Chapter 172 Money is so easy to cheat?
Chapter 172 Money is so easy to cheat?
"What nonsense are you talking about!"

When Qu Sisi heard that Lin Suer humiliated her whitening drink, she became even more angry and almost jumped up.

"This is the supreme money of the Qin Group. It costs tens of thousands. How could it be useless!"

"Expensive things are not necessarily good, but they are just for you to pay IQ tax." Lin Su'er said lightly, "You are also a member of the medical school, why don't you even understand such a simple truth."

"You!" Qu Sisi was so angry that her face turned pale.

Xia Xiaonan who was next to her also hurriedly said, "Qu Sisi, even if you scold me to death now, this drink can't be changed back. You should tell me how much it is, and I will pay you back."

Qu Sisi used to have a lot of momentum when scolding Xia Xiaonan alone, but now Lin Suer and Xia Xiaonan couldn't bear it anymore, and finally could only curse angrily: "Who lives in this dormitory?" It's either fat or ugly, it's not human at all!"

As she said that, she rushed out angrily and slammed the door.

After she walked out, Lin Su'er passed the porcelain doll in her hand to Xia Xiaonan, "Your?"

To be honest, in fact, she herself is too lazy to care about quarrels between little girls.But after knowing that this girl named Xia Xiaonan was her fan, she couldn't sit idly by.

These fans have paid a lot for her, and she can't use her debut to repay their expectations, so since you have encountered it in life, please help if you can.

Xia Xiaonan had already turned pale with fright when she saw Qu Sisi throwing the porcelain doll on the ground just now, but now seeing that the doll was rescued, she almost burst into tears of joy, so she quickly took it.

After confirming again and again that the porcelain doll was not damaged, she looked at Lin Su'er excitedly and said, "Thank you so much just now, my name is Xia Xiaonan, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Su'er."

"Lin Su'er?" Xia Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up, "Wow! You are only one letter away from my idol's name!"

Lin Su'er gave a dry laugh.

Isn't it.

Lin Su'er, Lin Su, these two similar names are enough to remind people.

If it weren't for the fact that the name on the student ID card could not be changed, she would have wished to use a pseudonym to go to school.

But fortunately she has drawn such a face now, no matter how similar the name is, no one will think that she has anything to do with that handsome Lin Su.

"Really." Thinking of this, she replied casually, "Why, do you like him very much?"

"Yes!" Xia Xiaonan's eyes lit up when talking about her idol, "You don't know how cute our family Susu is! Also, he and Bo Zihan are a perfect match, and the two of them interact together. When it was time, my God, it was so sweet to me!"

Lin Su'er: "..."

Lin Su'er didn't expect that Xia Xiaonan not only liked her, but also liked to match her and Bao Zihan.

She felt even more grateful that her identity had not been discovered.

"By the way." Lin Su'er didn't want to continue entanglement on this topic, and suddenly thought of something, and looked down at the glass shards of the whitening drink on the ground, "This thing really costs tens of thousands?"

"Isn't it?" Xia Xiaonan curled her lips, "Not only that, but there are also a bunch of people rushing to buy it, and it's already out of stock."

Lin Su'er looked down at the fragments on the ground, feeling more and more incredulous.

She had heard from Gu Cheng a long time ago that Qin Haishan and his company packaged a bunch of vitamins into expensive health care products and sold them at a high price. She originally thought that Gu Cheng was exaggerating, but she didn't expect it to be true.

That bit of vitamin C melted water cost tens of thousands of dollars, isn't that money easy to earn?
Lin Su'er thought for a while, and suddenly an idea came to her mind.

When Lin Su'er was talking to Xie Xiaonan, the door of the dormitory opened again suddenly, and a slender girl came in pulling a big box.

It was a very pretty girl, with long straight black hair and no makeup on her facial features, but she was still extremely soft and beautiful, like a lotus in clear water. At first glance, she looked like the pure style that many boys especially liked.

When Lin Su'er saw this beautiful girl in front of her, she felt a little familiar for no reason, but she never thought where she had seen this girl before.

And at this moment, that girl also raised her head, seeing Lin Su'er in the room, she was also stunned.

She looked at Lin Su'er in the middle for a long time, and then blurted out in disbelief: "Lin Su'er!?"

Lin Suer's heart skipped a beat, and at this moment she finally remembered who the girl in front of her was.

The girl in front of her, named Li Xiaoqing, is also a student of Yingzhen High School. She saw Gu Cheng and his brothers besieging her in the corridor once before.

However, she clearly remembered that Li Xiaoqing was two years younger than her, so how could she appear in Huaxia University?
Lin Su'er was worried that Li Xiaoqing would say something she shouldn't, so she immediately dragged her to the corridor outside the dormitory.

"Why are you here?" In the corridor, Lin Su'er frowned and said, "Aren't you a freshman?"

"Oh, it's like this." Li Xiaoqing blushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "Because I was in an accelerated class, I took the college entrance examination early."

In Yingzheng High School, there is a special accelerated class,

The students in that class did not come in through tuition fees, but the school specially recruited those students from poor families but with exceptionally excellent grades.

Because of their excellent grades, these students do not need to complete three years of high school to take the college entrance examination like ordinary students. They can take the college entrance examination every year within three years. May graduate early.

Lin Su'er looked at the girl in front of her in surprise, "I can't tell, so you are a top student."

He was admitted to Huaxia University School of Medicine in the first year of high school, which is already a fighter among the top students.

Lin Xiaoqing blushed even more when she was praised, but when she looked up and saw Lin Suer's tragic face, she hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said: "Sister Suer, can I ask, your face..."

Before Li Xiaoqing came to the dormitory today, she had read the dormitory list, so she knew that she and Lin Su'er were assigned to the same dormitory.

If she hadn't known it in advance, she would never have guessed that the girl in front of her whose face looked like a smashed palette was actually Lin Su'er.

Lin Su'er coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Speaking of key issues.

Because most of the students in Yingzheng High School are going abroad, only a small number of them will stay in China to study in university, so Lin Suer originally thought that there should be only her and Gu Cheng who came out of Yingzheng High School in the entire Huaxia University, so she acted so recklessly. Disguise yourself.

Unexpectedly, their school even admitted a Li Xiaoqing.

"I have my own difficulties." Lin Su'er said briefly, "So I dressed up, can you help me keep it secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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