Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 661 Presenting the Invitation Letter

Chapter 661 Presenting the Invitation Letter
Chapter 661 Presenting the Invitation Letter
Bai Qingyue closed her eyes and waited for a long time. The pain she imagined did not fall on her body. She narrowed her eyes a little in fear, but looked at a boy in black and a hat standing in front of her.

Bai Qinhao's hand was tightly held by him, and he couldn't pull it out or shake it off, looking angrily at the young man he didn't know in front of him, "Who are you? Are you looking for death if you dare to meddle in my affairs? "

"Does the young master of the Bai family have such virtues? Are you a man for beating your own sister?" The young man looked at him and asked coldly.

"It's none of your business if I hit my sister? Who are you? Who are you? Where is the person in charge of this club? Come out immediately! People who want to do bad things to me dare to let them in, don't you want to open here? "

Bai Qinhao yelled. It was obvious that he was not happy that this boy dared to do anything to him, and even made insulting remarks to him, meddling in his family affairs.

When he yelled like this, the person in charge of the club really ran out, nodded and bowed in front of him, "Master Bai, what happened?"

"Who are you? Dare to show off in front of Young Master Bai, do you want to kill yourself? Show me your invitation letter, I don't even know you, I think you sneaked in."

The person in charge didn't dare to offend Bai Qinhao, so he came over to the young man. Their invitation letters all had their names written on them. As long as one looked at the invitation letter, he could know the identity of this person. He basically remembered everyone. It's all over.

After all, in this high-end club today, everyone invited is one of the best celebrities in the upper class, and there are not many at all. Although it is lively, most of them are warm-up performers invited by them. This handsome young man in front of him, he I haven't seen it, so I think he got in there.

Lan Ning'er watched the two of them arguing, feeling really elated, she likes to see this kind of young guy, because of her arguing, every time she makes a boyfriend, she always finds someone who is almost a generation behind her, It's nothing more than wanting to prove that I have infinite charm and that I am not old yet.

Now Bai Qinhao called out the person in charge of the club because she wanted to beat her younger sister, which is enough to prove that this heir to the Bai family who is so much younger than her is so fascinated by her that he can no longer find himself. Handsome person, she can really think about it.

Lan Ning'er was thinking this, but saw the boy in front of Bai Qinhao take out his mobile phone, which contained an electronic invitation letter. The person in charge of the club glanced at the name on the invitation letter, and took a deep breath.

Afterwards, his attitude changed immediately, and he nodded and bowed his head to apologize to the young man, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know your background is so big, I apologize to you, it was because of my bad attitude just now."

"It's okay, just get out of the way, I want to have a good chat with Young Master Bai." The boy waved his hand indifferently, looking very generous.

Bai Qinhao looked at the person in charge inexplicably, "Are you looking for death? Who is he? You dare to face him. I think you really don't want to drive here."

The person in charge retreated to his side cautiously, kept looking at the young man, but whispered to Bai Qinhao the name on the invitation letter he had just seen.

The moment Bai Qinhao heard the name, his eyes widened, and he looked up and down the clothes the boy was wearing in disbelief. Although it was considered a famous brand, it was just an ordinary brand, and anyone with a little money could buy it. Can afford it, how could he come in with an invitation letter for Young Master Bo?
Could it be a relative of the Bo family?Although the Bai family is very powerful, but in terms of comparison with Bo Qingang, it is still incomparable.

Thinking of this, Bai Qinhao didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of accidentally offending the members of the Bo family, he could only step aside. Lan Ning'er felt a little strange seeing this scene, and questioned Bai Qinhao who had stepped back. , "What's going on? Why just leave it like this?"

Bai Qinhao lowered his voice and said to her, "How could it not be counted? That person is from the Bo family, maybe a relative of Young Master Bo, do you dare to provoke him?"

Lan Ning'er was startled when she heard his words, is it from the Bo family?Unexpectedly, all the people from the Bo family came to this club. Although this is considered a high-end club, don't people from the Bo family usually come here?
She squinted her eyes and looked at the young man. He looks really handsome. He looks much younger than Bai Qinhao, about the same age as Bai Qingyue. If he is really from the Bo family, he is a veritable rich man. handsome?As Lan Ning'er thought about it, her eyes changed a bit.

The person in charge is still nodding and bowing to the young man to apologize, saying that the consumption here tonight is free. The young man has a calm look from the beginning to the end, and he doesn't intend to care about this matter at all. After complaining about the injustice, he wants to turn around and leave.

But Bai Qingyue ran in front of him, and the moment she saw his face, she blushed immediately, it was him again!It was he who saved himself again, this was the third time!

"It's you, I thought I would never see you again, didn't you say you were going abroad?" Bai Qingyue asked with a blushing face.

Seeing Bai Qingyue's flushed face, Lin Su'er felt a headache instantly. Just now he really couldn't bear to see it, so he came up to fight against injustice. Bai Qinhao was really fascinated and lost his mind, so it's fine to slap his sister. Looking at his appearance, if there was a real fight today, Bai Qingyue might be sent to the hospital, after all, he rolled up his sleeves.

But now that Bai Qingyue has been saved, there is one more issue to consider. Seeing Bai Qingyue's state, she might be pestering her all the time today. The scene with Xia Xiaonan last time was all for nothing.

But now I have no choice but to bite the bullet and answer, "I'm back in China, and I happened to come here today to play. I didn't expect to see your brother beat you. Is your face okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine when I see you. Where's your girlfriend? Did you come back alone? What's your name? You must tell me this time, we have met so many times , I don’t even know your name, but you know mine.”

Bai Qingyue's eyes were shining, she stared at Lin Su'er's piercing gaze, and let Lin Su'er know that if she didn't tell her name today, she would definitely be haunted by her, so she had to make up a random name, "My name is Lin Su'er. fir."

But Lin Su'er just answered the name and ignored the first few questions she asked, Bai Qingyue didn't care, as long as she knew the name, she was already very happy, she muttered the name, "Lin Shan... Which fir?"

"Shan of the fir tree." Lin Su'er responded casually, her eyes were still looking in Lan Ning'er's direction, she was the main purpose of coming here today!

(End of this chapter)

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