Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 486 Insights from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 486 Insights from Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chapter 486 Insights from Traditional Chinese Medicine
Lin Su'er turned off the computer, turned around and found that Xia Xiaonan was not reading a book, but was typing and chatting with her mobile phone, but her brows were furrowed.

"Xiaonan, didn't you say yesterday that you really couldn't remember a few questions and worried about passing the exam? Why don't you read the book yet?" Lin Su'er reminded her.

Xia Xiaonan raised her head abruptly, and handed the mobile phone in front of her, "Su'er, everyone in the class group is discussing the pharmacology of our final exam this time, and the other two more important ones are all given by Dean Xiao Shuo wrote the questions himself, and Xiao Mengqiu is his adopted daughter, do you think he would miss the questions for her in private?"

"Everyone can see these days, he really takes care of Xiao Mengqiu."

Lin Su'er nodded, she also agreed with what Xia Xiaonan said, these days she has attended several classes of Xiao Shuo's, Xiao Shuo would often ask Xiao Mengqiu to answer questions, and Xiao Mengqiu was indeed able to express stronger opinions than theirs.

Although Lin Su'er's medical skills are very high, she is a Chinese medicine doctor after all, and she has some knowledge of Western medicine, so she is not as good as Xiao Mengqiu.

And I can often see Xiao Mengqiu to ask Xiao Shuo questions, Xiao Shuo will answer them patiently, not to mention the things like bringing books to Xiao Mengqiu when he came here on the first day, in short, he looks like he loves Xiao Mengqiu .

"Isn't this normal? You all said that Xiao Mengqiu is her adopted daughter, which is equivalent to his daughter. It's okay to treat her daughter better."

Lin Su'er didn't think it was unusual, and she always had an inexplicable sense of intimacy and familiarity with Xiao Shuo, so she subconsciously wanted to protect him.

"I don't think Dean Xiao Shuo is the kind of person you mentioned. He won't miss the questions. What's more, Xiao Mengqiu came back from abroad. His knowledge is higher than ours. Does he still need to miss the questions? No worse than anyone."

Xia Xiaonan nodded when she heard Lin Shuai's words, and put the phone aside, "Su'er, what you said makes sense, but I find it very strange that you said that Dean Xiao Shuo is young and promising, even though he is 40 years old now, But he still looks very handsome, and I feel that time has not left any traces on him."

"Why doesn't he get married and have a child of his own? Only adopt Xiao Mengqiu!"

Lin Su'er was also a little strange when she heard this question, she shook her head subconsciously, "I don't know, maybe he has his own ideas, and I've never heard Xiao Mengqiu call him father."

This is the most important point. Xia Xiaonan became interested when he talked about this matter, "I really find it very strange that she adopted Xiao Mengqiu, so she is his daughter, shouldn't she be called Dad? But I saw Xiao Mengqiu a few times. Xiao Mengqiu always calls him Master, and sometimes calls him Teacher directly, and the relationship between the two of them is not like father and daughter."

In fact, what he said was not his own doubts, but something that everyone found strange and incomprehensible!Xiao Shuo is young and promising. With his conditions, he will definitely be able to find a good woman to marry and have children with, but he has never been able to.

When he adopted Xiao Mengqiu, Xiao Mengqiu was already ten years old. Could it be that at that time he could see that this ten-year-old child would be a genius in the future?Thinking of adopting her back and nurturing her well, so as to create another glories for the medical field?
It doesn't make sense anyway!

Lin Su'er still shook her head. She and Pei Hongchang are not like ordinary father and daughter. She doesn't know how ordinary father and daughter should get along. When she was in Ghost Doctor Valley in her last life, she only had a master. Xiao Shuo was like himself and his master ghost doctor in his previous life.

"Forget it, forget about other people's affairs. Anyway, what you said is right. Why does Xiao Mengqiu need to miss the questions? Besides, even if I miss the questions, it won't affect me. Just take the exam on my own affairs. Don't think so much , read and read!"

After Xia Xiaonan casually gossiped for a few words, she didn't bother with this matter anymore, and turned around to continue reading the question.


Lin Suer went to the school library to study by herself with her schoolbag on her back, and searched for some materials, but she didn't expect to see Dean Xiao Shuo in the library. He was also reading in the school's study room, and seemed to be holding some books Borrowed books.

He was holding a pen in his hand, and he was writing something earnestly. Lin Su'er was a little stunned by that focused expression and earnest look. The more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar, but the two of them had never met before. .

Not knowing if he sensed Lin Su'er's gaze, Xiao Shuo raised his head and met her gaze.

Now that they were all caught peeping, Lin Su'er walked up to Xiao Shuo generously, "Dean Xiao, hello!"

"Hello, I remember you, you are a student of our medical school, you are in the same class as Mengqiu, right?"

Xiao Shuo actually recognized Lin Su'er at a glance. His reaction surprised Lin Su'er. The two of them seemed to have only met once on the first day he came here. He actually remembered it clearly. Do you remember the appearance of your classmates?
"Yes, Xiao Mengqiu and I are in the same class. My name is Lin Suer." Lin Suer introduced herself proactively.

Xiao Shuo saw the book in her hand. Lin Su'er had just borrowed a book about Chinese medicine from the library. She accidentally saw it while searching for information, and found that some of the knowledge points in it were not bad. Moreover, she also incorporated some insights from western medicine, so she borrowed them directly.

"Are you still interested in Chinese medicine?" Xiao Shuo asked as if he hadn't expected it. He had just returned to the Huaxia Continent recently. He didn't know about Lin Su'er and Tanaka Han's argument at the Freshman Conference, and no one would tell He, after all, Tanaka Han made such a big scandal.

"After studying a little bit, what does the dean think of Chinese medicine? Do you think Chinese medicine is superstitious?" Lin Su'er asked intentionally. She was a little curious. She was also the dean. Would Dean Xiao Shuo think the same as Dean Tian? Woolen cloth?

"How can Chinese medicine be a superstition? It is a very profound knowledge. Although our medical school focuses on Western medicine, I have also done some research on Chinese medicine. I absolutely cannot say that it is a superstition. On the contrary, there are some diseases that cannot be cured by Western medicine." , Chinese medicine can slowly recuperate without harming the human body, it can only be said that it and Western medicine have their own advantages."

Xiao Shuo patiently explained, and directly picked up the book he was reading and showed it to Lin Su'er, it turned out to be a book about Chinese medicine.

Lin Su'er's affection for him increased a bit. This dean is completely different from Tanaka Han. Their thoughts are completely different. Xiao Shuo's words will always make people feel like they are in the spring breeze. He is not as arrogant and contemptuous as Tanaka Han. people.

(End of this chapter)

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