Chapter 685 Chinese Medicine Association
Chapter 685 Chinese Medicine Association
"Well, it must be." Lin Su'er touched the photos on her phone with mixed emotions in her heart. Every time she got a clue, the clue would be broken when she was about to follow the clues. Could it be that she couldn't avenge her mother in this life?What should I do?
"Sister, my mother must be protecting us in heaven, we will find her, the woman who used people for human experiments is simply a lunatic, no matter what her purpose is, she will definitely pay the price for such a crazy thing , look at Lan Ning'er, before watching the show, didn't everyone in that scumbag get retribution?"

Qin Yuhan was also very sad, but seeing Lin Suer's sad appearance, he still cheered up to comfort her.

Lin Su'er turned off her phone and lay on the sofa with her eyes closed. Will the bad guys really be punished? Katharina was doing human experiments 20 years ago. She must have killed more people than can be counted over the years. Why is she still at large and can’t even be found? She is hiding so well. If If there is retribution, shouldn't he have already received retribution?
Qin Yuhan wanted to say something more, but when he saw Bo Qingang walking into the room, he could only wink at Bo Qingang, and finally pointed at Ling Lin Suer, Bo Qingang nodded knowingly, Qin Yuhan ran away immediately Go out and leave the rest of the time for the two of them.

Lin Su'er lay on the sofa, closed her eyes and said, "Brother, if there is really retribution in the world, what kind of punishment do you think Katharina will suffer?"

"Whether there is retribution or not, she will receive the most severe punishment for what she did." Bo Qingang squatted beside Lin Su'er and said.

Lin Su'er immediately opened her eyes and looked at him, "Why don't you go eat with them?"

"Don't you want to eat too?" Bo Qing'ang sat on the sofa and hugged Lin Su'er, letting Lin Su'er lean on his shoulder. Like putting a child to sleep.

"I didn't expect to meet Katharina's yacht when I went out to sea today. It seems that your investigation is right. She has returned to the Chinese mainland. Do you think she has researched something? Otherwise, why would it be?" Did you come here to play at sea?"

Lin Su'er turned her head to look at Bo Qing'ang. For so many years, Katharina has been studying how to travel back and forth between the two continents. It's impossible to get nothing for so many years. Could it be that she has already figured it out? She has traveled through the past. She is not the one on the yacht today. She has already brought many people across from Ghost Doctor Valley?

Lin Suer felt that this idea was not quite right, but it seemed to be very reasonable. After all, there must be some gains in 20 years. In the photo I saw on the yacht today, the woman with black lens and hair was blown by the sea breeze It's messed up, and there is still a scarf on her head, so I can't see clearly.

But it always felt familiar. Lin Su'er tried to think whether that person was someone she had met in Ghost Doctor Valley, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"How is it possible? Didn't Qin Haishan tell you that their research has never been successful for so many years before? Don't think about it anymore, my people will always track them down."

Bo Qingang rubbed her head against Lin Suer's head, "Don't worry, I will accompany you to investigate all the things clearly, today's matter is up to you and let it go first, have a good day of fun, and then go to class well , before you graduate from university, we will be able to investigate everything clearly."

When he spoke, his tone was very certain, as if he already knew something, Lin Su'er frowned, "Did you investigate something and didn't tell me?"

"No, nothing." Bo Qingang replied almost immediately.

"Is there really nothing? Then why are you... Woo!"

Lin Su'er wanted to say something more, but Bo Qing'ang pressed Lin Su'er on the sofa, and kissed Lin Su'er until Lin Su'er felt a little lack of oxygen in her brain, and when she almost forgot what happened today, Bo Qing'ang breathed heavily and hugged her. looking at her.

He put his head against her head and said don't think about it anymore, "Think about me more, please?"

"You must think about it, but it's impossible to ignore mother's affairs completely." Lin Su'er stretched out her hand and hooked Bo Qing'ang's neck and said helplessly, but after such a fuss, her worry just now did dissipate a lot .

"Leave your mother's affairs to me, do you trust me?" Bo Qing'ang asked Lin Su'er this question for the first time, staring at Lin Su'er with shining eyes.

Lin Su'er nodded without thinking, "Of course I do."

After she traveled to this continent, it can be said that the first person she met was Bo Qingang. For so long, Bo Qingang has been by her side to help her. Now that the two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend, she naturally believes that What's more is thin Qingang.

"Then you can rest assured and leave it to me." Bo Qingang held her hand and kissed her again...

the next day.

Lin Su'er went back to school early in the morning and continued her classes. Let's just let this matter pass, and nothing was found out anyway.

Xia Xiaonan knew that she was not feeling well, so she deliberately put some funny jokes on her mobile phone and read them beside Lin Su'er, making Gu Cheng who was next to her laugh out loud, but Lin Su'er didn't react much.

"Why are you laughing, you're laughing so hard that you're scared to death." Xia Xiaonan gave him a helpless look, and didn't have the heart to read any more jokes.

Gu Cheng looked at her amusedly, "Okay, your trick doesn't work, let's see mine."

He turned to Lin Su'er and said, "Sister Su'er, there is a Chinese Medicine Association in our school. The seniors of the previous class asked me to ask if you would like to join. If so, the next class You are the president, I know you don't care about whether the president in this school will grow or not, but they said so, I still have to come and tell you."

Gu Cheng knew that he wanted Lin Su'er to stop thinking wildly, so he had to divert her attention and let her think about other things, so that she wouldn't worry about that thing anymore.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Lin Suer immediately asked, "Is this Chinese Medicine Association useful in our school?"

"The main reason is that students from our medical school are in it. Of course, there are also some other majors who are interested in Chinese medicine. The main thing is to discuss about Chinese medicine, and the rationality of some prescriptions. They will also make some For beauty products of traditional Chinese medicine, I have never dared to establish this association before, because Director Xiao Shuo did not come back."

"You know that Vice President Tian hates Chinese medicine so much, but now that President Xiao Shuo came back, some people started to want to set up this association, and even applied for a laboratory. I think you can do it, Sister Su'er." go."

(End of this chapter)

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