Chapter 213 You don't need me

Chapter 213 You don't need me

With a bang in Lin Su'er's head, she realized that she was dumped by Bo Qing'ang again.

"Thin, lean, high!"

She almost gritted her teeth and raised her hand without hesitation to stab the man in front of her with the gold needle caught in her finger.

But Bo Qing'ang seemed to have already guessed her movements. As soon as she raised her wrist, Bo Qing'ang raised her hand quickly, and her knuckle fingers accurately and easily grasped her wrist.

Lin Su'er's hand suddenly paused in the air, under the dim light, the golden needle between her fingers gleamed coldly.

But Bo Qing'ang just acted as if he didn't see those golden needles, just took out something and put it on Lin Su'er's wrist.

Lin Su'er felt a slight chill on her wrist, she was startled, and when she looked up, she saw that there was an extra bracelet on her wrist.

I saw that it was a platinum bracelet, and the silver-white brilliance shone brightly under the street lamp. In the middle of the thin bracelet was a small four-leaf clover pendant.

This bracelet looks very exquisite and lovely, but Lin Suer still keenly noticed that this bracelet is not an ordinary bracelet, because there is actually a chip hidden behind its four-leaf clover pendant.

Lin Su'er couldn't help frowning, "Bo Qingang, what is this?"

"This allows me to determine my physical condition and position." Bo Qing'ang said briefly.

Lin Su'er understood immediately.

To put it bluntly, this bracelet should be able to detect her body temperature or heartbeat, so that if her body is seriously injured or in any unhealthy state, Bo Qingang can know immediately.

Not only that, this chip should still have a GPS system, so it can report her location to Bo Qingang in real time.

To put it more directly, Bo Qingang put this bracelet on her to ensure that when she encounters danger, she will receive the news as soon as possible.

After figuring out the meaning of this bracelet, Lin Suer frowned even tighter, "Bo Qingang, I don't need this."

Whether in her previous life or this life, Lin Su'er was never used to being protected.

She has always believed that only she can protect her life.She didn't want to rely on such a thing and pin her safety on another person.

Thinking of this, she wanted to take off the bracelet on her wrist without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to unbutton the bracelet, Bo Qingang held her hand directly,

The man's hand knuckles are slender and strong, when Lin Su'er's palm was held down, Lin Su'er couldn't move at all.

"You don't need it, but I do." Bo Qingang looked down at her, with an undeniably strong voice, "You can rest assured only if you take me with you."

The man's attitude was not a discussion at all, but a domineering involuntary speech, which made Lin Su'er unable to utter a rejection when it came to her lips.

"Okay." She could only give in, "Then I'll take it with me."

Anyway, after dying once, Lin Su'er also cherished her life very much, it's not a bad thing to be able to protect her own life.

Hearing that Lin Su'er agreed to keep the bracelet, Bo Qingang's face softened slightly.

"Good." He raised his hand and rubbed the girl's afro, and was about to say something, but suddenly, his expression changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at the distance of the square behind him.

There was no one in the night, but a strong coldness flashed in Bo Qingang's eyes. For a moment, it seemed that there was a cold air spreading from his side, which was shocking.

"What's wrong?" Lin Su'er also noticed the change in Bo Qing'ang's face.

Bo Qingang turned her head back, and when her eyes returned to Lin Su'er, the coldness on her face had faded away.

"It's okay." He looked calm, and let go of Lin Su'er, "I'll ask someone to help you send these drinks back."

Lin Su'er looked at a table of beauty drinks and knew that her thin arms and legs couldn't move her, so she didn't refuse Bo Qing'ang's kindness.

Several bodyguards came over quickly, picked up Lin Suer's beauty drinks, and walked towards the girls' dormitory together with Lin Suer.

Bo Qingang watched Lin Su'er and the bodyguard disappear into the night of the square, then turned to look at Zhang Song next to him, and asked in a cold voice, "Did you get caught?"

"Master, you have also noticed." Zhang Song immediately stepped forward with a solemn expression, "There is a person who has been following Miss Lin, and we have caught it just now."

"Bring it up."

As soon as Bo Qingang finished speaking, a few bodyguards suddenly walked out of the darkness of the square.

They saw a man in black was dragged by their hands. The man was covered in blood, and was soon thrown heavily to the ground.

Bo Qingang looked down at the man on the ground, his cold expression was like looking at a humble ant.

"Say." He said, his voice without any warmth, "Who sent you to follow Lin Su'er."

Bo Qingang gave Lin Suer this positioning bracelet today because he knew that as he publicly showed Lin Suer here in Wantian Club, more and more people would notice his unusual relationship with Lin Suer.

He himself didn't intend to hide his relationship with Lin Su'er, but he knew that his identity was special, and the Bo family was complicated, so he had to ensure the safety of this girl.

But what he didn't expect was that he still underestimated the speed of these people.

It's only been a few days, and someone has already started following Lin Su'er.

Fortunately, he came to school today, otherwise I don't know what these people will do with Lin Su'er.

The captured man was already covered in blood.

But even so, there was still an unconcealable ferocity in his eyes, he spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, and sneered.

"Bo Qingang, I can't see that you still have heart for this ugly monster." He was full of sarcasm, "But it's a pity, you can't protect her anymore! Although you own the Bo family now, so what? It's not you After all, it's not yours! The Bo family will get it back one day!"

The man laughed wildly, and the last patience in Bo Qingang's eyes faded in an instant.

"Don't tell me." Bo Qing'ang looked indifferent, raised his hand to straighten his cuffs, and could not hear any emotion in his calm tone, but there was a bit of murderous intent in the dark turbulent coldness in his black eyes , "Okay, then it's useless to save your life, Zhang Song, clean it up."

The man fell to the ground and laughed wildly, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but froze.

What's the matter with this thin Qingang?
When a normal person catches someone, shouldn't they all ask about it?

He had even figured out how to make up a lie to mislead Bo Qing'ang, but he didn't expect that Bo Qing'ang didn't follow the routine at all, and he didn't intend to interrogate him from the beginning to the end.

"Wait a minute!" The man couldn't help panicking, he wasn't really not afraid of death, it was just that he thought he could delay time and find a chance to escape, but he didn't expect Bo Qingang to be so neat and tidy, he suddenly became nervous "Are you sure you don't question me!?"

(End of this chapter)

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