Chapter 481 Change
Chapter 481 Change
There is no need to fight like before?What happened to make Sun Mengrui say this, she said before that she would not think of the past if she had to keep filming, and she had no relatives in her life, so she could only fill it with work.

Now that she said that, did something happen that made her change her mind?

"I'll be right over, are you at home now?" Lin Su'er felt that it's not appropriate to ask more about this kind of thing on the phone, and now that she was sitting in a taxi, if the taxi driver heard what she said to Sun Mengrui, At that time, it would be bad for him to talk nonsense again. Although Sun Mengrui has temporarily withdrawn from the entertainment circle, she will return one day and cannot be influenced by her.

Lin Su'er arrived at Sun Mengrui's house half an hour later. She found that there were many changes in Sun Mengrui's house. Before, she had very little furniture and the whole room was very empty, but now she bought a lot of furniture, and even put it on the wall. Several groups of photos, although they were all her own stills, finally made the room look lively.

She was wearing a set of cotton home clothes, and she looked a little smoky, no longer like the usual high-ranking female star.

When Lin Su'er came, she was cleaning the room with a rag. Looking at it this way, it seemed that she had completely quit the entertainment circle and wanted to live a good life.

"Miss Lin, you are here, please help me to check and see what else I need to recuperate besides migraine and heart disease. These two diseases need to come slowly, so I have rested a week ago It’s down, it’s only yesterday that I officially announced that I’m temporarily quitting the entertainment circle.”

Sun Mengrui looked at Lin Su'er and said, now she is not as indifferent to her body as when they first met. She used to be like a puppet, living to live, as long as she doesn't die, even if she is covered in It doesn't matter if it's an injury.

Lin Su'er looked her up and down with her spiritual eyes. The previous foot injury has basically recovered. Although there is still a little gray around the foot, it can be seen that there is no serious problem. The rest of the body is fine, just the heart And the migraines really haven't gotten better.

"Miss Sun, the other injuries on your body are already healed, but the heart disease and migraine you just mentioned still need to be recuperated slowly. I will prescribe two medicines for you, which will be more effective than the medicines you usually prescribe in the hospital. Much better. Your heart disease is born, and it is not easy to cure it, but migraine can be cured, and you can fully recover in seven days."

Lin Su'er made a gesture representing the number seven.

Sun Mengrui was a little surprised. Every time she saw Lin Su'er, she would find something novel. This girl from the university is too powerful. She dared to say that her migraine would be cured within seven days.

When she went to the hospital to see a doctor before, many doctors firmly said that migraine is not curable at all, it is a chronic disease, and when the lesions have formed, it means that some changes have taken place in the brain tissue, and the pain can only be relieved by taking medicine , cannot be cured at all.

But Lin Suer had already demonstrated her medical skills when they met for the first time, and she could see her heart disease at a glance without taking the pulse or testing with instruments, so now Lin Suer said that she can cure diseases that others cannot cure, and Sun Mengrui completely believed it .

"Okay, then you can prescribe me medicine! I will stay at home for the next period of time. After recovering from my illness, I will travel abroad to completely relax my body and mind from the fatigue caused by work and life over the years. "

After Sun Mengrui finished speaking, she actually smiled slightly. Lin Su'er rarely saw her smile when she met her several times, but this time seeing her smile felt very strange in her heart.

Lin Su'er also gave her a smile back, and sat on the side with a pen and wrote two prescriptions for her, "These are two prescriptions, and the medicines above can be found in general Chinese medicine clinics, and I can help you if it's not convenient for you." You catch them, you have to eat them separately, this one is for the morning, and this is for the evening.”

"Because you are resting at night, you can absorb it better, so I increased the dose of the medicine. If you absorb it well, you will recover in less than seven days."

Sun Mengrui took the prescription, Lin Suer's handwriting was very delicate, and she didn't draw ghosts like ordinary doctors, but she didn't know many of these herbs, but what Lin Suer didn't expect was that he would invite herself to go get the medicine with her.

"Miss Lin, anyway, today is the weekend, and you don't have to go to class, or you can go grab the medicine with me! You can go to the Chinese medicine clinic with me, and you can see if they are shoddy."

Lin Su'er was a little dazed, Sun Mengrui's abnormal behaviors one after another today made her a little overwhelmed, but she had already voluntarily opened her mouth, and it was only natural for her to accompany her to grab the medicine as the doctor who helped her.

The two made a direct decision. Even if they decided to go to the Chinese medicine clinic to get medicine, it was the first time for Lin Su'er to get in Sun Mengrui's private car. It was a very ordinary car made in China mainland. In the car, no one would recognize it. This is a car that a female star would choose.

Lin Su'er sat in the car for a long time. Although she was full of doubts, she never asked. She is not a person who likes to pry into other people's privacy.

However, when the car was halfway through, Sun Mengrui actually took the initiative to speak, "Miss Lin, do you know that I like you very much, that is, no matter how strange you are, you will never ask others any questions about privacy. I think it's just for you, you won't leak the news casually, so I'm willing to tell you what happened to me."

"Well, if you want to talk, I will listen carefully." Lin Su'er turned to look at her.

Sun Mengrui drove steadily and talked about what happened to her during this time. Since the last incident, everyone knew that she had an unfortunate family and an unfortunate childhood. She thought her acting career would suffer setbacks .

But she didn't expect that all her friends and fans would stand on her side. This time, even those who usually hate her agreed that she should ignore her mother, and she also received many scripts for this.

But the most important thing is that after this incident, her mother has completely seen the true face of that bastard brother, and she has completely broken with him. Every day, she hugged Sun Mengrui's side and asked her for money, and never asked her for money again. .

Sun Mengrui's life became peaceful in an instant. There was no family member she wanted to escape from, and no family background she wanted to hide deliberately, but the most important thing was what happened before...

(End of this chapter)

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