Chapter 678 Ripped Face

Chapter 678 Ripped Face

Lin Su'er was extremely disappointed with Chi Siang, and she didn't know how to deal with it. He was at the same table in high school, and the scene where the two of them were talking and making trouble in high school could still come to mind. If someone said that Lin Su'er He will definitely fight back for Lin Suer's bad words.

Strictly speaking, he was Lin Suer's only friend in high school!But now he actually did this kind of thing, precisely because Lin Su'er once regarded him as a friend, so he couldn't accept doing this kind of thing between friends and playing tricks like this.

"I just want to know what happens to you every day. I didn't deliberately eavesdrop on your privacy. I won't listen to you and your roommate talking about more private topics between you. I just want to listen to you every day. Just listen to your voice."

Chi Siang said honestly, how many days and nights he lay on the bed and listened to Lin Suer's voice, he felt very at ease. Ang would immediately take off the earphones, he knew to respect other people's privacy, especially Xia Xiaonan, who he was not familiar with.

He didn't know why he became so sick now. It should be because he cared, because he cared about Lin Su'er, but Lin Su'er couldn't see him at all. In her heart and eyes, there was only Bo Qing'ang alone. He didn't know This is the only way to get Lin Su'er's attention.

He knew that lying on the bed and using a bug to listen to Lin Su'er's voice, knowing what she did in a day, was really perverted, but he just couldn't help it.

"Chi Siang!" Lin Suer sternly called his name, and slapped the table in the library. There were still many students who came to study on weekends in the library. Her movement attracted the attention of those around her.

But Lin Su'er was already a famous figure on campus after all, everyone recognized her, and they didn't dare to provoke this young girl's girlfriend, so they could only swallow their pain and dare not complain.

But Lin Su'er is not the kind of person who should disturb others. After trying to calm down her anger, she pointed to Chi Si'ang and said, "Come with me, don't disturb others in the library."

The two walked out of the library and came to the playground. Lin Su'er said coldly to Chi Si'ang, "Speak up! I'll give you a chance."

"Don't give me any chance, even if I say it a hundred times, it's still the answer just now, I just want to hear your voice."

"Chi Siang! So you haven't realized what you did wrong? You still think it's right for you to do such a thing? Because you want to hear my voice, the bug is by my side? I don't know you What do you think about me, but all I know is that this kind of thing is disgusting and annoying!" Lin Su'er smashed the pen on Chi Siang's body.

Chi Siang didn't do anything, just stood there, looking down at the pen that Lin Su'er threw on him. After the pen fell on the ground and rolled around, Lin Su'er's name was revealed on the side. This pen was indeed used by him. He made up his mind and wanted to give Lin Su'er a gift, the three words were engraved by him himself.

This was his intention. When he wanted to give it to Lin Su'er, he looked at the pen and couldn't help but put a bug on it. This was not his original idea, it was just a temporary idea.

He had thought about what it would be like when Lin Su'er found out, the two of them would tear each other apart!

But in fact, since the New Year's party, Lin Su'er has almost become a stranger to him, and every time she looks at him, she always looks away.

Because she is Bo Shao's girlfriend now, she will stay away from anyone who teases her or has ill intentions and is discovered by her.

Chi Siang knew that she thought so, so using this method to know her life was a bad idea, but it was also his only way.

Lin Su'er took one last look at him and said harshly, "From now on! Stay away from me."

After saying this, Lin Su'er turned and left resolutely, leaving Ouyang Luo with a back view. He watched the back figure slowly squat down, picked up the pen on the ground, and smiled desolately.

Bo Qingang!

Am I doomed to lose to you from the day I was born?You have taken everything from me, even my favorite person will be taken away by you?

He lowered his head to look at the pen in his hand and the listening device he was holding just now, and he clenched his hands into fists, his nails sank into the flesh, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

He walked towards the school gate step by step, his heart was already roaring like a tsunami, Bo Qingang, you wait for me and the countdown is about to start, I see how long you can stay in Bo Shao's position!

Lin Su'er returned to the dormitory with very complicated thoughts, but she didn't want to tell Bo Qing'ang about this, otherwise she would know that Chi Si'ang would definitely get into trouble. It's good to be like a stranger.

But now the depression in her heart must find a place to vent. Lin Su'er sat in the dormitory and looked around. Now she is the only one in the dormitory, and Xia Xiaonan is not there. She can't even find someone to chat with. Turned on the computer and started the live broadcast.

She usually broadcasts live once a week. Fans are too enthusiastic about her. If she directly closes the live broadcast room and does not broadcast live again, it will hurt the hearts of fans who love her.

This time, as soon as Lin Su'er opened the live broadcast room, a large number of fans immediately entered the live broadcast room and started swiping the screen frantically.

"Su'er! Is this a surprise for us this week?"

"Ah! I haven't been here for a long time, except I saw Su'er on Sunday, you won't live broadcast today, will you not broadcast live tomorrow?"

"Su'er, Su'er! We watched your show. You were so handsome on the show. Now many netizens on Weibo are apologizing to you. Have you seen it? Those who have eyes but don't know Taishan, two days ago If you still scold you, you should clean them up."

Seeing these words of concern for her, Lin Su'er felt a lot better in her heart. Although she still has few friends, she has so many people who support her.

"Don't worry everyone, I'm fine now, and I haven't been influenced by online public opinion. Now that the truth has been revealed, I will accept everyone's apology. They were just kept in the dark."

When Lin Su'er was eating hot pot today, she turned on her phone and swiped Weibo for a while, and found that her Weibo was full of apologies. Regarding Lan Ning'er's incident, all the netizens who had insulted her flooded in. Her Weibo apologized one after another, and those sorry almost overwhelmed her.

(End of this chapter)

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