Chapter 705
Chapter 705
Bai Qingyue felt that the place where Lin Su'er touched her face with her fingers just now was numb for an instant. This was a scene she had dreamed countless times in her dreams, and now it finally came true before her eyes. She was very excited and complicated. Today is a farewell On that day, she and Lin Shan met for the fifth and last time.

Bai Qingyue wiped away the tears from her face and pushed Lin Su'er out of the room, "Wait for me."

Lin Su'er stood at the door, looking at her new clothes, with mixed emotions in her heart, it seems that she can't help others casually in the future, and she can't pretend to be a boy casually, if she gets into another love debt, she won't I know how many people I have to apologize to.

After waiting for half an hour, Bai Qingyue came out of the room, and she became her usual appearance again, with exquisite makeup, hair curled with a splint, wearing a haute couture skirt, with sheepskin on her feet High heel.

Now she is the one Lin Su'er is familiar with, the arrogant and domineering young lady of the Bai family.

Bai Qingyue held Lin Su'er's hand, "Let's go, go shopping and eat with me, you don't have to spend a whole day with me, you just need to accompany me and finish what I want to do."

"Okay." Lin Su'er opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she just said this word.

Bai Qingyue took her straight to the mall, and accompanied by Lin Suer, she bought a lot of things. After trying on each piece of clothing, she had to ask Lin Suer's opinion seriously, and she would only buy it if she said it looked good.

"Miss Bai, your clothes, is this your boyfriend?" The clerk handed the packed clothes to Bai Qingyue, and glanced at Lin Su'er next to her.

Bai Qingyue said happily, "Yes, that's my boyfriend."

Lin Su'er, who was beside her, heard her such a happy answer, and never said a word.

Lin Su'er accompanied Bai Qingyue to go shopping and drink all day, and even walked all the way back to Bai's house with her on the road.

Bai Qingyue was at the gate of Bai's house, let go of Lin Su'er's hand, turned around and faced her, "I had a great time today, don't you have something to tell me, go ahead, tell me when you're done." There's nothing left."

Lin Su'er knew what she was talking about, she just wanted to use Lin Shan's face to end everything, Lin Su'er swallowed, and said seriously, "Bai Qingyue, from now on we will never see each other again, Lin Shan will officially Get out of your life and you'll never see him again."

When Bai Qingyue heard this, her throat was sore for some reason, and she finally nodded with red eyes, "Okay, I know, we will never see each other again, I wish you happiness!"

She put down these words, turned around and ran into the Bai family villa, looked at her back, felt that she was already very sad, Lin Suer frowned, raised her hand to look at the time, it was almost time for the training class , and now rushing over to Yi Rong Pill just disappeared the effect.

Lin Su'er ran to the public restroom and changed into men's clothes, and then took a taxi to the training class. When she arrived, she was already late. She didn't care about other things and ran quickly to the classroom, directly ignoring the strange scene that the receptionist wasn't even there today. .

But after she stepped into the classroom, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why is it so strange today? It is indeed the time for class. Why is there no one in the classroom? Could it be that everyone is late collectively?

Lin Su'er was puzzled but couldn't figure it out, so she could only sit down in the first row, thinking that if she waited a little longer, someone might come.

"Boom!" Lin Su'er just sat down on her seat, when she suddenly heard a loud noise, she ran in just now, the door was closed tightly, as if it was forcibly closed from the outside, she quickly turned her head towards the back door He looked, but found a somewhat familiar woman standing there.

She looks very young, at most 30 years old, looking at the mature and charming wavy hair, wearing a smart suit, a very beautiful and elegant woman, Lin Su'er suddenly felt that she looked familiar, frowned and thought carefully, suddenly Recalling the photos I have seen before, this is Bo Qingang's mother.

At that time, the Bo family had a party. Lin Su'er had seen the family portrait of the Bo family, and she was the one who saw the photo of the woman with sunglasses on the yacht at sea last time. At that time, she couldn't remember who it was. , I remembered it in an instant.

Bo Qingang also saw the photo at the time, but he didn't say a word, but quickly put the photo back into his wallet, so that means, he knew that his mother was Katharina!

After integrating all the information, Lin Su'er came to this conclusion in her heart, stood up slowly from her seat, walked in front of Katharina and looked at her, "You..."

"You've finally taken the bait. It seems that you can't wait any longer than I do. If I had known about this, I wouldn't have planned to hold this training course. It's all for you, you know? You made me put a lot of effort into it!"

Katharina interrupted Lin Su'er, with a smile on her face that Lin Su'er couldn't understand.

"You held this training class purely to get me hooked?" Lin Su'er suddenly realized something, her eyes turned and she ran forward quickly.

Katharina curled her lips and said, "It's too late, did you just realize it now? Aren't you very smart? I thought it would be difficult to deal with you, but I didn't expect you to be smart for the rest of your life. I was confused for a while."

Katharina turned sideways while talking, and many bodyguards ran out from behind her, surrounding Lin Su'er.

Lin Su'er realized that today was just a game set up by Katharina, she was looking for her all the time, and she was also trying to catch herself.

She took out gold needles from her bag and held them between her two hands. Although there were so many bodyguards, she was not confident that she would be able to defeat them, but after all, she couldn't just catch them without a fight, she still had to fight hard.

When several bodyguards saw the gold needle in her hand, they smiled disdainfully, and shot at the same time, Lin Su'er had no room to react, even if she had eaten the fruit in the medicine spirit jade space, and her reaction was faster than others, she couldn't stand up to so many people , Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that these are well-trained bodyguards, not ordinary people.

There was no need to fight at all, she was captured directly, Katharina had been prepared for a long time, she had expected that Lin Su'er would use gold needles, and all the acupuncture points of these bodyguards were covered with iron plates, even if she really It's so powerful, and it can't be inserted into their acupuncture points at all.

Catharina looked at Lin Su'er who was captured by several bodyguards, walked in front of her triumphantly, stretched out her hand and raised her chin, "You are indeed beautiful, maybe God will give preferential treatment to people who are beautiful, Maybe it's something else?"

"Today I will figure out the reason and bring her back to the manor!"

As soon as she gave an order, several bodyguards picked up Lin Su'er and walked out of the training class.

(End of this chapter)

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