Chapter 181 Make a bet
Chapter 181 Make a bet
As soon as the words were spoken, Ouyang Luo felt deeply sad for his dog legs.

Ouyang Luo, Ouyang Luo!Why are you so cowardly!
He complained in his heart, but he still didn't have the guts to provoke Bo Qingang.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Bo Qing'ang's expression still did not soften.

On the contrary, he just glanced at Ouyang Luo coldly, and warned: "Don't make up her mind."

Having known Ouyang Luo for so many years, Bo Qingang knows better than anyone else that this heir to a medical family who seems to save lives and heal the wounded is actually a complete playboy, and the girlfriends he changed couldn't fit in several big trucks.

Ouyang Luo: "..."

At this moment, he really wanted to scream: I'm so fucking crazy to be interested in a girl who looks like that!


this side.

Lin Su'er quickly put on the body armor specially used for shooting learning. When she walked back to the shooting range, she saw that the entire shooting range had been cleared, and only Bo Qing'ang was left waiting for her in front of the shooting range.
Bo Qing'ang doesn't like noisy environments, so every time he occasionally comes to Wantian clubhouse to play, he will ask to clear the venue.

Bo Qingang has also changed into shooting clothes at this time. The close-fitting bulletproof vest outlines his already tall figure even more elongated. He wears a wrist guard for a gun on his wrist. Usually cold and aloof, now a little more fierce, handsome and more and more people can't take their eyes off.

When he saw Lin Suer approaching, he handed over the gun in his hand, "You play with this first."

Lin Su'er saw that he was holding a small pistol in his hand, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Can you only play with such a small gun?"

"You just started learning, the recoil may be unbearable, start simple."

Bo Qingang handed the pistol in his hand to Lin Su'er, then held her hand from behind very naturally, put one hand on her left shoulder, and hugged her from behind, "Let's try to shoot first. "

Bo Qing'ang's sudden approach made Lin Su'er's whole body tense involuntarily.

At the same time, Bo Qing had already held her hand, aiming the gun straight at the target in front of him.

"Don't be distracted." As if noticing the girl's absent-mindedness, his deep voice rang in his ears, "The most important thing when shooting a gun is to concentrate."

Only then did Lin Su'er manage to regain her senses, and looked at the bull's-eye in front of her.

The next second, she felt Bo Qingang's slightly cold fingertips pressing on her fingers, and pulled the trigger——

A loud bang sounded in the quiet and empty shooting range.

The bullet pierced the target and hit the red heart.

At the same time, there was a huge recoil, Lin Su'er only felt a pain in the tiger's mouth.

Only then did she have to admit that, indeed, it was enough for a novice like her to play with a pistol.If you change to a submachine gun or a rifle, it is estimated that your hands will be numb from the shock.

"Try it yourself." Bo Qing'ang let go of Lin Su'er's hand.

Lin Su'er rubbed her palms, raised the pistol in her hand again, and tried a few more times according to what Bo Qingang taught her just now.

I have to say that Lin Su'er has a good talent. She played quite well for the first time today. Although she couldn't hit the target, at least most of them didn't miss it.

Lin Su'er played with relish, was reloading the gun, and was about to shoot another round, but unexpectedly, Bo Qing'ang next to him suddenly said: "Lin Su'er, how are you going to detoxify me this time?"

Hearing Bo Qingang's sudden words, Lin Su'er was taken aback for a moment, and then came back to her senses.

She almost forgot that today is the day of Bo Qingang's poisonous hair.

Lin Su'er's eyes flashed stupidly imperceptibly, "What do you want?"

In fact, for them now, there are actually two ways to suppress poison.One is to use her blood, and the other is to kiss her.

Lin Su'er personally leans towards the former, but she knows that Bo Qing'ang seems to be very resistant to using blood, so she also has a bit of a headache.

Bo Qing'ang didn't answer Lin Su'er's words directly, but just leaned on the railing next to her with one hand, and casually fixed Lin Su'er's non-standard movements with the other hand, and said lightly, "Let's make a bet."

Lin Su'er raised her eyebrows, "What bet?"

"Bet on whether you can hit the target with the next shot. If you hit, we will use your blood to detoxify. But if you miss." Bo Qingang's voice suddenly paused, raised his hand, and wiped Lin Su'er's spitting red lips and slightly dark eyes said, "Use your body to suppress the toxin."

Lin Su'er's brows raised higher all of a sudden.

It can be said that Bo Qingang's bet was very loose. She didn't ask her to hit a few rings, but simply asked her to hit the target.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er quickly raised her gun, without hesitation, "Okay, I promise you."

Hit a target, this is still very easy.

As she spoke, she narrowed her eyes slightly, trying to aim at the bull's-eye in front of her.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to press the trigger, Bo Qingang's deep voice suddenly came to her ears——

"Lin Su'er, what you're doing here is not right, your wrist should be lower."

At the same time, she felt that the man suddenly approached her again, and his hand held her wrist very naturally, pressing her hand down a little, and at the same time, the other finger was also attached to her chin, She raised her head as if with a hint of frivolity.

"You have to keep your head up a little bit so you can see the bull's-eye."

The man's movements seemed to be careless, but as he approached, all the breath in his speech was blown on Lin Su'er's face, and even the broken hair around Lin Su'er's ears.

As the broken hair swept across her cheeks, Lin Su'er suddenly felt a strange numbness sweeping through her whole body, as if an electric current was sweeping through her body, her body couldn't help trembling slightly, and the roots of her ears seemed to be on fire!
She even forgot to shoot all of a sudden, but her mind went blank, until she heard a man's deep laughter in her ears.

"Lin Su'er, do you know that your ears turn red every time you are nervous?"

Lin Su'er was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly came back to her senses. Before she had time to reflect the meaning of Bo Qing'ang's words, she heard him speak again——

"Like, now."

As she said that, she felt the man beside her suddenly leaned over and approached her earlobe, and blew a light breath.

Maybe it's because of the cold poisoning, Bo Qing'ang's breath is always a bit cold.So when he opened his mouth to breathe, the cold breath fell on Lin Su'er's hot earlobe, which made Lin Su'er's whole body tremble,
Her fingers also lost control all of a sudden, and she pressed the trigger without thinking at all——

A loud bang sounded in the empty shooting range. At the same time, Lin Su'er saw a black hole protruding from the wall next to the target.

Lin Su'er was stunned for a moment.

She... this is off target! ?
(End of this chapter)

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