Chapter 333 Did You Steal This Card!?
Chapter 333 Did You Steal This Card!?

Qu Sisi was so frightened that she almost jumped up from the stool.

"You said this card has exceeded the limit?" Qu Sisi didn't want to believe it at all, "How is it possible! The limit on this card is at least 5000 million, how could it be so easy to exceed?"

"I'm sorry, the jewels you just selected cost 2000 million each. You selected three in total, and the total is 6000 million. So I think it's normal for this to exceed the quota."

Hearing what the shopping guide said, Qu Sisi almost staggered and passed out.

Although she already knew that the price of these so-called custom-made jewelry was tens of millions, she still didn't expect the price to be so exaggerated!
Each cost 2000 million, adding up to a full 6000 million!

In this way, even if she maxes out the card her boyfriend gave her, it is absolutely impossible to buy it!
"Miss Qu." Qu Sisi's face was so pale that she hadn't recovered yet, but the shopping guide next to her reminded her again very intimately, "Do you have any other cards that can be used for payment?"

Hearing Miss Shopping Guide's question, Qu Sisi's face turned as white as paper in an instant.

Her fingers couldn't stop trembling slightly, and she stammered before speaking, "I... I don't seem to have any other cards with me today..."

Qu Sisi's words were of course showing off her strength. She actually had her own card with her, but the limit on her card was only tens of thousands.Not to mention buying these tens of millions of jewelry, even the cheapest jewelry in the entire store may not be affordable.

But she couldn't admit it, so she could only pretend to be stubborn and said: "I happened to miss the card when I went out today, so I only brought this one."

"That's it." The shopping guide lady had a perfect stylized smile on her face, and she couldn't tell whether she believed Qu Sisi's words, but she just smiled, "In this case, it's better to sell these jewelry Give it up to Miss Xia next to you."

When Qu Sisi heard this, she felt her lungs were about to explode!
Letting it go to Xia Xiaonan, isn't this just an obvious surrender to Xia Xiaonan!

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she still had to maintain a decent smile, held her head up and pretended to be reserved, and said, "Okay, then leave it to Xia Xiaonan."

"Miss Xia." The shopping guide quickly looked at Xia Xiaonan who was next to him, his face full of expectation, "Do you still want these jewels?"

And Xia Xiaonan didn't disappoint her, and immediately said, "Of course."

With that said, Xia Xiaonan readily took out the card.

The black card in Xia Xiaonan's hand swiped through the machine, and a harmonious and pleasant sound came out immediately.

Apparently, the payment was successful.

The shopping guide immediately showed a more sincere and enthusiastic smile towards Xia Xiaonan, "Miss Xia, the charge has been successful, and I will pack these jewels for you now!"

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

Qu Sisi was beside her, as if she was watching Xia Xiaonan swipe her credit card to buy these jewels calmly, but in fact, the shock in her heart almost turned into a storm!
Xia Xiaonan, the little bitch, successfully swiped his card! ?
That is to say, the limit of this card in her hand is even more than 6000 million!
How could Xia Xiaonan have such a high limit card! ?

Qu Sisi was shocked in her heart.

And Xia Xiaonan who was next to her had indeed received the packaged jewelry, and smiled at her, "Sisi, thank you for giving up your love."

Xia Xiaonan looked pure and innocent, but when Qu Sisi heard her words, she was so angry that she almost fainted.

This little bitch Xia Xiaonan definitely did it on purpose!
Qu Sisi was so angry that she almost beat her chest and feet, but she still had to show a perfect smile on the surface and said, "It's okay, isn't it just a few jewels, I'll just come to buy them next time."

Xia Xiaonan curled her lips, and didn't expose Qu Sisi's words of trying to save face. She just took the card from the shopping guide and prepared to leave the jewelry store.

But she didn't expect that just as she turned around, Qu Sisi next to her suddenly screamed——

"Xia Xiaonan, wait for me!"

Xia Xiaonan paused, turned her head to look at Qu Sisi behind her, and said patiently, "Qu Sisi, what else do you need?"

But Qu Sisi didn't care about talking to Xia Xiaonan at all, she just walked over quickly, snatched the card from Xia Xiaonan's hand, and looked down.

I saw that the card in Xia Xiaonan's hand was a black card inlaid with a touch of platinum. The low-key and luxurious design was extraordinary at first glance.

Qu Sisi recognized it immediately after just one glance. This is the supreme black card with unlimited quota.

Supreme black card, unlimited quota, embodies the supreme status.

According to Qu Sisi, there are only ten such Supreme Black Cards in the entire Huaxia Kingdom, and the people who own this card are either rich or expensive.

But how could Xia Xiaonan have such a noble card?

Qu Sisi suddenly realized something, an almost ecstatic light flashed in his eyes.

She suddenly raised her head to look at Xia Xiaonan in front of her, her eyes were full of viciousness and joy.

"Xia Xiaonan, this card is not yours at all, is it?"

Because the supreme black card is rare and special, the name of the holder will not be written on the card.

But even so, Qu Sisi was 100% sure of one thing.

That is, such a high-level card is definitely not something that someone with Xia Xiaonan's status can have.

What does this mean? This means that this card is definitely not Xia Xiaonan's!
Xia Xiaonan was slightly embarrassed when she heard Qu Sisi's words.

Of course this card is not hers, but Ouyang Luo's.

But she didn't want to explain this to Qu Sisi.

So she just wanted to snatch the card from Qu Sisi's hand with a cold face, and said blankly: "Who owns this card has nothing to do with you."

"How come it doesn't matter?" Qu Sisi stepped back deftly, dodging Xia Xiaonan's hand to snatch the card, and said with a sneer, "Since this card is not yours, how can you swipe this card? Xia Xiaonan Just tell the truth, did you steal this card from someone else!"

Qu Sisi deliberately raised her voice very high, and all the people in the specialty store cast their gazes over for a moment.

And Xia Xiaonan turned pale with anger.

"Qu Sisi, don't talk nonsense, how could I steal someone else's card, this card was given to me by a friend I know!"

"Okay, tell me which friend gave you this card!" Qu Sisi persisted and continued to ask, "If you can't tell who gave you this card today, it means that this card is yours. The origin is unknown, you must have stolen it!"

(End of this chapter)

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