Chapter 727 Excessive Weight Loss
Chapter 727 Excessive Weight Loss
"You, what are you..." She felt that Lin Su'er was too scary to tell all the projects she had planned, and she even knew what was going on in her heart. She was indeed planning to finish filming the movie , and immediately went to the hospital to have her chin fixed, but this was just a thought in her heart, and she didn't even tell her manager, how could Lin Su'er know about it.

She stuttered and couldn't speak, she really didn't know what to say, how could she know?Isn't this the 300 taels of silver here, so you don't ask yourself?
After trembling for a long time, she finally uttered a complete sentence, "Why do you say that I have undergone plastic surgery? I have already said that you can show evidence, but if you can't, I will definitely sue you for defamation."

Lin Su'er got a headache from her quarrel, rubbed her temples and looked at her, "I said before, if you want to sue, you can sue, but be careful that your fans know that you are a fake, then maybe you I can’t stay in the entertainment circle anymore.”

"Let me remind you for the last time, don't bother me anymore. If another person intentionally comes to punish me, and I find out that you ordered it, then I will definitely make you pay a heavier price."

After saying this, Lin Su'er turned around and left her room, leaving Song Xiaoting alone, jumping in anger at the door of the room but helpless, she said that she was going to sue Lin Su'er for defamation, and she was purely talking about scaring Lin Su'er, she didn't She didn't dare to sue, she wouldn't take it for granted when the time came for a plastic surgery appraisal.

Lin Suer walked all the way back to the room. There were many rooms between her and Song Xiaoting's room. On the way back to her own room, she met a girl from the same crew. The two of them seemed to have no rivalry. The character's lines are even less than Lin Suer's, and she won't play until the end.

But this actress is much better than other actors, at least she didn't take Song Xiaoting's side to target Lin Su'er, and she seemed a little strange, as long as she was on camera today, she seemed extremely unconfident, seeing the camera Staring at her will cause her eyes to look around, causing her scenes to be retaken many times.

The two met in the corridor, Lin Su'er was about to greet her, but she watched her leaning on the wall with her hands, and fell backward weakly in the next second, Lin Su'er immediately supported her quickly, and asked anxiously , "What's the matter with you, are you okay?"

Lin Su'er looked at her with her spiritual eyes, and found that the girl's whole body was surrounded by a faint black mist, which was different from the gray mist that lingers when ordinary people are sick. It was black, indicating that her current body was extremely weak.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry. I want to go for a run to lose weight, but it seems that I can't go now."

"Are you crazy? You're skinny and you're still losing weight? Go, I'll take you back to your room." Lin Suer picked her up and sent her back to the room. After putting her on the sofa in the room, Lin Su'er took out a health-enhancing pill from the medicine spirit space and fed it to her.

But when she felt that something was being fed to her mouth, she subconsciously shook her head, "I can't eat, I'm too fat, if I get fatter, I won't look good on camera, no director would like to ask me to make a movie."

Lin Su'er frowned, wanting to see what was going on in the little girl's heart. She was so thin that she still felt fat. She calmed down carefully, but found that she didn't listen to anything. Just like when she was with Bo Qingang, she didn't express her innermost thoughts.

But the actress in front of me is obviously not in the same situation as Bo Qingang. Bo Qingang's heart is too strong, and it is impossible for everyone to hear his voice, while this actress must be too weak and inferior. I completely closed myself off and didn't want to talk to anyone, that's why I couldn't hear it.

"Is your name Rong Ling'er? Don't worry, this is medicine. It can temporarily relieve your top-heavy feeling of weakness, and it can also increase your satiety. Without any fat, you won't gain weight!"

Rong Ling'er felt much relieved when she heard Lin Su'er's words. She opened her mouth and swallowed the medicine she handed over, and leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed. After a few seconds, she slowed down and opened her eyes, looking at Lin Su'er weakly, "Thank you , I feel better now."

"You haven't eaten dinner, have you? Otherwise, it's impossible to get dizzy like this. Since you didn't eat dinner and didn't take in any calories, why do you still think about going for a run? You are already very tired from filming all day." Lin Su'er Sitting next to her and frowning at her, he couldn't figure out why she pushed herself so hard?
This Rong Linger looks about 1.6 meters five, but definitely less than ninety catties, the whole person is really thin without any flesh, the collarbone is deeply sunken, and because there is no collagen on the face, even the cheekbones are very thin Prominent, can no longer be thinner.

"Because I am fat, the agency said that the current entertainment industry is very competitive. If you are an actress, if you are ugly, no one will film you even if you are good at acting. If I still want to take the actor's path, You have to get thinner and look better, so they told me to lose weight, and said if I couldn’t lose weight, they would take me to plastic surgery, but I didn’t want plastic surgery.”

When Rong Ling'er spoke, she looked very painful, and her whole face was tangled together.

"You may have been fat before, and the agency asked you to lose weight, but now they are still asking? You are really not fat now. You can compare with other actresses in the crew. You are thinner than them."

When Lin Su'er was talking, she stared at her two straight and thin legs, and saw that her thighs were almost as thin as some people's hands.

"But they look better than me. Even if I am a little thinner than before, I still can't compare with them. Otherwise, why would I only get such a small role, and I have to take a boxed lunch to go home halfway, you Look at you, and look at Song Xiaoting, you are both thin and beautiful, that's why you can get important roles, right?"

"Especially Song Xiaoting, she was able to get the number one role as soon as she debuted, all because of his good looks."

Rong Ling'er seemed extremely inferior when she spoke, and her two fingers were very tangled together. She really cared about her face and figure.

"You really can't lose weight anymore. Now you are extremely thin. If you continue to lose weight, you will get sick. Besides, you are very beautiful now. You must face up to your own beauty, and don't always live under the shadow of inferiority complex!"

(End of this chapter)

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