Chapter 731 Only I Can See

Chapter 731 Only I Can See

Song Xiaoting was very angry when she heard her words, but she still couldn't just sit idly by. After all, she had been following her for so many days to flatter her, and if it was just a script, she still needed help, so she gave her the script. Lin Su'er went to copy.

After Lin Su'er got the copied script, she looked at the group of actresses with Song Xiaoting around her, and reminded: "This is the last time, don't make any small moves next time, I have already seen through your coffee, clothes and script , do you think other things are still useful? Make a good filming, have this little time to ponder your acting skills, don't always come to my idea."

After saying this, he turned around and went back to the room, leaving a few actresses standing there aggrieved.

"What the hell is so arrogant, who does she think she is?"

"That's too much, do you really think she can cover the sky with one hand?"

Listening to what they said, Song Xiaoting was furious, and said with a sullen face, "It's not all of you! I told you last time, and I will put her there as air in the future, don't worry about her, anyway, she is just There's nothing wrong with a female No. [-], you don't even have to bring her to the promotional conference, but you guys still want to punish her."

Hearing what she said, the actresses immediately closed their mouths and bowed their heads. Song Xiaoting had been instilling in them the idea of ​​teasing Lin Suer before, and they had long wanted to make fun of her, especially these days After Lin Su'er was gone, many scenes had to be adjusted according to her time. She was also a young actor, why she was so arrogant, everyone was a little upset.

But after Lin Su'er reminded them, they had no other thoughts, so let's treat her like air, since they wouldn't see her a few times a week anyway.


Lin Su'er filmed the scene for a whole day, because she can read other people's voices, so she went to the director's side before filming, and had a thorough understanding of all the effects he wanted to present in his heart, and many of them were just passed.

Even though she only comes to shoot two days a week, the role of the third female lead is not very important. She just passes one, and the process of filming in one day is very fast.

"OK, Xinxin, let's call it a day." The director gestured towards her.

"Thank you director, then I'll leave first, everyone has worked hard." Lin Su'er thanked politely, then turned and walked towards the dressing room, ready to take off her makeup and go back to the room to sleep, but when she was halfway there, she heard a commotion. A few screams were hidden.

"Ah! I saw Bo Shao outside just now. He is so handsome! He is tall, about 1.9 meters, and a group of bodyguards walked in from the outside to surround him. Is he from the set?"

"Where is it? Why did he come to the crew? Who is he looking for? Could it be the director? Or some actor?"

"I don't know. We're the only one filming here. Does Mr. Bo want to invest in a movie?"

"What kind of movie does he invest in? He needs to come to the set to watch it. What's more, our movie is invested by the Ang family, okay? I guess it's really for some actress."

Lin Su'er heard their discussion from the side, frowned, and walked quickly towards the dressing room, she had to quickly remove her makeup and leave, otherwise it would be bad if they found out that Bo Qingang came to look for her. If the reporter took pictures of her changed appearance after taking the Yi Rong Pill, it might be said that Bo Qingang had cheated, and she would have no peace when she went to class.

Thinking of this, Lin Su'er almost trotted into the dressing room. She was still wearing the costume for filming. In the play, they were studying in an aristocratic school. Even universities have school uniforms. Now Lin Su'er is wearing a super short pleated skirt , white shirt and tie around the neck.

The girl's body was tightly wrapped, outlining her perfect curves, and a pair of long straight and white legs were exposed to the air.

This drama selects some young actresses. Everyone is at a good age. Wearing such clothes can already attract a large number of audiences. Even if the plot is not good, some people will want to come and see this group Actresses, all dressed in school uniforms.

Lin Su'er was about to change her clothes when she heard footsteps outside the dressing room, the sound of neat leather shoes stepping on the ground, and finally stopped at the door of the dressing room.

You don't need to think about it, it must be Bo Qingang's bodyguards who blocked the door of the dressing room again. When Lin Su'er was helpless, she heard the doorknob of the dressing room move. The voice rang out.

"Su'er, it's me, open the door!"

Lin Su'er walked to the door of the dressing room, opened the door a little and looked left and right, Bo Qing'ang seemed to have driven the entire production crew aside, only him and his bodyguard were in the corridor of the dressing room. No one else on the set did.

Lin Su'er pulled Bo Qing'ang in and looked at him, "What are you doing! I told you that I changed my appearance after taking the Yirong Pill and came in to film. If you came to look for me, everyone would be very surprised. ! Is there something important?"

Bo Qing'ang ignored her words, but looked Lin Su'er up and down, and finally set her eyes on Lin Su'er's clean and straight legs, and finally said coldly, "Why do you have to dress like this?"

"Huh? These are costumes. Is it strange for actors to wear suits for filming? All the actresses in the whole group are dressed like this. Didn't you see it?"

"So that means that other people also saw you wearing such a school uniform? When your movie is shown in theaters, more people will see it, right?"

Bo Qingang's words were cold, but there was a sour taste in them, and it was jealous at first glance.

Lin Su'er looked at him a little funny, "Young Master Bo, my face is not my own at all, even if it is put in a movie theater, no one will know it is me, not to mention that it should be covered up. , no waist, no breasts, and all the actresses in the group are dressed like this, is there anything strange?"

"You just can't dress like this!" After Bo Qingang finished speaking domineeringly, he grabbed Lin Su'er's waist, looked straight at her with both eyes, and repeated, "No!"

Lin Su'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she wrapped her arms around Bo Qing'ang's neck, "But there's no way, Young Master Bo! I'm not the director."

"I'll send someone to tell the director that you don't want to dress like this anymore. I can only see your legs!"

After Bo Qing'ang finished speaking, his expression was a bit fierce, but he just bit Lin Su'er's lip lightly to express his dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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