Chapter 680 Thought Work
Chapter 680 Thought Work
Lin Su'er thought so and could only say first, "Then take me to see him. As for Bai Qingyue, let her calm down first. I brought you some tranquilizing medicine. When the time comes, you can give her some medicine." Well, she'll be fine in a while."

"Okay, Miss Lin, please." The butler brought Lin Suer into the villa, feeling familiar again. Lin Suer went straight to the old lady's room on the second floor. The old lady has recovered a lot in the past few months. Lin Suer She is still taking the medicine prescribed for her, and taking various tonics for conditioning. Her whole body looks radiant and energetic.

It's just that today I'm a little worried because I'm worried about my granddaughter and grandson.

Lin Su'er smiled and stepped into the room, "Godmother, I'm here to see you."

Hearing Lin Su'er's voice, the old lady's eyes lit up, she turned around and took her hand, "Su'er, you're finally here, you're almost dying of godmother, go and see Qin Hao."

"I don't know what the child is possessed by. In the past half a month, something has been wrong. He leaves early and returns late every day. One day before he came back, he yelled at Qingyue and was angry at me. He kept They are very filial, they have never been like this before, go and see."

She seemed to be really anxious. The old lady, who was usually dignified, seemed a little anxious now.

"Godmother, don't worry. I think you've been in a hurry for several days. You have to calm down, otherwise you will affect your body. Come, I'll give you a massage first and then go see Bai Qinhao."

Lin Su'er helped the old lady to lie on the bed, and after massaging her whole body, the old lady fell asleep peacefully on the bed. The fragrance in the room was so strong that it made one feel a little drowsy.

It was Lin Suer's aromatherapy specially brought to soothe the nerves and help sleep. She knew that the old lady would definitely be worried about her two grandchildren. This old lady is also a person with strong self-esteem. Lin Suer's.

The housekeeper took Lin Su'er to Bai Qinhao's room, but he didn't dare to knock on the door, but said respectfully, "Miss Lin, the young master is inside, I can't go in with you, the young master is not in a good mood these days, Especially since yesterday, he has been very irritable to us, go in by yourself, but you need to be careful, I will wait at the door."

"Okay." Lin Su'er smiled and nodded at him, knocked on Bai Qinhao's door, and immediately there was a violent roar from inside.

"It's annoying! If I don't want to bother me, don't you want to do it?"

Hearing this sentence, the always prudent housekeeper couldn't help but frown. It seems that he has been scolded by Bai Qinhao a lot these days, no wonder he doesn't even want to enter the door.

Lin Su'er said lightly, "Nephew, auntie came to see you, are you sure you won't see me? Then I'll just break through the door and go in."

After a long silence inside the door, I heard the sound of someone walking to the door. The next second the door opened, and Lin Suer saw a black-faced Bai Qinhao. He felt really depressed, with big dark circles under his eyes. hanging under the eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Qinhao's tone towards Lin Su'er was much better, after all he remembered that Lin Su'er had helped him.

"I'll come and see you, and I'll give you something." Lin Su'er took out a bottle from her bag and handed it to Bai Qinhao.

He took it over with an inexplicable face, there was no writing on the bottle, and it was all white, he was even more surprised, holding the bottle and asked Lin Su'er, "What is this?"

"What else can it be? It's just an ordinary bottle of medicine that will make you quieter and you don't have to think about it. Just take it." Lin Su'er shrugged and explained casually, pushed Bai Qinhao away and walked into him In his room, he sat directly on the sofa without seeing anyone outside.

When Bai Qinhao heard her say it was a bottle of medicine, he threw it to her directly, "I don't want it, why should I take medicine? Are you okay? If there is nothing, go out."

Although he remembered that Lin Su'er had helped him, he also remembered that the one who destroyed Lan Ning'er was Lin Su'er, so his patience was not good enough, and his expression was already a little uneasy in just a few short minutes.

"Of course, I'm here to treat you. Let's see if there's anything you can't figure out. If you make your godmother worry so much, you're such an adult. What else can you not understand?"

Lin Su'er looked at him with a cold face. This young master of the Bai family is also very strange. In the past, so many girlfriends changed every three days, changing clothes more frequently than others, and they fell on Lan Ning'er. Now seeing him Such a woman, shouldn't she suddenly wake up?Why do you still look like you can't figure it out?
Didn't he come to her to get the blood pill last time, saying that someone was pregnant with his child?That means that he has never been short of women around him, so why not find someone who really likes him again?I don't believe that all the women in the world come for their Bai family's money.

Aren't these sons not very smart? They came for their money, but he thought it was true love, and those who really liked him thought they were just playing with him.

Bai Qinhao frowned when he heard Lin Suer's words, looked at her bad tone and said, "What do you mean? Lin Suer, don't think that you have helped me. My grandma recognizes you as a daughter, so you can be so arrogant gone."

He is now looking at Lin Suer's eyes full of scrutiny. He has always seen her in ugly makeup before, but it suddenly broke out on the Internet that Bo Shao's girlfriend is a big beauty. He still doesn't believe it, no matter how beautiful she can be. Where to go, as soon as the pictures on the Internet were found, his jaw almost dropped.

He still doesn't understand why such a beautiful little girl dresses herself up so ugly?Is there an aesthetic problem?Or do you think it would be too troublesome if there are too many people chasing her with their true colors?
Anyway, he felt that this Lin Su'er was definitely not simple. How could an ordinary girl attract Bo Shao's attention and have such powerful medical skills? The most important thing was that she exposed what Lan Ning'er was doing behind, so let her Bai Qinhao didn't like to see her.

"I'm not arrogant. I just came to see you. I don't think you need to be so entangled in some things. Is Lan Ning'er so good? Even if she did something wrong, you still miss her? Young Master Bai, you But it kind of subverts my perception of you."

Lin Su'er stood up from the sofa, walked in front of Bai Qinhao and looked at him. Bai Qinhao was much taller than her, but in front of her, she didn't feel condescending at all. On the contrary, Lin Suer's aura was strong enough , looking at her has a domineering feeling.

Bai Qinhao kept staring into Lin Su'er's eyes, unexpectedly felt a little guilty unconsciously, he immediately turned his eyes away and asked Lin Su'er, "What exactly do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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