Chapter 634
Chapter 634
Lin Su'er felt even more distressed when she heard Qin Yuhan's words. The two children without parents had similar experiences in their childhood. Xiao Shuo wanted to ask her for forgiveness. How could there be such an easy thing in the world? Is it easy to forgive the father's love that has been missing for so many years?

She thought of the master's daughter, that innocent girl who was doted on by the master since she was a child, and then thought of her own past, and thinking about Qin Yuhan's past, her eye circles were a little red, Qin Yuhan looked at her like this , suddenly a little at a loss.

"Sister, what are you doing? Do you love me? It's okay. Aren't we two doing well now? "

"Yes, the two of us are living a good life now, and we will have a better life in the future. Don't worry about other people."

Lin Su'er seemed to be speaking to her younger brother, but in fact it was more for herself, and she couldn't care about anyone, including the so-called biological father, who was only related by blood.

She doesn't care about this so-called blood relationship at all, birth is not something that everyone can choose, but they can choose their life after birth. From the moment Xiao Shuo gave up looking for them and went to the orphanage to adopt Xiao Mengqiu, he was doomed to be with her. Xiao Mengqiu is the relative.

"Sister, who do you think this 'other person' is? Is someone talking nonsense in front of you? Don't worry about them. Just let us live our own lives." Qin Yuhan felt very sad when he saw Lin Su'er's appearance. Something's wrong, the usual sister is so strong, how could she get red eyes so easily?
"It won't happen in the future, as long as the two of us depend on each other."

The two bought large and small bags of food in the supermarket. It was already late when they got home. Lin Suer was really hungry. Qin Yuhan carried the things into the kitchen without further delay. Lin Suer Wanting to help him, he kicked him out and said, "Just watch at the door, I'll make it for you, and I'll help."

Lin Su'er watched him wash, chop and stir-fry vegetables at the door. He was very busy and organized. After a while, there was a smell from the kitchen, and all the dishes were served on the table.

"Sister, quickly try my handicraft." Qin Yuhan excitedly handed the chopsticks to Lin Su'er.

Each of those dishes was delicious, and the taste was well controlled, but Lin Suer felt uncomfortable while eating, and vowed in her heart to give herself and her younger brother a good life, so what if they didn’t have parents, they could still eat They lived wonderful lives.

The one-week class is over, and it's time to record the program. For this program, there are only seven people left on stage. From the first fifty people to the present, Lin Su'er is the person who talks the most on stage. In this episode of the program, she stood on the stage again without any surprises, and the people in the audience started a heated discussion almost as soon as they saw her.

"I think those people standing on the stage, maybe Lin Su'er will really be a dark horse by then."

"Whether she is a dark horse or not, the matter of a woman disguised as a man has made me dark all my life."

"Her medical skills may not be a problem, but there is a real problem with her character. What the hell is a woman disguised as a man? In this era, she still does this kind of thing, and she thinks she is Hua Mulan, serving in the army for her father?"

The host saw that the show had just started, and there were so many bullet screens, and immediately knew that the show was getting more and more popular, and said with a smile, "It seems that the audience is very enthusiastic, and our show will become more and more exciting. This episode of the program will begin immediately."

"After the seven contestants pass this episode of the program, only five contestants will remain on stage. The competition is getting fiercer and the difficulty is getting higher and higher. I hope the contestants will deal with it carefully."

As she spoke, she actually walked up to Lin Su'er, "Su'er, you are the most talked about Chinese medicine practitioner in our program, and you have come all the way to the present, what do you think you want to talk to everyone about?"

Lin Su'er glanced at her and took the microphone, "I have nothing to say, just be yourself."

"Su'er really has a personality, but what she said is quite right, we all just need to be ourselves, so let's start our program right away, and invite our guests for help in this period."

As soon as the host finished speaking, a man and a woman came out from the backstage. According to their age, the man could already be the woman's grandfather. The man was sitting in a wheelchair, looking very weak, and the woman was wearing a pink dress, sitting in the wheelchair. After pushing him all the way out, the two looked extremely uncoordinated.

As soon as Lin Su'er came out, the man could see that he was terminally ill, and it seemed that he was about to die.

The woman took the host's microphone and introduced herself, "Hi everyone, my name is Mo Qing, and this is my boyfriend's name is Lu Ji."

As soon as her words came out, there was an uproar at the scene, and many people started to discuss, most of them were sarcasm.

"Did you hear that? She said that the man in the wheelchair is her boyfriend. I really want to laugh up to the sky. Everyone can tell that man can be her grandfather, okay?"

"The old man in the wheelchair looks almost 60 years old. This woman looks less than 30 years old at most. What a strange combination. I think women nowadays are blinded by money and only know money. Bar."

"You're so old, you're still restless, and you still want to find a girlfriend. No wonder you're suffering so much now, you can't stand it."

These words came from the auditorium. The voices of the audience were not concealed at all, and the barrage on the big screen behind them was wave after wave, but the woman was still calm, as if she was not affected by their words, and still Keeping a faint smile.

Not only did the host not feel embarrassed when he heard these words, but he also felt that the ratings of the show had stabilized this time. Since the last incident involving Guan Tong and Zhang Li, the program crew has become more cautious when selecting guests. , and before the guests take the stage, they will repeatedly emphasize the problem of words and deeds on the stage, and no matter what happens, they cannot be beaten or scolded on stage.

Therefore, the host is not worried at all that the situation on the scene will not be controlled. The louder the audience's discussion, it means that the program group's gimmicks are really well played.

"The audience at the scene was very enthusiastic, and they seemed to be very curious about the story of the two together. However, today we are not an emotional show. Let's talk about what problems you two asked for help. Are you seeing a doctor for Mr. Lu?"

"It's not for my boyfriend to see a doctor, it's..." When Mo Qing said this, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and subconsciously touched her lower abdomen. This is a habitual action of pregnant women. Lin Su'er knew that this woman should be pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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