Chapter 716

Chapter 716

Xiao Shuo knew about the Ang family's return to China Mainland, so he said to Lin Su'er without any hesitation, "Su'er, you have to go to meet your grandparents!"

"Why?" Lin Su'er hadn't decided yet, she didn't know if she would scare her grandparents by going so abruptly, and to be honest, they were two people she was not familiar with.

"When your mother eloped with me, she kept saying that she felt sorry for her parents. They raised her so big, but she left them and walked away with me. I kept telling her that after you were born, you would Take you back to Ang's house to plead guilty, they can kill or cut them up, I will bear it all."

"In short, let your mother be able to be filial to her parents, and not let her be condemned by conscience for the rest of her life. Now that your mother has passed away, she can no longer be filial to your grandparents. We must help her complete her filial piety. Wish, and you should also want to see your grandparents."

Xiao Shuo encouraged Lin Suer to go back and meet her grandparents. After hearing what he said, Lin Suer didn't want her mother to have any regrets. After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! If you don’t believe that I am their granddaughter, I will go to them and explain what happened back then.”

"En." Xiao Shuo looked at her and nodded in satisfaction, Qingqiu!You really gave birth to a good girl, who always thinks of you, you can feel at ease in another world...

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Outside a luxurious manor in mainland China, there are three floors of reporters surrounded by reporters. They all want to interview this mysterious Chinese rich family: the Ang family.

In a room on the second floor of the manor, in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows stood a young girl, wearing a pure white long dress, holding a wine glass, looking at the reporters in the distance through the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a mysterious look on her lips. smile.

Lin Su'er, even if you take everything from me, what's the use?I can also take everything from you and make all your relatives think that I am you, so that I can sit in this manor dignifiedly, and you are just an orphan without parents.

The girl's face could not be seen clearly because of the sunlight, but she could see her back, wrapped in a tight dress, outlining such a beautiful body curve.

She raised the red wine glass and took a sip gently, the whole movement was full of elegance.

"Dong dong..."

The door was knocked from the outside, and after the girl said please come in, a servant dressed in a maid's costume walked in and said respectfully to her, "Miss, the master said to let you go down for an interview, officially announced The heir of our Ang family."

"Okay, I see." The girl put down her wine glass, and started to touch up her lipstick facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. She put on a bright red color, and she was full of aura at first glance. She is the protagonist today, and no one will compete for it. Yes, won it.

"Let's go!" The girl stomped on her high-heeled shoes and went downstairs, ready to stand in front of all the reporters. After being tested by the flashlight, she showed the most standard eight-teeth smile.

"Master Ang, this time you are back in the Chinese mainland, are you going to carry out any important projects, or do you have to announce something important here?" The reporters handed the microphone to the old man of the Ang family.

"I came back here because this is our hometown and the root of our family. I am old! Of course I want to come back here, and I also want to announce the successor of our Ang family in my hometown."

The old man of the Ang family was wearing a Chinese tunic suit. Although his hair was already grey, he combed it meticulously, and he looked full of spirit. Standing there, he knew that when he was young, he must have been a man who ruled the shopping malls. The sound is like a bell.

When the reporters heard him say the word heir, paparazzi lights lit up in their eyes.

"The old man heard a long time ago that you only have one daughter. The daughter married the young master of the Bo family and gave birth to Young Master Bo. You have no other sons or grandchildren. Who is the heir you want to announce?"

"Could it be...have you given birth to a child again these years?"

"Old man, will you let your grandson Bo Qingang inherit the family property?"

All the reporters still think that Bo Qingang is the grandson of the Ang family. When the old man of the Ang family was young, he only gave birth to a young lady, Ang Qingqiu, and the young lady only gave birth to a child, Bo Qingang. It really is a right to inherit.

If Young Master Bo really inherited the Ang family, and the Ang family and the Bo family were together, then his property and status would be unshakable. All the reporters expected that the old man of the Ang family would say Bo Qingang's name.

Unexpectedly, the old man of the Ang family suddenly smiled, turned around and looked at the spiral staircase behind him, and a girl in a white dress came down gracefully, with long black hair hanging over her shoulders, and a custom-made crystal on her feet. Shoes, every place reveals luxury

The old man stretched out his hand towards her, and the girl smiled and walked to the old man's side step by step, put her hand on his hand, and called out sweetly, "Grandpa!"

The moment they saw the girl, all the reporters exclaimed and frantically pressed the shutter to take pictures of this scene.

Holding the girl's hand, the old man looked at the cameras of all the reporters and announced loudly, "This is the future heir of our Ang family, my granddaughter who has been living abroad for many years: Xiao Mengqiu!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone took pictures frantically. Everyone knew that Xiao Mengqiu, a talented girl, was adopted by Xiao Shuo from the orphanage. The granddaughter who has been away for many years, does that mean she is the daughter of the only young lady of the Ang family?
The news was so explosive that all the reporters felt that this was a script that even an idol drama could not write. The reporters discussed it while filming.

"Let me just say, this Xiao Mengqiu was born with a face of wealth and honor. She was born as a rich lady. Even if she was living outside, she was adopted by Xiao Shuo. Now that she returns to her home, she should resume her original status as a princess."

"Look how beautiful Xiao Mengqiu is, it's not ordinary when you stand there."

"That's right! Look at Ang Qingqiu and the old man of the Ang family. Look at the eyes and outline."

"The assets of the Ang family are no less than those of the Bo family, right? After the Ang family came to China, the richest man in China can't be called the Bo family."

Xiao Mengqiu kept the most elegant smile all the time, asked the reporters to take pictures, and said slowly after a few minutes, "Hello everyone, from today onwards, you will not only be the talented medical girl Xiao Mengqiu in front of you, but also Ms. Sun from the Ang family. , My current surname is Xiao, in order to repay my adoptive father's kindness in nurturing, I will change my surname after I have coordinated with him."

(End of this chapter)

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