Chapter 175 How to Kill Her

Chapter 175 How to Kill Her

Those girls rolled their eyes at Lin Su'er, and went back to the dormitory.

Listening to their harsh words, Lin Su'er was simply amazed.

She always thought that only Yingzhen's group of idle young ladies were so boring, and they would do anything to grab a man.

Unexpectedly, at Huaxia Medical College, everyone is still the same.

But she didn't care about the hostility of those girls, and soon went back to the dormitory with Xia Xiaonan and the others.

Although the dormitory quality of Huaxia University is not as good as that of Yingzhen High School, it is also very good in public universities in general. Each dormitory has its own independent bathroom.

Lin Su'er and Xia Xiaonan took turns taking a bath, and Lin Su'er was the last one to wash. When she came out of the shower, she wore a mask.

Seeing her like this, Xia Xiaonan couldn't help being stunned.

"Su'er." She asked suspiciously, "What are you doing wearing a mask at night?"

Lin Su'er touched the mask and coughed lightly in embarrassment.

To be honest, wearing a day's makeup today made her uncomfortable enough.

Although those cosmetics are made by herself, with a lot of herbal ingredients added, not only will it not harm the skin, but the makeup is also very long-lasting. Today, she was sweating profusely, and her makeup was not spent.

But after all, it was cosmetics, and it was very uncomfortable to paste on her face. When she took a shower just now, she couldn't hold back and took it off.

But worried that Xia Xiaonan and Qu Sisi would see her real appearance, so she could only come out with a mask.

Lin Su'er didn't know how to answer Xia Xiaonan's question, so Qu Sisi next to her sneered and said, "Is there a need to ask, it must be that people are too ugly, so they are embarrassed to see people, so they cover it with a mask. "

As she said that, Qu Sisi suddenly thought of something, squinted at Lin Su'er, her eyes became more contemptuous, "But Lin Su'er, I'm really surprised, you're still so ugly even with makeup on during the day, so why do you look ugly after taking off your makeup?" What's it like?"

"Qu Sisi!" Xia Xiaonan couldn't stop listening, so she stood up and wanted to explode, but was stopped by Lin Su'er.

Lin Su'er was not angry, but just looked at Qu Sisi with a smile.

"I'm ugly, but at least I'm naturally ugly." A pair of black and white eyes on her mask glanced at Qu Sisi, and she smiled meaningfully, "Unlike some people, they are all fake."

Qu Sisi's face suddenly changed, she stood up abruptly, "Lin Su'er, what do you mean!"

"You understand what I mean." Lin Su'er quietly climbed onto her bed, and glanced at Qu Sisi casually with squinting eyes, "But don't blame me for not reminding you, there are so many fillings on the face and chest. , you will suffer when you are old."

The first time Lin Su'er saw Qu Sisi, she noticed the strangeness of her face.

She knew that many little girls in this world liked plastic surgery, so she also guessed that Qu Sisi probably messed up a lot of her face and body.

Everyone has a love of beauty, Lin Su'er didn't want to comment, but Qu Sisi wanted to find fault first, so of course she didn't bother to show mercy.

Qu Sisi also didn't expect Lin Su'er's eyesight to be so good, and she was poked in a sore spot all of a sudden, she was so angry that she was about to lose her temper when there was a click and the lights were turned off.

The roar of the dorm aunt came from outside——

"Sleep! Hurry up and go to bed! Whoever is caught talking by me will be deducted points for conduct!"

Qu Sisi had no choice but to grit her teeth and climb onto her bed.

But the resentment in her heart couldn't be swallowed no matter what, she looked at Lin Su'er's direction in the dark, and clenched her teeth.

Lin Su'er!
If you dare to offend me, just wait to be paid for it!

the next day.

Lin Su'er was awakened by the piercing radio, she got up quickly, brushed her teeth and washed her face, and was about to go to the playground to gather.

Because everyone sweated a lot during yesterday's training, so before going to bed yesterday, everyone washed their camouflage uniforms and hung them on the balcony.

But when Lin Su'er went to the balcony to collect her clothes, she found that someone had thrown her clothes onto the air conditioner outside the window.

The campus of Huaxia University is built on the hillside, so there are usually many birds flying here and there, and bird droppings are flying all over the sky.

Lin Su'er's clothes were hanging outside, and as expected, she was accidentally hit by several bird droppings, and several lumps were white.

Lin Su'er held the clothes and narrowed her eyes slightly.

She clearly remembered that she hung her clothes inside yesterday, so why did she suddenly go outside?
"Ouch." At this time, Qu Sisi leaned over and saw the clothes in Lin Su'er's hands, gloating, "Lin Su'er, why are you so careless? You hung your clothes outside? What's wrong with your clothes now?" wear it!"

Lin Su'er heard Qu Sisi's voice, raised her head, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

She remembered that after the lights were turned off yesterday, Qu Sisi ran to the balcony again, and went back to the dormitory to sleep after tossing about for a long time.

After a long time, he came to deal with her.

Lin Su'er sneered, shook the military training uniform in her hand, and said in a cold voice, "Qu Sisi, I will give you one last chance to exchange your clothes with me, and I will not argue with you."

Qu Sisi had already put on her own clothes at this time, the bird droppings from yesterday had been washed clean, and she was very neat and tidy.

When Qu Sisi heard Lin Su'er's words, her expression changed slightly, but she quickly snorted coldly, "I don't understand what you mean, the clothes on me are mine, why should I change them with you!"

Lin Su'er narrowed her eyes slightly, "Qu Sisi, are you sure you don't want to change?"

At this time, Lin Su'er had already put on a disguise, and her pockmarked face was so ugly that it was suffocating.

It's strange to say that when she squinted her eyes slightly at this time, there was a sharp aura from that ugly and disgusting face, which made Qu Sisi panic for no reason.

But she calmed down quickly, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Lin Su'er, stop playing tricks on me here! I just don't change my clothes! What can you do to me!"

Seeing Qu Sisi's arrogant look, Lin Su'er smiled.

"Okay." She was not angry, but calmly picked up the clothes, "You said that."

Seeing that Lin Su'er obediently put on the bird droppings clothes, the fear in Qu Sisi's eyes finally calmed down.


She thought that Lin Su'er was really daring to do anything so arrogant, and after a long time, she just dared to play tricks.

Thinking of this, Qu Sisi was in a good mood, sneered contemptuously, and walked out of the dormitory.

Xia Xiaonan watched this scene from the side, with a worried expression on his face.

"Su'er, do you want to wash your clothes?" She couldn't help but ask, "Let's blow it with a hair dryer and it will dry quickly."

"No need." Lin Su'er put on a calm face, buttoning up the buttons of her clothes one by one, "It's too late, I will be scolded by the instructor if I am late."

"But your clothes..." Xia Xiaonan couldn't bear it even more when she saw the big ball of white bird shit on Lin Su'er's body, and couldn't help stamping her feet angrily, "This Qu Sisi is really shameless! She must have done it! Just let it go like this But she is simply too cheap for her!"

After Lin Su'er put on her clothes, she originally wanted to wear a hat, but she didn't expect that the hat was also full of bird feces, so she had to give up in the end.

Hearing Xia Xiaonan's words, she suddenly laughed.

"Let her go?" She threw her hat into the sink and chuckled, "Who said I'm going to let her go?"

Xia Xiaonan was taken aback for a moment, and saw Lin Su'er looking up at Asuka outside the window, and said thoughtfully, "Tell me, how can we kill her better?"

(End of this chapter)

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