded to express her understanding, and soon came to the stage.

The performance started soon. After Qiu Luoxue gave a brief introduction to Zhang Feng on stage as instructed by the director, the performance began.

Lin Su'er's group performed as the finale.

Although one person was missing, their group's performance was still very hot and explosive, which aroused the screams of the fans present and brought the atmosphere to its climax.

After the song was over, Qiu Luoxue and Zhang Feng followed the director's order and did not let them step down, but left Lin Su and the others behind to ask about Bo Zihan's injury.

"I have a very sad news to share with you today. I believe everyone here already knows it." Zhang Feng has been in the entertainment industry for many years, so when he spoke at this time, his face was full of grief. The look on his face was very sincere and sincere, "That's what caused Bo Zihan's injury. We feel very sorry for this, so on behalf of the entire program group, we must first say sorry to Bo Zihan's fans and his family!"

Saying that, Zhang Feng and Qiu Luoxue bent down together, but Bo Zihan's fans in the audience were ungrateful and screamed——

"What we want is not an apology! It's an explanation! Why did our Hanhan get hurt!"

"Yes! We won't accept an apology until we can't find out the real reason and who is responsible!"

"Is an apology useful! Can we, Hanhan, be discharged from the hospital if we apologize? Can you return our Hanhan's final stage if we apologize!"

The fans are swearing over there.Zhang Feng just pretended not to hear and continued: "Although Bo Zihan is unable to participate in this performance due to injury, his teammates will still bring his dreams and beliefs to bring you the most perfect performance." A show."

With that said, he turned to look at Lin Suer and the others, "I would like to ask the players in Yu Bo Zihan's group, did the sudden injury of a teammate affect your performance this time?"

There were four people in Lin Su'er's group. The two people in front took the microphone and said a series of words of apology and sadness for Bo Zihan's injury, and also choked up a few tears appropriately. look.

Finally, the microphone fell into Lin Su'er's hands.

When the microphone fell into Lin Su's hands, all the fans in the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone has seen the video of the accident at the scene, so they know that Bo Zihan's injury this time was not actually his own injury on the wire, but that when Lin Su was hoisted from the wire, Bo Zihan had to protect him. got knocked down.

So everyone was curious about what Lin Su wanted to say now.

After Lin Su'er took the microphone, she didn't rush to speak. On the contrary, she just raised her head and looked coolly at Qiu Luoxue next to her, and suddenly said, "Senior Qiu, regarding Bao Zihan's injury, I don't know if you are What do you think?"

Qiu Luoxue was originally only in charge of showing off her beauty on stage as a vase host, but she didn't expect Lin Su'er to ask her suddenly, and she was stunned.

At the same time, the eyes of the audience involuntarily focused on Qiu Luoxue, and she came back to her senses, and the corners of her mouth forced an arc.

"Of course I also feel very sad. After all, Bo Zihan is such a talented person. I regret that he can't stand on this final stage." Qiu Luoxue showed hypocritical sadness, and just wanted to say something hypocritically, but I don't want a sudden rush of heat gushing from my throat.

Suddenly, she felt as if her body was out of control, and she blurted out: "Of course, what makes me even more sad is that you, Lin Su'er, were not thrown to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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