Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 241 This beauty is Xia Xiaonan! ?

Chapter 241 This beauty is Xia Xiaonan! ?

Chapter 241 This beauty is Xia Xiaonan! ?

At this time, it was not Lin Su'er who appeared on the stage again.

Instead, it was a strange girl.

I saw that girl was wearing a tennis suit, a pleated skirt and a simple white short-sleeve, holding a pink tennis racket in her hand. She was extremely youthful.

But the most striking thing was the girl's face.

The girl's hair is tied up in a high ponytail, revealing her beautiful forehead and neckline. Her skin is so fair that water can be squeezed out. With a small nose and a small cherry mouth, the whole person is exquisite and lovely To the extreme.

The most eye-catching thing is her big black and white eyes, watery eyes blinking gently, with a somewhat nervous and apprehensive look, just like a sunny girl who came out of the comics .

The people in the audience originally thought that Lin Su'er was on stage again and was about to ridicule and be mean, but they didn't expect to see such a beautiful girl on stage suddenly, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

"Damn it, why isn't Lin Su'er taking the stage in the second round?"

"Oh my god, who is this schoolgirl? She looks so cute and beautiful. She is exactly the type I like!"

"When the first-year juniors entered the school, I had already investigated them. Why didn't I know there was such a beautiful junior?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, go and find out what the name of this junior is! It's so unreasonable that a junior like this is not famous in school!"

Seeing such a beautiful woman suddenly appear, all the boys couldn't help being excited, and some even leaned over and asked the freshman medical students what the beauty's name was.

Unexpectedly, the freshman students in the medical school were more ignorant than them.

"Who is this girl? When did our class have such a beauty?"

"Wait, isn't Xia Xiaonan the sports baby in our class? Why is such a beauty suddenly on stage?"

"Did the broadcast go wrong? It's definitely not from our class. What's going on?"

All the students in the class were stupefied, but in the end, Tian Xue's eyes were sharper, and she suddenly exclaimed when she looked at the beautiful sunny girl on the stage.

"Wait a minute! Look at that girl's eyes, why do I think she looks a bit like Xia Xiaonan?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire freshman class in the medical school exploded.

"Please, how is it possible! Xia Xiaonan is so fat, and you don't even look at how thin this girl on stage is. How could she be that fat girl?"

"But after you said that, I suddenly felt that the girl on the stage seemed to be a little thinner, but she really looked like Xia Xiaonan in other parts."

"Look quickly, does that girl have a mole on her ear? I remember that Xia Xiaonan also has a mole on this part of her ear."

"Oh my god, this girl actually has a mole on her ear! So this girl is really Xia Xiaonan!?"

"Oh my god, didn't Xia Xiaonan just miss class for a week? Why did she suddenly lose so much weight?"

"Wait, your focus seems to be wrong. Shouldn't the focus be how Xia Xiaonan looks so good after losing weight! This beauty is going to crush Li Xiaoqing and Qu Si, right?"

"Oh my god, it turns out that what is said on the Internet is true, every fat person is a potential stock! Xia Xiaonan's current appearance has almost crushed Li Xiaoqing, right?"

The students in Lin Su'er's class finally recognized the true identity of the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared on the stage, and it seemed like a pot exploded for a while, and the discussion was louder than louder.

Li Xiaoqing, who was next to him, heard everyone's discussion, and his originally fair and delicate face turned extremely pale in an instant.

The hand she put on the skirt clenched her fist unconsciously, but she still tried her best to maintain a smile, so that no one could see the anger in her heart.

At the same time, all the discussions in the freshman class of the medical school reached the ears of the seniors and sisters who were sitting next to them in the third year of the medical school.

When Lu Chengsong's friends heard Xia Xiaonan's name, they were all stunned.

"Chengsong, Chengsong, I heard you right, the freshman group said that the beauty on stage is Xia Xiaonan? Is that your ex-girlfriend?"

"Come on, didn't you hear Cheng Song explain to us before? He said that Xia Xiaonan is not his girlfriend at all, but just a female psycho who has been secretly in love with him since high school."

"Damn it, if there is such a beautiful female psycho who has a crush on me, I will definitely follow!"

"That's right, Cheng Song, you are very lucky, since there is such a beautiful woman who has a crush on you, why don't you hurry up and agree to someone else!"

Several friends of Lu Chengsong looked at Xia Xiaonan on the stage, their eyes were straightened, and their saliva almost dripped down.

But Lu Chengsong was completely stunned.

He looked at the beautiful girl on the stage in disbelief, and couldn't believe his eyes for a moment.

He really didn't expect that Xia Xiaonan would become so beautiful after losing weight.

The eyes that were originally watery all of a sudden became more energetic, and the facial features that were originally too round became more refined due to the weight loss. Coupled with Xia Xiaonan's skin that was as fair as a baby, it is absolutely superb!

At this moment, Xia Xiaonan on stage was extremely nervous.

She was holding the tennis racket tightly in her hand, and she didn't dare to take a step forward.

The fact that Lin Su'er agreed to take the sports baby for her a week ago, she felt incredible at first, but soon Lin Su'er told her that she has the ability to make her lose weight in a week.

At first, Xia Xiaonan didn't believe it at all. After all, she had tried many ways to lose weight over the years, but she was prone to obesity, so she never succeeded in losing weight.

But later, Lin Su'er directly proved her words with her actual actions.

In just one week, Xia Xiaonan really lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, from a fat man to a slender beauty.

But even so, Xia Xiaonan was still not confident.

Although she knew that she had lost weight, but when she closed her eyes every night, she would still think of Lu Chengsong coldly saying to her that day in the clubhouse: You are such a dead fat pig, I feel sick even if I touch your hand.

Thinking of Lu Chengsong's disgusted eyes, Xia Xiaonan couldn't help but start to doubt herself.

Is she really thin enough?

Is she really beautiful after losing weight?

Thinking of this, Xia Xiaonan only felt that the sweat on her palms was about to proliferate, and she didn't dare to take a step forward.

She turned her head in fear, and saw Lin Su'er standing in the background.

I saw Lin Su'er's eyes were firm, and she mouthed four words to her——

"you can."

Those silent words seemed to pour a force into Xia Xiaonan's heart, making her suddenly have courage.

She took a deep breath and walked straight up the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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