Chapter 655 The Blood of a Baby
Chapter 655 The Blood of a Baby
Ouyang Luo recalled the past while talking, and finally frowned and continued, "When I was pursuing her before, I asked her out to play, and she promised well. It can be heard that she will stay on the cruise ship for two days, and she immediately refused. No matter how you say it, she won’t go. Usually she will come when you ask her out to play, but as soon as it’s about twelve o’clock, she says she wants to go home.”

"There is no exception. I have also sent people to investigate. Her family is very ordinary. She is the first person in her family to rise to the top. There is nothing special about it. As for what she does when she goes home, I don't know. We can’t install a camera at her house, anyway, I didn’t chase after her because I didn’t think she was interesting in the end, and I don’t know what she does when she goes back every night.”

After hearing what Ouyang Luo said, Xia Xiaonan frowned strangely and couldn't figure it out, "Why does she have to go back at twelve o'clock? Is she Cinderella? Could it be that she still has magic? After twelve o'clock, she won't be as beautiful as she is now ? This is too strange, it doesn’t even make sense!”

"And for a star like her, isn't filming day and night reversed? She can't say that she will stop filming at twelve o'clock, right?"

Ouyang Luo also nodded in agreement, "It's because of this that I said she is mysterious. It is not a problem for her to be upside down day and night when she is filming. I even went to her set to visit her when I was chasing her, but as long as she is not working , she will never be outside beyond twelve o'clock."

The back and forth conversation between the two of them directly confused Xu Jie'er. It seems that this Lan Ning'er really has some secrets, but what kind of secret is it?Ouyang Luo has been chasing her for so long but hasn't noticed it. Could it be that Lin Su'er just gave her a pulse and found out?
Lin Su'er only spoke slowly at this time, "You said that she must go back at twelve o'clock, because she has to do so to maintain her beauty. She is an actress, and she works day and night at work. Her skin can't be this good. Any female in the entertainment industry will not have her skin condition."

Lin Su'er thought of feeling her hand when feeling her pulse. Not only did it look like a baby, but it even felt as smooth as a baby's skin, as if it had been slid across silk. Lin Su'er felt disgusted by her skin.

The three of them couldn't understand what she said, and they asked anxiously, "What's going on? It seems that you already know, so tell me."

"Have you ever heard of the countess in the west who soaked in human blood?" Lin Su'er asked.

Xia Xiaonan nodded after hearing her words. She has always liked to watch a lot of foreign movies. Naturally, she had watched the movie "The Countess". beauty.

Seeing Xia Xiaonan nodding, Lin Suer's mouth revealed a sinister smile, and Ouyang Luo immediately came to his senses and asked in disbelief, "You mean she is like this too? She uses human blood to bathe?"

This incident is so appalling, Ouyang Luo instinctively didn't believe it, and Xu Jie'er thought the same way, "Su'er, do you have any evidence to prove it? Besides, where did she get so much human blood?"

"I'm sure, and the blood she used is not ordinary people's blood, it is a newborn baby, and a newborn baby can be said to be the purest, not only the skin but also the blood, have not been polluted by the air and impurities in the world, She soaked in their blood to ensure that she is almost forty and has skin like a 20-year-old girl."

When Lin Su'er was talking, she remembered the disgusting smell she smelt, why Lan Ning'er's wrists were always surrounded by black air, it was because she had done too many sinful things, and her wrists were soaked in the baby's blood Yes, it will naturally be entangled with those black air.

No matter how glamorous she is on the outside, her heart is already rotten, and she has done such insane things. I don't know how her fans will feel in their hearts knowing that the goddess is such a person.

After Xia Xiaonan heard Lin Su'er's words, she couldn't help covering her mouth, "Oh my God, the blood of a newborn baby? How much blood can a child have when he is just born, so that means she..."

Xia Xiaonan couldn't bear to say any more. What she wanted to say was obvious. A newborn baby wouldn't have much blood. If she really used the baby's blood to bathe, it would mean that Lan Ning'er didn't know the evil behind her. How many children died.

Xu Jieer also realized the seriousness of this matter, and finally asked Lin Suer seriously, "Are you sure that there is no mistake in the inspection? Can you guarantee it?"

Lin Su'er nodded seriously, "I can guarantee that there is absolutely no mistake."

At that time, she changed her position to check her pulse, just because she wanted to find out.

Seeing her affirmative look, the three people around her fell silent collectively. If this incident were made public, the impact would be huge. Let alone how well-known Lan Ning'er is, even if this matter falls to ordinary people body, will be very serious.

Xu Jie'er pondered for a few minutes, then raised her head and said seriously, "I believe you, you have shown me clearly that you are the most skilled Chinese medicine practitioner. Since you are so sure, there is absolutely nothing wrong with us. You can’t just sit back and watch.”

"The scum who just wanted to take away other people's inheritance before, we have already brought him to justice, how can this sad and mad female star be let go? We must expose her true colors in front of everyone."

Ouyang Luo also said, "Yes, everyone must see clearly what kind of person she is, and I am willing to help you. If you need me, just say a word."

Xia Xiaonan said directly to Lin Su'er, "I will always stand by your side, and I will believe everything you say."

"Okay." Lin Su'er nodded. She had already decided that she must make this matter known to the public. Such a crazy person can't let her go on unrestrainedly. I don't know how many children will be harmed by this kind of secret. The operation is to be performed with the blood of a newly born healthy baby, not the stillborn fetus in the hospital who was unwilling to have a child!

This episode of the program has ended, and it is impossible to start another episode, and most importantly, it is only Lin Suer's diagnosis now, without any evidence, they can only go down to collect evidence, otherwise fans will never buy it .

Lin Su'er had no choice but to go back to school. Her mobile phone was on silent all the way. When she turned it on, she immediately received countless private messages on Weibo. Even her online store was besieged by a lot of people. , It can reach hundreds of thousands of insulting messages in one minute!
(End of this chapter)

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