Chapter 722 Molesting With Your Heart

Chapter 722 Molesting With Your Heart

"Is...really?" The driver still didn't believe it, thinking secretly in his heart, could it be that Mr. Bo's girlfriend can read minds, it's a bit scary!

Oh no, I can't think about it anymore, it will be miserable if she reads the thoughts in my heart again later.

Lin Su'er was sitting in the back seat of the car, listening to the driver's words with extremely rich inner activities, she couldn't help but snickered.

Bo Qing'ang put down the phone and hugged Lin Su'er's shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "Su'er, you are very wrong today, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I'll tell you later, and Bo Shao, don't you have any inner activities?"

Lin Su'er lay down directly on Bo Qingang's chest, trying to hear his inner thoughts, but she still couldn't hear anything.

"Everyone has inner activities, but my heart is not fragile enough to be heard casually, why? Su'er, do you really want me to be a fragile person?"

When Bo Qing'ang was speaking, she reached out and stroked the hair of Lin Su'er, who was like a kitten crawling on her chest, her tone was extremely doting.

"En." Lin Su'er raised her head, thinking that Bo Qingang's words awakened the dreamer. She was always thinking about the difference between those people she could hear clearly and those who couldn't hear clearly. Now she heard what Bo Qingang said. , she felt a little enlightened, maybe it was what Bo Qingang said: the difference between a strong heart and a weak heart.

Bo Qing'ang's heart is indeed very strong, even if he is poisoned by the cold, he can still hold on, and he can't hear his heartfelt voice, and the previous Xia Xiaonan and that girl should be fragile and sensitive little girls.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Su'er thinks it should be like this. After thinking about it carefully, everyone who heard her voice seemed to be irritable and irritable, or they were relatively inferior and introverted. This is really the law, it seems that she has found the correct way to use this fruit.

Lin Suer followed Bo Qingang to his villa, and kept staring at Bo Qingang curiously. His heart was so strong that he couldn't hear what he was thinking at all, but the more he couldn't hear him, the more curious Lin Suer became.

Bo Qingang was sitting on the sofa and having a video conference, and Lin Suer was staring at him all the time, really wanting to know what was going on in his heart, it was too mysterious, two people have been together for so long I have had the closest relationship, but I can't read his heart even after eating this fruit.

"Su'er, do you really want to know what I'm thinking?" Bo Qing'ang turned off the video conference and looked up at Lin Su'er beside her.

"I don't really want to, I'm just a little curious. Bo Shao, you are so mysterious that I can't understand you. I can hear the voices of many people, but I can't hear you."

Lin Su'er propped her chin with both hands, and stared at Bo Qing'ang curiously, really wanting to find out what was going on in his heart.

Bo Qing raised her eyebrows, pulled Lin Suer over to let her sit on her lap, and put Lin Suer's hand on his chest, letting Lin Suer feel his heartbeat, and said softly, "Then you now Can you hear me?"

Lin Su'er looked at him, and actually heard Bo Qing'ang's inner voice now, but Lin Su'er was a little embarrassed by his inner thoughts.

"Su'er is so cute. I'll give her whatever she wants. If she just wants to listen to the voice in my heart, then let her guard down and let her listen to it well enough that she can listen to it for the rest of her life."

Lin Su'er felt a little hot on her face, she immediately took her hands away from Bo Qing'ang's chest, and looked at him strangely, "Young Master Bo, you are so powerful, you can even control your own inner voice, can you let me hear it?"

"Of course!" Bo Qing'ang said and directly pressed Lin Su'er on the sofa, with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth, Lin Su'er looked at him, and couldn't help being a little defensive.

"Why do you look at me with this expression and feel like you have bad intentions." Lin Su'er said it directly after thinking about it.

"Su'er, didn't you say that you can hear other people's voices? You should have heard them just now. Now listen to what I'm thinking."

Lin Suer frowned slightly and calmed down, listening carefully to the voice in Bo Qingang's heart now, but what Bo Qingang was thinking in her heart now made her blush more easily than just now.

When I saw Su'er, I couldn't control it, I just wanted to throw her down, she is a charming little fairy, I guess I have already been fascinated by her.

Bo Qingang would never say such things, but now that Lin Su'er heard the voice in his heart, she couldn't help being a little surprised. Is this cold President Bo so full of inner drama?To think of such words makes people unbearably shy.

Lin Su'er's face was getting hotter and hotter, she turned her head away from Bo Qing'ang, put her finger on his chest and said, "Can you stop pressing me down, I came to you today because I have something to tell you .”

"Really? Then Su'er, you just listen to my heart, I don't need to talk to you." Bo Qing'ang didn't get up, but moved closer to Lin Su'er's face.

It may be that the distance between the two of them is too close, and the voices in Bo Qing'ang's heart seem to be exploding in her ears, one after another.

"Seeing Su'er by my side, I can't help but want to eat her up. How can I stay away from her?"

"Su'er, do you know how charming you are? It feels like the air around you is sweet."

Lin Su'er heard the thoughts in his heart, and felt that the usual sweet and earthy love words, which Bo Qingang would not say, were all displayed in his heart.

Listening to these sweet and tiresome love words, Lin Su'er couldn't take it anymore, and covered her ears with her hands, "Okay, okay, I won't listen, I won't listen, let me go, and don't let me go anymore Let me hear it, I know you can control your own defenses, please build yourself up with steel and concrete! Don't let me hear a single word."

"But didn't you want to hear it just now? I won't be defensive in front of you in the future. You can listen to my heart whenever you want, as long as you like it." Bo Qingang moved closer to Lin Su'er, and He rubbed his nose lightly on her face.

Lin Su'er felt goosebumps spread all the way down from the place where Bo Qingang rubbed, and half of her body became numb. Bo Qingang is so alluring, when did she learn these tricks?

"Young Master Bo, you are usually in the company, when did you learn to be so nasty?" Lin Su'er squinted her eyes and looked directly at him.

"When you see Su'er, you can learn without a teacher. You don't need to learn." Bo Qingang's lips brushed the corner of Lin Su'er's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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